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Dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour

By: Jeff Durham - Updated: 29 Dec 2023 | comments*Discuss
Dealing With Anti-social Behaviour

Anti-social behaviour can blight any neighbourhood. It can be destructive, demoralising and even dangerous. It is not restricted to youths, as many adults can also be responsible for causing a problem. Whether it’s Causing Noise Pollution, verbal abuse or harassment, a failure to control their pets, or using their home to supply drugs, there are many instances which would fall under the definition of anti-social behaviour. There are, however, certain things you can do to try to tackle the problem.

Keeping Records

In order for the police and other relevant authorities to take any action with regards to anti-social behaviour in your neighbourhood, it’s important that you are able to give them as much information as possible. Keep a record of when, where and who is involved with the anti-social activity, writing down as many details as you can.

If you have access to a digital camera or camcorder, so much the better, but ensure that you use these kinds of devices covertly and preferably within the confines of your own home. If a person thinks they are being monitored, it will either result in them curtailing their behaviour for a time, until they think they’re not being watched again, or it can actually result in them confronting you, which could be very dangerous. However, the more information you can provide, the easier it will be for the authorities to proceed with any further action where necessary.

Tackling The Problem Yourself

If you feel that the anti-social behaviour in question is something that is relatively minor that you could deal with yourself, it’s often easier to go and speak to the person involved. It might simply be a neighbour who’s burning rubbish which is giving off dark smoke, or there are young children who are constantly kicking a football onto your property, and you may wish to speak to them or their parents about it.

Often, some people who are responsible for anti-social behaviour are not even aware of that they’re causing a nuisance, so a friendly, polite chat will usually resolve the problem. However, you should only tackle them directly if you’re certain that you’re not putting yourself at any risk. Confronting Teenage Gangs or people who have been drinking alcohol or taking drugs are best left to the police and other relevant authorities to deal with.

What the Police and Others can do

The police and other relevant organisations, such as your local authority, council or housing association, will often work together in tackling some of the issues surrounding anti-social behaviour. Initially, unless a problem threatens to get immediately out of hand, they will usually adopt a ‘softly softly’ approach and have a word with the offenders to try to help them understand the consequences of their actions, and discourage any subsequent repeat of the behaviour in question.

However, if this doesn’t work then, under numerous laws, they can take more formal action which, depending upon the behaviour, might include getting offenders to sign up to acceptable behaviour contracts or they can even issue a Group Dispersal Order.

If all efforts fail to resolve the situation, however, the police will arrest the perpetrators and court action will follow. This could result in measures being taken, such as issuing Anti-Social Behaviour Orders and Drug House Closures, if appropriate. And, in cases where even these measures fail to control the behaviour, the perpetrators can be given custodial sentences.

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I'm scared of going out of my house because of the abuse that youths shout at me. I don't know them but this has gone on for years. It began with the knocking on my door and running away, then not running away, until I got a doorbell camera. I have had the police here many times but they say if they take it further it might make matters worse. I feel that these offenders are protected more than I am. I have been told they do this to other people as well but I don't know who. I am thinking of moving home which is unfair as I like my house.
JM - 29-Dec-23 @ 3:31 PM
I don't know where to start, it's been over 5 years now, since my downstairs neighbour moved in. She's accusing me and my children of making too much noise,and we are not letting her sleep.At first, I was trying to be understanding as she is the one who lives underneath. I spoke to make kids to be considerate and not to make too much noise especially at night. But now she wants us to not move at all,day time or night time.She is dictating how I should live my life. She told me many times to go to sleep while I was cooking dinner after coming back from a long working day at 7pm. My house it's so messy because i am so afraid to make too much noise. My house used to be spotless. She was shouting this morning at 11am while I was making breakfast. Then around2pm she started again, verbally abusive calling me all sorts and making racist remarks. I reported her to the housing and the police but nothing happened, today she made it clear that I should call the police but they can do nothing to her. How this is even allowed in this days and era? I feel threatened, hopeless and I feel I am going to lose it soon.
Loulou - 29-Oct-23 @ 12:01 AM
The law is an ass. Police and councils pass the buck. This ends in the potential of violence, which i have been on the verge of after years of intimidation, nasty stories, and threats of violence.
Andyandali1 - 3-Sep-23 @ 6:47 PM
Hi, I’m new to this but I’ve been accused of anti-social behaviour complaint against me by my neighbour above me and I received a letter saying I am writing to advise you that I have received complaints regarding your conduct. It is alleged that you have made verbal insults and posted derogatory remarks on social media. When it’s rubbish anyway because it’s the other way round with my neighbour screaming and shouting n loud washing machine or dryer being so loud and she’s not help to absorb the sound at all. But there’s also times we’re there’s been domestic violence above in the flat aswell and there’s kids involved too and every time I’ve reported her bout her overgrown garden and etc… it’s backfired because either councils told her about me and I just can’t trust any professionals or police
Ozzy - 20-Feb-23 @ 3:50 AM
Hi I have owned & lived in my flat for nearly 30 years. The flat upstairs has been sold and now rented out for short term tenancy. The tenant has been accepting my post & parcels and leaving them on the door step instead of inside - malicious. Now they are rejecting my parcels which is causing me a lot of anxiety and distress. I have raised it with the owner but she's done nothing. We are all 3 directors of the management company which owns the freehold. Is there anything I can do to stop this or force the owner to do something about her tenants? Ty
Roxyw - 9-Feb-23 @ 6:17 PM
My neighbours arnt very sociable the lady of the house ignores me as does she outher neighbours but what really hurt and l found very disrespectful was the fact that when I pushed there Christmas card through there letter box yesterday they came around while I was out and left iron my doormat I found this very disrespectful
Davylad - 6-Dec-22 @ 11:55 AM
Neighbour keeps staring in all my windows including my bedroom and it's really pi$$ing me and my wife off. They come out and stare when we go into our garden and they film my car when I drive past. I've done nothing but these people but they have harassed me since they moved in two years ago. They even throw all their litter in my garden and I've got them on cctv doing it and threatening to put petrol on my stuff. Police are shocking. Only a harassment warning given, no real action taken. My wife has been so ill with the stress of it all. Not happy.
Dhalesowen - 11-May-22 @ 11:51 AM
I am a former professional investigator and I am actively trying to help with a ongoing problem with a anti social behaviour issue Can you tell me if I get the relevant information can you assist in anyway ? Possibly with a written warning. RegardsAndrew Pacifico
Paf - 17-Jun-21 @ 10:28 AM
I am a former professional investigator and I am actively trying to help my friend and his family with an ongoing problem, If I get relevant information about problems with a individual in the block of flats where thay are living. Can you tell me if you can assist me with this problem. RegardsAndrew Pacifico
Paf - 17-Jun-21 @ 10:17 AM
I am deaf. Most neighbour to blame me . That l never nothing throw thing to over road . Why blame me that why person climb over fence and throw stone climb back again. That why person blame me all the time . I am deaf. I have prostate cancer and illness to know that all the time blame to no reason. But to need do CCTV to put up hide not people house to something to do that point it. The person to been taxi drop off them home to wait her to get paid money to ask mum or family to paid taxi . But the person was cheat without paid taxi . The person climb fence open door gate with out permission to ask for it. But the person was drunk and drug to know it . The police not help deaf people and care out it
Lockey60 - 23-Mar-21 @ 7:42 AM
My asb case against my neighbours is now into it's fith year. Thankfully the council are bidding for them to move but in the mean time we are still having to put up with the usual harassment that they have been explicitly told not to do. E.g stand outside our property and shout at us etc. I have an email from our asb officer outlining what they have been told not to do, can I print this off and put it up outside my house to remind the antisocial tenants that they shouldn't be doing what they are doing? Because the council are moving them so feel they have done their part.
Fed up - 13-Mar-21 @ 11:52 AM
I am deaf . That we have problem neighbours over road on 18 Colwood Crescent.l have nothing throw thing to over smash the car window on window screen to blame me . But they have cctv . But that l cannot remember that happened . So the person name is Mr Mark Oliver was cheat to not truth to problem nothing wrong his leg to use walking stick . That to try get more money . We live over 30 years of this house on 23 Colwood Crescent. But that problem people not support help deaf people to know that hate deaf people to get worse bully. But the police to try us trouble to no reason to blame us to bully deaf people really shame . So what you can do need help support to deaf people to explain to police and counicl too . Please help me to need support to us.
Glen Lockey - 13-Jun-20 @ 7:59 AM
I received a letter on Friday 22 Nov from my senior housing officer and I don’t understand what it’s aboutas it’s not explained I’m not sure if complaints have been made on me or about my complaints if anyone can help here is how it is written: My name Anti social behaviour I am sending this letter to advise that we have received general complaints about anti social behaviourin the flats. We would like to investigate this further and therefore have arranged a jointvistit to see you on 27th Nov at 12.30. If you are not going to be home then please contact me on ......
Cjs - 27-Nov-19 @ 11:15 AM
I've had an antisocial problem for 3yrs. I had recording equipment. Ive got recordings I've made myself. This person has had huge parties, underage girls in the flat & police out constantly. He egged mine & my neighbours cars, pissed on my front door, got his friends to hit & kick our doors when they pass. He scuffed my bumper, he crashed right into the side of my car as he was driving his motorbike on the pavement(he told me antisocial told him it was ok to do this) , he gets in his car whilst smoving a joint. Whenever the police are called he comes down & starts banging on my door. I never answer it then he goes back upstairs & starts banging down to me, hes been confrontational & intimidates me, also I'm disabled & he has called me dorogatory names for disabled. At the end of jun antisocial said they were going to apply for an asbo to get him out. Everytime I ask for an idea on how long this process takes they don't answer, they also haven't asked for any of my recordings since 1st Jul.I've called the police more than 60 times from my mobile alone this yr, not counting from my landline or neighbours. The council advised that once he's out the property will be classed as "sensitive". However due to his behaviour over the last few months my downstairs neighbour handed them her notice to vacate in Apr. I've asked if hers can also be "sensitive" as she's only moving out due to him & their dragging feet. They've once again ignored me. I want to escalate this but was wondering who to. Councillor or mp?
Murron19 - 17-Sep-19 @ 9:21 PM
I've had an antisocial problem for 3yrs. I had recording equipment. Ive got recordings I've made myself. This person has had huge parties, underage girls in the flat & police out constantly. He egged mine & my neighbours cars, pissed on my front door, got his friends to hit & kick our doors when they pass. He scuffed my bumper, he crashed right into the side of my car as he was driving his motorbike on the pavement(he told me antisocial told him it was ok to do this) , he gets in his car whilst smoving a joint. Whenever the police are called he comes down & starts banging on my door. I never answer it then he goes back upstairs & starts banging down to me, hes been confrontational & intimidates me, also I'm disabled & he has called me dorogatory names for disabled. At the end of jun antisocial said they were going to apply for an asbo to get him out. Everytime I ask for an idea on how long this process takes they don't answer, they also haven't asked for any of my recordings since 1st Jul.I've called the police more than 60 times from my mobile alone this yr, not counting from my landline or neighbours. The council advised that once he's out the property will be classed as "sensitive". However due to his behaviour over the last few months my downstairs neighbour handed them her notice to vacate in Apr. I've asked if hers can also be "sensitive" as she's only moving out due to him & their dragging feet. They've once again ignored me. I want to escalate this but was wondering who to. Councillor or mp?
Murron19 - 17-Sep-19 @ 9:17 PM
Good Morning, We, me and my partner are both threatened by the neighbour living below our flat. Every time we are going in or out he is fallow making comments , bulling and threatening. He said to my partner that he will rape me at the front of our 7 year old child. He is using abusive language at the front of our child, he turn music very loud, he swear... We are both working for Housing Association which is the same our landlord. They been involved, local PC is on case, Citizen Advice said nothing else they can help with. What else can we do? Every day is worse and we are very unsafe even going to work as he is straight outside threatening us.
Ems - 9-May-19 @ 9:16 AM
I used to work in a local school close to where I live. At the bottom of my street is a youth club. Pupils of the school have identified where I live. Youths are regularly involved in throwing stones at my home and windows. I have reported this to police, but they seem unable to stop it. I installed a motion light and cctv, but the antisocial behaviour is continuing.
Dee - 23-Jan-19 @ 7:42 PM
i got arested threw my neighbours lying about me said i waas threatning to headbut them and was running around with a knife i did no such thing .they threw me in a cell didnt get me a solicitor and didnt even question me then they threw me in k3 for a month and a half any advice on what i should do ?/
shorty - 15-Oct-18 @ 5:41 PM
Hi, my neighbours next door who's property is higher up the hill from me removed their concrete drive and soakaway and put in a new drive which ran towards my drive and drained all the water from their roof into the side of my bungalow 6 years ago.It has taken 2.5 yearsand me completing insurance legal paperwork to get this stopped but during that time they have been nosey neighbours from he'll.She sends her husband out to look into my bedroom window when I get home from work.I now have blackoutlining on my curtains which I keep drawn to stop them looking in.They look into my Windows from their drive if they hear me in a room, make comments when I walk down my drive, she shouts out what I'mdoing, such asshe'svacuuming,she'scleaningthe animals out, etc.When I venture intomygarden,she sends him up to their loft conversion to see what I'mdoing.The police Have been no help. Not sure how much more I can take.I have lived in my place for 20 years and I now hate it. Does anyone have any advice?I had 3 sudden deaths in 10 days 2 years ago and haven'tsleptthroughthe night since 20 Feb 2016, whenever I try to sleep, I get stressed out because of them and he has now taken to late night walks on his drive listeningoutside my bedroom to try and hear if my TV is on - I know they are sad but their behaviour is so invasive.I also have to hereditaryconditionswhich affect a majororgan, and stressaggregates my condition.
DON'T KNOW WHAT TO - 27-Aug-18 @ 3:37 PM
Toffee - Your Question:
Hi I would be grateful for your advice, my parents are in their 70s & are being subjected anti social behaviour from their neighbours, the neighbours cut my parents washing line down twice, my mother asked them why they did this & they became very agressive towards my mother, since then the neighbours have been anti social towards my parents and often shout abuse at my parents usually when the neighbours are in their car, I was once verbally attacked by the neighbours boyfriend who wanted to fight with me, I walked away and informed the police abt this and the anti social behaviour, the police went round to talk to them, but since then the neighbours have got even worse, I do see my parents a lot and know this is very upsetting for them, I do worry about them especially when I am not there, I would be vey grateful if you can help with this matter, thank you

Our Response:
Ask the neighbour if they are willing to attend mediation or some kind of alternative dispute resolution programme - your PCSO or local council's environmental health office might be able to help you arrange this.The police should also hopefully be able to give some advice on how to handle the situation. If it gets worse, a private legal action/injunction application might be required.
ProblemNeighbours - 3-Aug-17 @ 12:15 PM
Hi i would be grateful for your advice, my parents are in their 70s & are being subjected anti social behaviour from their neighbours, the neighbours cut my parents washing line down twice, my mother asked them why they did this & they became very agressive towards my mother, since then the neighbours have been anti social towards my parents and often shout abuse at my parents usually when the neighbours are in their car, i was once verbally attacked by the neighbours boyfriend who wanted to fight with me, i walked away and informed the police abt this and the anti social behaviour, the police went round to talk to them, but since then the neighbours have got even worse, i do see my parents a lot and know this is very upsetting for them, i do worry about them especially when i am not there, i would be vey grateful if you can help with this matter, thank you
Toffee - 31-Jul-17 @ 10:14 PM
I have been having problems with my next door neighbour for almost 3 years. He is 25 years old. He bought the property to renovate. I believe his early intention was to rent his home out. I live with my son who is autistic and has oversensitive hearing. Certain noises cause him pain and distress. My daughter, who also lives at the property, is very poorly with ME/ Chronic Fatigue. Obviously my neighbour had to commence with the renovations. However these went on for two years, from morning until late night. It was horrendous for all the family. I did politely approach my neighbour, asking that he finished his renovations earlier in the evening and turned down is blaring music. He swore at me, so I retreated. Since the work has been completed, my neighbour has parties. His most recent one started at 6.30pm and went on until 3.30am. Not content with that, they also deliberately came into their bedroom next to my autistic son and start screaming, shouting and making noise they know will upset him.mthis isn't the first time they have targeted my son. At this most recent party , they put music on full blast every five minutes before Turning it down. This pattern continued for well over thirty minutes. We knew it was deliberate to annoy us. We stayed silent, hoping they would tire of doing that. They park their car across my drive, blocking us in, whenever they feel like it. I have not spoken to my neighbour since he swore at me. I have contacted my local Council as I am worried about the health and welfare of my family. TheCouncil did speak to him but I felt interrogated by them and it has made no difference to my neighbours behaviour. I now feel abandoned by the Council, I'm not sure they understand the seriousness of the intimidation etc that we endure. If the Council don't support you, I'm at a loss as what to do now. We are not financially in a position to move house at the moment.
Louiza - 23-Nov-16 @ 11:39 AM
CCTV installed on houses pointing at neighbours now has to comply with the Data protection Act 1998 following a European ruling. Where a camera can see your doors/windows the person operating has to comply with the code of practice and register the system with the Information Commissioner. Domestic CCTV is no longer exempt from the DP Act as before. Police are very poorly informed of legal updates and it is unlikely they will be aware of the updates, and so give incorrect advice.
cameraman - 26-Jul-16 @ 4:03 PM
I have been working as a professional dominatrix for months, till neighbour found out what I do for a living.They gone around and showed explicit images to all the other neighbours including OAP neighbours intimidating them.I have been doing this for many years and most discreet and private. They now starting to approach my friends and clients in the street saying things to them, causing them to feel threatened and intimidated. The woman stood at my gate and stared at me and client who just pulled up I had to ask him to leave. Police has been informed.I feel very depressed and its affecting my mental health so badly. What can i do with the help of the police
LR - 9-Jun-16 @ 12:42 PM
harrassed neigbour - Your Question:
I live in a block of flats my neighbour pushes me each time it passes me on the stairwell, I made a complaint about it to the housing body, they turned it around and said I pushed them. I suffer from racist abuse from them also, because they do not do it in front of anyone police say they cannot do anything. They then went and installed CCTV it shows me and my children each time we enter or leave the property, it is very intrusive and making me ill, I have to pass it each day as it is the only way I can leave the property and I live above them. the housing say they happy with it. I have stopped taking my children to school as a result as I do not want them recorded especially since I do not know what they are doing with the recordings, is there anything I can do. These people are not approachable so there is no point in me asking them to remove it.

Our Response:
You should not stop taking your children to school because of this. If you feel the CCTV is a breach of privacy you can ask your local police to take a look at our guide here.
ProblemNeighbours - 16-May-16 @ 10:15 AM
I live in a block of flats my neighbour pushes me each time it passes me on the stairwell, I made a complaint about it to the housing body, they turned it around and said I pushed them.I suffer from racist abuse from them also, because they do not do it in front of anyone police say they cannot do anything. They then went and installed CCTV it shows me and my children each time we enter or leave the property, it is very intrusive and making me ill, I have to pass it each day as it is the only way I can leave the property and I live above them.the housing say they happy with it.I have stopped taking my children to school as a result as I do not want them recorded especially since I do not know what they are doing with the recordings, is there anything I can do.These people are not approachable so there is no point in me asking them to remove it.
harrassed neigbour - 13-May-16 @ 6:10 AM
Klassy - Your Question:
For over year my neighbour has made my life hell loud music till 2/3am kicking ball round house environmental health say take them to court can anyone give me advice I'm ill can't sleep I'm 60yrs old thank you

Our Response:
What have the police said. Are they on your property? Or out in the road?
ProblemNeighbours - 15-Feb-16 @ 11:34 AM
For over year my neighbour has made my life hell loud music till 2/3am kicking ball round house environmental health say take them to court can anyone give me advice I'm ill can't sleep I'm 60yrs old thank you
Klassy - 14-Feb-16 @ 12:30 AM
Yes ; I have a neighbore like no one else . This an old woman , living on one floor over . She got to be a witch ; as I know the signs .She make all the noise from. 12:00 to 3:00 to 6:00 to 9:00 to 12:00 again ...she living on the Clock. She does it a few minutes before or after. Just having an scheduled as she does it , is ceremonial. I heard like havy ball popping her floor. I cannot dream , so important for mental health. What should be done ? I had trying even prayer to the Lord of Host. . . Nothing , she become more aggressive.??
n/a - 22-Jan-16 @ 2:36 PM
DD - Your Question:
Hi I am looking for some advice. My neighbour started to rent out their property and the new tenant seemed very polite to start with, but was very new to the area so I tried my best to make them feel welcome over the festive period last year taking them xmas dinner, presents as they were working and their family lived in another country. This person is of the opposite sex to me and when drunk one night was banging on my door at 1 in the morning, making suggestive comments. We also operated a policy with the litter bins that we all took turns in taking out the bins. I did not feel he was taking his turns and when I asked him about it he said it was because he worked all the time. I moved in to my parents for a bit to look after a relative and when I returned there was litter and cigarette ends blocking one of the drains. He admitted that it was a friend who was staying with him, but that it wasn't all his fault. I tidied up the litter strewn around the garden area and the cigarette ends, but 6 months on the same thing has happened. There is takeaway boxes in our blue, black and green bins, all full to the brim again when I tried to convey my annoyance at this he said that things would change as he was on holiday and he would help out. A week later, still no help and there is again litter strewn about the garden, with no sign of it moving. I asked him to clean up but he states that he is not the only one who has takeaways and that I am singling him out. There have been other complaints from the neighbours about the excessive noise. I have contacted the landlord and she has had a word but that was before our last conflict which he admitted she had spoke to him and she was OK with the situation once he had explained to her about the rubbish and noise. Every time I ask him to help out and play his part I get a different excuse. I know she has not been happy either as a landlord as he has missed rent payments and not kept the flat clean, but I think her hands are tied as he is in a contract. I would like some advice on what the next steps are. I have tried talking to him, reasoning with him and so has his landlord.

Our Response:
This is really for the landlord to handle. If your neighbour is in rent arrears and is in breach of his tenancy agreement by failing to keep his flat clean, the landlord will have plenty of power to act. You could try making a complaint about the mess/rubbish to your local environmental health officer who may be able to help.
ProblemNeighbours - 8-Dec-15 @ 9:46 AM
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