Neighbours staying up all night? Barking dogs? Inappropriate language in front of your children? We discuss your rights and the action you can take.
September's Most Popular Articles...
Your Rights on Trees & Overhanging Branches:
Trees can add a great deal of splendour to a garden. They could be fruit bearing trees, a place in which to retreat to the shade… [33032 views in Sep]
What Can we do About a Neighbour's CCTV Camera?:
The main laws surrounding the use Of CCTV are contained within the Data Protection Act 1998 but these do not cover domestic… [25470 views in Sep]
Protection from Harassment:
Nobody has to suffer persecution or harassment from their neighbours, no matter what has motivated the perpetrator to do this to you in the first place, and… [22120 views in Sep]
Problems With Neighbouring Trees: Action Guide:
If your property shares a boundary with a neighbour's property, there are a few aspects of the law (and good neighbourliness) that… [22026 views in Sep]
Dealing with Barking Dogs:
It’s important to realise that barking is a dog’s means of communication. You might be surprised to know that the vast majority of people will tolerate a dog’s… [20924 views in Sep]
What Can we do About our Neighbour's Noisy Dogs?:
Persistent dog barking is not acceptable by law but before you take any formal action, it might be worth visiting your neighbours… [17538 views in Sep]
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Sikp Re: Your Rights Under the Noise Act 1996
We have a son with ADHD and mild learning difficulties, impulsive behaviour, not excuseing other family's,
He will have…