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Plans to Speed Up Evictions for Problem Neighbour

By: Sarah Clark (ILEX) - Updated: 2 Sep 2023 | comments*Discuss
Neighbours Tenants Eviction Antisocial

If you’re suffering badly from the curse of the neighbours from hell, you may be able to breathe a sigh of relief very soon, due to the prospect of new legislation that will enable beleaguered residents to get their stress-inducing neighbours evicted speedily for causing a real nuisance.

The process of getting a problem neighbour evicted has been painfully slow in the past, even when neighbours have been involved in really antisocial behaviour, and under new rules, certain ‘offences’ will automatically give the authorities greater powers to evict troublemakers, especially if the problem neighbours are indulging in illegal activities.

It’s been estimated that around 3000 tenants a year are subject to eviction proceedings because of their antisocial behaviour, but the process of actually evicting them is lengthy and can take up to seven months. This means that the behaviour carries on, making the lives of the other residents a misery and giving the troublemakers even more opportunity to wreak havoc.

Evicting problem tenants is also extremely expensive – in some complex cases ousting a 'neighbour from hell' can cost in excess of £20,000.

Examples of Antisocial Behaviour

As recently as July 2011, it was reported that an Oxford family had finally been evicted following two whole years of complaints from their neighbours about their swearing, loud music, fighting and even allegations about prostitution. In Peterborough an elderly woman claimed that she had become a prisoner in her own home for ten months after a new neighbour moved in and began a hate campaign against her.

What Are the Plans?

Housing minister Grant Shapps announced at the beginning of August 2011 that he planned to dramatically speed up court processes – some of which have been known to take over a year. To counteract this, he plans to introduce new mandatory possession powers which will allow any past convictions that a problem tenant has for serious anti-social behaviour to trigger off eviction proceedings. This should mean that the process of evicting antisocial neighbours will be sped up and give the rest of the neighbourhood a break from their antics.

Some of the offences which are likely to trigger eviction proceedings are:

  • Any breach of a previous anti-social behaviour injunction, if it was taken out by a social landlord (the rules won’t apply to private tenants or home-owners)
  • Any conviction for a serious housing-related offence – these would include criminal damage, violent behaviour against neighbours or drug dealing.
  • Closure under a closure order - for example in cases where a tenant has been using a property for dealing drugs.
Some of the powers being brought in to make life more bearable for residents, councils and housing associations include mandatory grounds for possession in cases of people who have an established track record of antisocial behaviour.

These specific types of anti-social behaviour order will also be recognised in both criminal and civil courts, which will cut out the need for two sets of legal proceedings against troublesome tenants who have been indulging in criminal behaviour.

Why are The Government Taking Action Now?

The government have realised the misery that can be caused to law-abiding and considerate tenants just through the actions of an antisocial few, and have decided to level up the playing field and stop taking the rights of the people causing the problems more seriously than those who blatantly abuse their neighbours.

It’s been decided that in extreme cases, faster action is needed to avoid situations where an entire neighbourhood becomes a no-go area, and the area goes downhill, just because of the actions of one family or even one tenant.

Ministers are also keen to introduce probationary tenancies that will last for up to a year, enabling local authorities and housing associations to throw out problem tenants easily if they don’t behave properly and respect their neighbours.

Neighbours From Hell in Britain

The moves have been welcomed by pressure group Neighbours From Hell in Britain, who champion the rights of residents blighted with problem neighbours. The group said that its members had been overwhelmingly supportive of any changes in the law which gave the police, councils and courts the powers to act swiftly.

A spokesperson for the group said that individuals who were, or had been, living with problem neighbours agreed that the current legal process in place to deal with a neighbour from hell takes far too long. He added that the process didn’t support the 'victim' of the behaviour. A survey of 1000 victims revealed that half didn’t actually believe that antisocial behaviour orders made a difference, and said that noisy neighbours were the biggest problem.


A government consultation, ‘A new mandatory power of possession for anti-social behaviour’ is available online on the Communities and local Government website. The deadline for responses to the consultation is 5pm on Thursday 27 October 2011.

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My elderly neighbour is making my life hell. By threatening behaviour, bullying. Swearing. I can’t allow my cat to go outside. She is know attempting to get my dog took of me. She watches, times me every time I go out. To the extent that she has cut the hedge back so she can see me going out. She has also caused problems with other neighbours. I am disabled and suffer from depression, anxiety and P.t.s.d. Due to being in a controlled abuse relationship. I live alone, and I am completely isolated. And at 04:22 on the September the 2nd. I cannot take anymore. I just want peace.The neighbour has made me so ill. I can’t carry on anymore.
Mel - 2-Sep-23 @ 4:26 AM
I have mental health and I have been having problems with my neighbour she has verbal attacked me my man my teen daughter my mum that is 71. I can't sit in my back garden and enjoy my life without her screaming and saying she will get people to me and my family. She even had my 11 year daughter with autism crying and shaking. Called the police over five times to her but nothing even the housing is doing nothing but telling her to not say anything if we are out in our own garden but she doesn't listen to anyone. Her and her man a people she has round all smoke weed and I'm sick of it. I loved in a flat for nearly 10 years. Now I have a house with my own back garden I can't enjoy it I'm feel trapped. She acts like she runs the place. I wish she would be kicked out as my kids can live their life's afraid if they walk out the back garden she will scream at them and it's beautiful and sunny.
Pam - 19-Jun-23 @ 5:53 PM
I have had a terrible time since new neighbor'scc line moved next door. Will post about this Cukoo feed me feed mehas got this small village estate in ruins. 20 years of part peaceful tenancy, ruined by a Greedy 30 year old, lying thieving mother of 2 children who r trained up to do same, ""Extra Cash "" is her Cry ! , spying listning recording me Audio 24/7, looking in windows, to see where i put things , u can hear a pill drop with the basic cheap Android / tablets amazon, cheap listining devices. Gotta bestopped. I am a physical wreck after years of operations, to come home to all my essentials stolen & her brother in laws picture on my cctv web cam. She had him installed in here, and out as soon as she got tipped off, on my return from hospital.The council have been informed.
Butterfly12 - 19-Jun-23 @ 4:10 AM
I have nightmare neighbours drug dealing party's all the time in 1 bed flat and she is smoking weed causing the old lady next door to feel sick and ill how can they get away with drugging a learning disabilities old lady its disgusting and they just laugh we get no sleep.its druggie and party flat
Loz - 10-Apr-23 @ 4:45 PM
Well I’m on the other foot ,we moved in to our property 9 weeksago and my Neighbours have complained to our council that we are having a loud music in our garden, 1 explained yes We are having music because we are doing the hide up but the music is not loud !!!And only from 5-9 pm then the work finishes what am I do about that ???
Jojo - 31-Jul-22 @ 11:17 AM
I have been living next door to the neighbour from hell for just over 2 years now. It all started after 10 days from moving in with loud music until 4am. I thought this was strange as when I bid for the property it was listed as sensitive let. I asked the council what was meant by that and was told the lady below doesn’t like noise, I thought well that’s fine because myself and my boys aren’t noisy. After that it got worse with her going outside screaming and smashing things in her garden. She then started throwing my recycling bin over, kicking my front door and spitting. She then started following me, then damaged my car, threatened to cut my throat, the list goes on. I got chatting to the neighbours and they told me she assaulted the previous tenant and the council moved them. I was shocked as they put me and my family in danger knowing what she had previously done. I just couldn’t believe the council weren’t honest with me. I’ve been signed off work for stress and prescribed sleet tablets. I feel anxious all the time and I can’t leave my home without creeping out quietly. I even have neighbours walk me to my front door when I arrive home from work. Anyway, after numerous calls to the police and council she has finally been charged with harassment and she pleaded guilty, I’m just waiting for her to be sentenced. She has also been served a possession notice by the council so just waiting for a court date for her eviction. Please, please, please do not give up. Keep fighting like I did, it will be worth it in the end.
Ange - 1-May-22 @ 9:58 AM
I have been living next door to the neighbour from hell for just over 2 years now. It all started after 10 days from moving in with loud music until 4am. I thought this was strange as when I bid for the property it was listed as sensitive let. I asked the council what was meant by that and was told the lady below doesn’t like noise, I thought well that’s fine because myself and my boys aren’t noisy. After that it got worse with her going outside screaming and smashing things in her garden. She then started throwing my recycling bin over, kicking my front door and spitting. She then started following me, then damaged my car, threatened to cut my throat, the list goes on. I got chatting to the neighbours and they told me she assaulted the previous tenant and the council moved them. I was shocked as they put me and my family in danger knowing what she had previously done. I just couldn’t believe the council weren’t honest with me. I’ve been signed off work for stress and prescribed sleet tablets. I feel anxious all the time and I can’t leave my home without creeping out quietly. I even have neighbours walk me to my front door when I arrive home from work. Anyway, after numerous calls to the police and council she has finally been charged with harassment and she pleaded guilty, I’m just waiting for her to be sentenced. She has also been served a possession notice by the council so just waiting for a court date for her eviction. Please, please, please do not give up. Keep fighting like I did, it will be worth it in the end.
Ange - 30-Apr-22 @ 8:46 PM
I just moved here 3 months ago. Everyday is loud TV, loud music, screeming, arguments, party's till 5 in the morning, I was trying everything, Council, police do nothing and they laugh in my face that police and council will do nothing So I'm looking for new house. I have a baby 15 months, she need me happy not stressed
Ola - 28-Apr-22 @ 12:52 PM
My neighbour assaulted two young men I was a witness and made a statement He was arrested and charged when released from the police station on bail He came looking for me tried to asssult myself and my friend Then he went back to his house taped 2 twelve inch knives to his hands and tried to smash the windows of my car to stab me This was all on CCTV He was arrested charged spent 3 months on remand Convicted at crown court Banned from returning to the street for 2 years so couldn’t enter his council house Myself and my friend both have lifetime with no enddateno contact restraining orders against He also got 18 months suspended for two years and agreed to move Well that was in April 2020 Almost two years on he still has the tenancy and he has not set foot in the house since April 27 - 2020 Council are aware but are not evicting him yet they are “ facilitating “ a move It’s the f…. Longest move in history My MP & Counciller have been great Bristol City council I don’t have words fit them It’s like they want him to come back and stab me and then they might move him
Hippy - 25-Mar-22 @ 12:08 AM
I live in sheltered accommodation and my next door neighbour slams doors day and night, does her washing and vacuuming at night as well. I have logged a diary since January 2021. Mediation have also been involved and it’s still going on I feel like my local council have done nothing but skirt round things. I am tired all the time and she’s making my life hell! I’m also trying to move because nothing is happening and that is just as bad. My local Council are absolutely useless!
Laney - 20-Jun-21 @ 6:55 PM
I'm disheartened after reading these threads. My neighbour has wages a 2 year campaign of hate ahainst us. She films us 24/7 with 4 different cameras. Listens to our conversations on audio recording equipment.shes been to my work place and has made our lives hell. The police and housing association have been involved which is currently taking soo long. She was given notice in March to remove her equipment yet its June and its still up. We feel like prisoners on our own home. We've consistently logged everything with police and council and this is yet to have an outcome as it seems to go from one team to another. The police have put a case of harrassment against her and we await news from the cps service. Our lives are dictated by this neighbour. Everytime we leave walk out our front door we are recorded. She has directed her cctv and audio directly at our front door. Life is hell. Can anyone out there give a glimmer of hope??
Existing not living - 17-Jun-21 @ 5:10 PM
We are having an absolute nightmare with a trashy family who live in our block. they have a dog, poor thing is never walk, her patio is full of dog mess. She has 3 primary school aged kids and a baby. They are weird too. They stare you out if they see you coming along. This weekend she had a party, called the noise team as soon as they opened at 10pm. They came by, witnessed the noise, knocked her door and told her to lower it. They were gone 10 minutes when the noise went up again. This went on until after 4am. Wasn't so bad for me as I shut my window and leave the radio on through the night so I can't hear it, but the poor lady who lives right next door, didn't get a wink of sleep, she's scared of them, they're vile pigs who do not work, no respect. Council claim things are going on behind the scenes. They only responded once me and a couple of other neighbours contacted the Councillor. Here's hoping something will come of it. She should not have the luxury of a secure tenancy. She should have to go into the private rental sector, why should she have a home for life?!
kazza72 - 26-Apr-21 @ 1:14 PM
2020, 2021, This problem is still occurring, there is no such thing as a speed up of eviction. This is a plain and simple LIE! I can tell you as a council tenant that councils are still failing to do anything about antisocial behavior and much worst even the housing officers are not caring and even lying to tenants to avoid even doing anything as they consider it too much hard work to evict a tenant. I live in a council property that is practically a house converted into 2 flats, poorly insulated and not sound proofed. I moved into to the property when an old lady lived above me through a mutual exchange from a friend as the previous property I lived was a council estate in a tower block and I moved into this lovely quiet property. No noise upstairs, no noise from other neighbors on my street, it was quiet heaven. Then the lady upstairs passed away in Hospital. The council then had to look for a new tenant. Few months later later, they moved in an odd looking person who was quiet at firstlate 40s-early 50s, then the trouble started. Loud music, loud walking about. He became aggressive when I or my next door neighbor complained about the loud music. It got even worst when he played his music from 3am to 7am on sunday, This was final straw, I complained and he got so angry towards me and aggressive like he was on something, he assaulted me, I got the police involved. They arrived about 15 minutes later. He got aggravated towards the police who arrested him especially after he head-butted the police officer who was handcuffing him and threaten to do a dirty protest. They believed he was under the influence of something, we got peace and quiet for 48 hours as we believe he did his dirty protest, if not he would of been released early. when I reported this to the housing officer including the diary report, he arrived said he has mental problem but he has told me that he's given him a verbal caution. I wasn't happy with this at all. About a month later, he was upto his old trick again, playing loud music, it didn't go on until 7am though. Mostly ended around 11pm-1am. still antisocial, most cases you phone the noise nuisance team, they say they can't get out at the moment, when they did he stopped before they arrived. Somewhere in mid 2019, I started to get suspicious when he was leaving in the early hours of the morning, 2am, 3am, 4am, repeatedly in and out. He was also having undesirable people coming to the property at unsociable hours. I came out one day to find a drug package with white residue often carried by cocaine users, I was starting to believe in the back of the mind he was dealing. In end of year 2019 my suspicions were correct when I heard commotion in corridor from his apartment, it was his drug supplier kicking the crap out of him about using the product instead of selling it. Early 2020 around 5am I heard banging outside, thought it was him. I heard another bang as I took my headset off as I was up
Jack - 18-Jan-21 @ 4:30 PM
I live in sheltered accommodation. The resident above is constantly sobbing, contacting the control room for the association, she moves around all night on the creaking floor boards.I have never heard anyone so unhappy. This goes on every day. am putting up with it no longer
twat - 8-Jan-21 @ 6:43 AM
5 years of absolute missery living next door to a suspected cannabis factory probably in their loft and using their gas flue as an exhaust iv been reporting this problem for over 5 years now and November is absolute hell and will be until February ..I'm a carer so these people living next door are putting everyone at risk of harm ..but it's the torture at night start up motors and sound of heavy duty pumps and fans I'm living in Cornwall and the authorities have been made well aware and have just allowed these dispeakable people to carry on their activities.. it's a form of torture and total sleep deprivation
Redwhale - 5-Nov-20 @ 6:46 PM
My neighbour was evicted from a housing society 9 yrs ago. Put next door to me by private landlord. Raided twice for drug dealing but police found nothing. Too clever for the police. All the cars and people day and night have stopped since April 2018 when a drug user came to my door. Wrong door. Since 2018 we have had to put up with a machine noise every night from midnight to noon sometimes. It made us ill. We would move but my mum is 90 it has put my dad in his grave. The landlord is nowhere to be seen. It is 3.54 in the morning and my head is fit to burst with this noise. Been told it's a cannabis cutter and then its bagged up. Cant be taking anymore of this noise. Council told her to mask the noise? Shouldnt they be telling her to stop whatever? Police are iffy. After the 2nd time they were raided they came to my house to tell me I dont need to contact them any more?? Strange. I reported them. At my wits end.
Ginger - 6-Oct-20 @ 3:50 AM
Where to begin... The guy above has been in the block 2 years. It's been one thing after the other. Right now I am waiting for a plumber to turn up because the guy keeps pouring fat oil Down the sink . It's 4 am in the morning. 3 days it's been going on and he didn't even report the leak . It's really bad in his flat , water everywhere. He said l will sort it and nothing. 4 days ago we had the second onslaught of maggots in the hallway where he just Chuck's them in the garden after fishing. He was found out because a neighbour outright asked him if he had done that. He was moved here from another flat because he kept having his door kicked off and people after him. Well within the first 2 months it happened here. It's now happened twice. I nearly died from severe bilateral pneumonia and I have been very sick for some time. I am waiting for an appointment from the OT to be assessed and moved closer to my family. I could go on and on but I will leave it there. If I don't get out , l will not be able to get my fitness back because the Stress of this idiot! He is a oxygen thief. I can't stand the guy but tolerate him because I want to keep the peace. Of course I mention things to him but he is an extreme narcissist and has no empathy for others
Gj - 27-Sep-20 @ 3:57 AM
New tenants have moved in to the house across from us. Very antisocial dangerous. Loud screaming all night till the early mornings and physical fighting during night and day. Just 2hrs ago there were a group fighting in the middle of the road and one pulled a knife so we had to call the police again, this is at 5PM in the day.
Sophie - 13-Aug-20 @ 7:08 PM
I have a neighbour who is constantly fixing and selling cars from his drive way.He doesnt have a licence. He thinks it's ok to rev and work on his car after 9pm.Have reported it to the houseing and noise pollution also phoned 101.He has NO Respect!!
SR - 18-Jul-20 @ 10:23 AM
Had nightmare neighbours for 23 years, jumped through all the councils hoops always promising they are near eviction then nothing happens. This has ranged from abusive shouting, threats, constant parties from early evening(7/8) til Anywhere at (5/6) in the morning sometimes all weekend and I do mean from Friday evening til Monday lunchtime, had properties and cars damaged in the street from them, burning rubbish and trying to claim it a Protestant attack although they started the fire, constant screaming about being ex ira member, fighting at all hours, door slamming, things being thrown about the house, excessive drinking (making abuse worse), swearing you name it they do it, setting dogs on people (staffies). Where exactly am I now supposed to turn can’t sell my property as let’s be honest who would buy it (I wouldn’t if it was me) but desperate to get out.
Completely Done - 15-Jun-20 @ 10:50 AM
Neighbor below me in flat bangs like a bomb going off, council aren't getting back to us, landlord doesn't care, police don't care, I have a special needs child and also boyf moved in, the neighbor just does it at any time and can go on for ages! They can see who comes and goes out of the flats and therefore is really clever. This has been going on for over 2 years, moved in laughed and then a MASSIVE bang came from below out of the blue :( they also have shouted nasty things up to us for no reason atall or cleverly accuse us of banging when we haven't what so ever! And never retaliate :( and also shout stuff out their window when we leave the flat and also we smell what there smoking and also know there selling or buying you know what.
Why66 - 8-Jun-20 @ 12:46 AM
I wa was strangled in my sleep and dragged into a lake first down and left for dead my body is Black and Blue I was I was hospitalized for a week and the police came and arrested him for something else when my neighbour had told me what date I was in shock I couldn't believe that I was murdered in your bed ragged out and round into a lake and the best part of it he only lives up the road and he's getting out soon what do I do he comes out next month and he will finish me off is a homophobe he doesn't like gears that's why I tried to call me but you didn't succeed but my body is bad black bloke I've got photos of it I was hospitalized for a week and the place told me there was nothing wrong with me the photos that I've received I just cannot believe call Clayton how the police handled this situation which is I call attempted murder the police here I really do need to learn the last a bit Mark attempted murder and the police have not got a clue what it means and I am now in my home I'm a carer I'm out at 5 in the morning I'm back at 8 at night I get something to eat and drink and then go to bed but I never expected to be strangled in bed dragged to the lake face down left for dead. I I have Witnesses that saw the guy drag Me Out Of My Whole Body right across to the lake and faced me down into the lake and I was shocked to hear all this as obviously when I was strangled a blacked out it gets out next month for a totally different crime is a homophobe is a gay beta my life is under threat he only lives up the road and I need to get rid of them I've lived 20-years 23 years and he's only live there 2 years he's an evil evil man that needs to get out of this area because I'm physically frightened and hes going to suceed next time. And like I said I'm a carerand I have to pass his home he can easily attacked me again do the same thing again except this time he will succeed in killing me because im gay...and I'm scared what do I do and nobody not even the police are out for me they won't help I don't know why but they don't care the more interested with the holiday makers on the seafront bloody hell with the taxpayers as I speak about this for the first time my voice is shaking I am scared again and I have to go out in the morning to go to work and I know he will do this again I wish somebody would help me what can I do what can I say I'm sitting here crying shaking do you know how it feels to be attacked in your own bedroom blacked out and dragged to the lake and ithen wake up faced down in lake and also there were four to five Witnesses that told police what happened and the police won't help me because I reckon their homophobic as well they don't like us because how can you let get a guy to get away with attempted murder it's a big crime. Can i have the family evicted they fight with a down syndrome girl who live below them and the police are alwaysthey arresting somebody in that flat is about 4 people live in a 1-bedroom f
Beefy - 22-Apr-20 @ 4:10 AM
I have been listening to neighbors for 3 years, knocking, slamming the door, not looking at the time, constantly Party, screaming, talking loudly, knocking on walls, horror.Here is a young family of black people.This is a family of three, a small child who screams all the time .... In the kitchen, in the bathroom, if she makes such a noise everything rattles, and at night, it happens until 3am .. they have a consul according to the rules you can’t make noise at night, butI endure 3 years.I wrote on the door to respect the Drig, nor knock, yesterday I said that you knock like that?he said that this child is - - - ridiculous, and today Party, again until the morning you can’t sleep ... where will I go, where should I write complaint ????
mari888 - 15-Feb-20 @ 9:36 PM
We had a new neighbour move in through the night. Loud music put on at 3 am and shouting scrapes of furniture and slams of doors repeatedly( I mean bunches of five at a time all night)between 11pm and 5 am. Then drug fumes seeping into our house in four rooms from theirs. Filling up our upstairs. Rendering one room unliveable. Three and a half years of constant logs to council. Councils been absolutely useless. It still going on as I type this today. The woman next door knows the tricks and is a constant game player who has retaliated. Harassed us and damaged my car and intimidated the neighbours. She gets away with everything council just ignore it hope it’s going to go away without dealing with it. The council useless absolutely useless.
Unhappy council tenn - 15-Feb-20 @ 3:36 PM
Hi Flossy. I have the same problems.They play loud music constantly.I live in a terraced house with thin walls. Weekends are usually worse as they have BBQ every weekend and all are outside even if it's raining etc. I complete the noise diaries for the council and so on, but never get a permanent solution.Things are so bad that it has made me I'll. I want to move,but in all honesty I don't see why it should be me wanting to run away. Their landlord ignores my frequent requests for peace and quiet so am truly at wits end.
SNOOPIE - 10-Jan-20 @ 7:24 PM
I have neighbours that play music extremely loud for hours in day, they have been warned twice by antisocial behaviour team and once with an official letter(they stopped playing music loud for two weeks). They seem to have a total disregard for their neighbours, I usually walk around with noise cancelling headphones, however my wife has recently given birth and now I can't use my headphones for obvious reasons. My neighbours also have a young child(maybe 5 years old) surely the noise levels would amount to child abuse. I am becoming desperate and even thinking to leave London because I wouldn't be able to afford another house. What more can I do?
Gavin - 13-Dec-19 @ 12:28 PM
Neighbour watches porn. Can't see or hear it but can see him through curtains, silhouette. How do I put it. Playing with himself. What can be done asked police they said if curtains are closed and private property.there probably do nothing.
Spy - 7-Jun-19 @ 5:53 PM
I live in a council rented flat. My neighbour is chronic alcoholic. He does not wash, shave or have a hair cut. He does not take his Waste to the bin and there lots ( 20? ) black bin bags piled inside his flat. As a result his flat and the 36 flat complex is infested with lots of tiny flies. The smell is horrendous. More worrying is the fact he smokes. Residents are frighten he will drop a lit cigarette on On of his bin bags whilst he is (constantly) drunk and cause a fire. The Local Council ( Berneslia Homes) have done nothing positive to evict or stop this anti-social and dangerous behaviour. Is there anything other residents can do?
Trevor Jones - 28-Feb-19 @ 11:02 AM
We have a neighbour who smokes repeatedly in the property below ours. The property is a non smoking property but the landlord and managing agents have done nothing about it. He also has a lodger who has bought dogs into the property, the dogs foul in the garden and on the pavement. There are also concerns of drug dealing from the property. Please help.
MrC - 25-Jan-19 @ 7:11 PM
Just wanted some advice about my upstairs neighbor, he's drug dealing and I installed a CCTV camera in July and caught him buying drugs outside my flat door, downstairs the communal hallway.Am on my own and afraid, that he's doing that outside my flat door. Don't know what to do, some advice please, anyone.
Lass - 21-Jan-19 @ 10:26 AM
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