The Conservative Party has long insisted that it intends to be tough on so-called anti-social behaviour. In opposition they frequently criticised Labour for what they saw as their failings in this area. Now, in coalition government, they have begun to set out plans that they say will tackle anti-social behaviour – and they are starting with problem neighbours.
What is the government proposing?
Theresa May has outlined plans for new community powers to tackle problem neighbours. The plans were originally set out in a Home Office consultation document at the beginning of 2011, but have now been presented by the Home Secretary in a speech in central London.
The centrepiece of the plans is a new “community trigger” which the government believes will give people more power to act against anti-social behaviour amongst their neighbours.
The community trigger is a new way of guaranteeing action against problem neighbours. The trigger would be ‘pulled’ when five separate households in the same area all complained about the same resident. If this were to occur, the relevant authorities would be legally compelled to act.
It is thought that the trigger could also be invoked if the behaviour of the supposed problem neighbour had been reported to the relevant agencies at least three times, and no action had been taken.
The government says that the trigger, in tandem with new measures like the increased availability of information about local crime, will help ensure that anti-social behaviour and problem neighbours are dealt with quickly, and in a manner that takes into consideration the wishes of those affected.
Why has Theresa May made this announcement?
The government has been planning changes to the powers given to agencies for some time. It is thought that the coalition believes anti-social behaviour and problem neighbours are potentially significant vote-winners, and the Home Office has been drafting new plans accordingly.
The Home Secretary also cited the case of a woman who “had been telling the police about anti-social behaviour in her area for over two years, and it’s still going on.”
Mrs May continued: “These long-running problems, and the sense of helplessness that goes with them, can destroy a victim’s quality of life and shatter a community’s trust in police.”
How have people reacted?
The plans have been met with a mixed response. Some commentators have welcomed the plans, suggesting that they will in fact make it easier for communities to force action on problem neighbours.
Others, though, are concerned about the practical implications. Since the beginning of the consultation on the new plans, there has been fevered discussion about the impact on members of Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs). CSPs are essentially the groups of agencies charged with preventing crime and making sure that communities remain safe places to live. CSPs include agencies like the local authority.
It is the CPSs that will be obliged to act when the community trigger is invoked. There has been concern that this will place undue pressure on these agencies. Prosecutors and the Courts Service will be exempted from responsibilities under the trigger arrangement.
It is also worth noting that the government intends to provide CSPs with a lot of leeway when it comes to their operation and interpretation of the trigger. The consultation document suggests that the government would provide agencies with best practice guidelines, but that choices regarding things like how best to publicise the trigger would be left up to the relevant local bodies.
The plans have also been met with little enthusiasm from Labour MPs. Shadow Home Office minister Gloria DePiero said the plans are “belated and weak”, suggesting that they do not go far enough.
What happens next?
The trigger is now going to be trialled in five areas around the country. If it is deemed successful, it is thought that the community trigger will be rolled out across the country.
The consultation on anti-social behaviour has now closed, and the criteria for success are not clear. The Home Secretary has not said how it will be determined whether or not the scheme should continue. But the high profile nature of her speech suggests that it is a policy the government intends to back.
How can I take action against problem neighbours?
In the meantime, of course, many people are still struggling with problem neighbours and anti-social behaviour. If you are suffering, you should remember that you don’t need to suffer in silence. There is information on dealing with problem neighbours throughout this site – and, in the worst cases, you should contact your local authority or police.
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removal of neighbours extremly high silver birch which could fall on our home or kill us if it fell, they are not prepared to discuss it and we are not in a position to foot a bill
nana - 19-Jul-22 @ 7:08 PM
neighbours have a very tall tree which was planted by the previous owners approx 9 years ago, it is only a few feet from our home and our concerns are that it could fall in bad weather and it could kill us as our bedrooms are next to it and we only have a loft as we have a bungalow. I have approachedthe owner who was not helpful and said "if it bothers you so much you can have it removed"we are elderly and this is our forever home, which we love.
I am looking on line to see if they can be made to remove it or even take it down halfway, I hate being at loggerheads with the neighbours, can you advise us.
nana - 19-Jul-22 @ 7:04 PM
We have lived here 22 years and have a new neighbour inherited from the mother who died but was toxic. Her daughter is a whole new level of mamma and dadda thrown in.
She's bipolar and is abusive when drunk. She's been verbally abusive and said some really nasty things.
The building work is relentless. An extension that over looks our garden with velux windows.
She was drilling when I had exams. The partner is quiet but also drinks and I suspect is bipolar. He frequently drink drives and we have already had significant involvement with the police and a lot of stress and heartache especially for my 80 yo mother.
Friday the police went round to see them and haven't been that helpful because next door wants to pull the fence down and did start causing criminal damage and no panda car came. My mother who is elderly and frail was so upset we were told we allegedly had aggressive body language but criminal damage being done without asking us by their builder. She then says the fence is encroaching on her side. It's the same fence for 22 years and part of it is even older going back to the 1970s
We maintained the fence and her mother never complained in 19 years and she moved here after us.
It's coming down I have surveyors report. No it ain't as we called the police out and if she wants it down she has to go to civil court.
We have adverse possession anyway as our next door neighbour to the left maintains that fence. We maintain the one to the right the one she wants to pull down.
We have cameras as they are ASB from drilling when I had exams, to heavy drinking and driving which police never did anything about and further he is very aggressive and has gone from one hate crime to another calling me an fing spastic 9.5 hours after agreeing not to speak to me with the PCSO at my request as I went outside and heard a crashing noise when his van hit builders materials. He was so aggressive we park our car with gates open so the CCTV recorded everything. He is like a jekyll and hyde and thank god for the fence as with a shared drive he would have assaulted me otherwise.I They said they want us to move but it ain't happening and I play the two gruesome twosome at their games. As for spastic it's disability hate crime for a disabled person which I am but he is bipolar and an alcohol dependent as is his partner and pot kettle black. Luckily we had a visitor who witnessed the whole show. I didn't say anything but laughed in shock when he called me a spastxc it's a very offensive word.
NextDoorBipolarAlcoh - 12-Sep-21 @ 6:02 PM
We have, along with other numerous neighbours have a problem "nuisance neighbour". He has harassed, intimidated, threatened and damaged ours and others property. He has done damage as trivial as smashing a car window to arson!. The police cannot touch him, there is never any proof (evidence). He calls the police on a regular basis which is actually beginning to look like hes usingthe police as part of his harrassment "strategy "! I have researched this man's history of harrassment and it goes as far back as 15 years and another 1 address. I dont know about other prior history as he's 40 years old now.The police are useless! The police just dont want to know, dont care, they send out numerous officers that dont check the history of him being a problem neighbour. He keeps getting away with it. Its almost like the police jump to his "fanatical" behaviour. We and other neighbours are at the ends of our tethers with him. We just dont know what to do. If he was in council property he would have been kicked out by now! It came to a head last year where our car was damaged (coincidentally after an arguement with him and his wife) and my hubby and I "reacted" to them. We got ourselves arrested etc etc etc. Guess who got the criminal record? Not the arsonist bully! The police have failed us, other victims (15 found) and let that bastard get away with it again. He's moved on to bully another neighbour today and guess what the police did? Believed everything he said and upset the victims again by allowing themselves to be used as his "harrassment tool". He can't get to them physically now as they have had to get CCTV so he's calling the police to "report covid breach"; and of course, they have to come out. There was NO Covid breach. He stood In his doorway watchingpolice visit his new victim. We all feel let down by the police more than anything as they never know the history when they visit us all. It's always the same repeat explanation to police and always the same outcome of protection- nothing. Oh, saying that we did have "markers" put on all our homes and an anit-arson letterbox. So clearly there is a risk but they can't arrest him.
Sambo70 - 1-Mar-21 @ 12:54 AM
Theresa Mayis in rich world bubble not the real one
Plumber - 3-Jan-21 @ 8:30 PM
I have same 30 years of it electronic equipment and banging walls abuse threating to kill me have evidenceassaulting me dogs howling intimidation swearing drug abuse all sorts police give me asbo if I report it bent police
Plumber - 3-Jan-21 @ 8:28 PM
We have had over 4 1/2 years of hell from our neighbour. After we moved in they said they would make our lives hell until we moved out, and that’s what they’re doing. We have put fences and a gate up to keep them away, and then they put a scaffolding platform up so they could still see over. Their German shepherds are frequently in my garden, we have four children and 3 cats and we don’t want them in here. Only last week the daughter (mid thirties) snatched my phone from me and blocked me from entering my driveway. I have provided the police with many videos of evidence, but because my neighbour makes (false) counter allegations about us with the other members of their family as witness, it means we don’t get taken seriously. They have no evidence that we have ever done anything, because we haven’t! Their language is vile and they don’t care who hears it. They make personal attacks and have made comments to try and affect our marriage. They threatened my daughter that they would set the dogs on her. Everyone in the village knows who they are and a large percentage have had their own dealings with them. Still nothing gets done!
Sasha - 3-Sep-20 @ 1:15 PM
We have had over 4 1/2 years of hell from our neighbour. After we moved in they said they would make our lives hell until we moved out, and that’s what they’re doing. We have put fences and a gate up to keep them away, and then they put a scaffolding platform up so they could still see over. Their German shepherds are frequently in my garden, we have four children and 3 cats and we don’t want them in here. Only last week the daughter (mid thirties) snatched my phone from me and blocked me from entering my driveway. I have provided the police with many videos of evidence, but because my neighbour makes (false) counter allegations about us with the other members of their family as witness, it means we don’t get taken seriously. They have no evidence that we have ever done anything, because we haven’t! Their language is vile and they don’t care who hears it. They make personal attacks and have made comments to try and affect our marriage. They threatened my daughter that they would set the dogs on her. Everyone in the village knows who they are and a large percentage have had their own dealings with them. Still nothing gets done!
Sasha - 3-Sep-20 @ 12:29 PM
The Police told me if I dont like the racism and personal attacks on me then 'maybe you should move to a different city'
I'm a young mum. In my early 20's. Daughter is 5 months. I have to live above s msn who has history of harassing and stalking me. Each time I complain about what the guy is doing. It does down for a bit then starts again. Each time the police consider the last event as not relevant and saying 'that was ages ago' as a result I have suffered years of abuse, anti-social behaviour and harassment.
Also since im a woman the police went as far as justifying the aggressors behaviour by saying maybei led him on and he's acting this way because he feels rejected. This all started when i was 20 years old. The aggressor is in his 50s. It's disgusts me to even think that this old man is reacting this way because he wanted to take advantage of me.
I'm currently having to move out my home to a womans refuge just to make sure I'm taking my child away from risk. I've now been forced to leave because of a lack of care from the justice system.Also for my mental health as I no longer feel safe in my home and I started having panic attacks.
Ant - 22-Jun-19 @ 2:21 AM
Date: 04/03/2019
I phoned 3 times 101, Police Line to report the Anti-Social behaviours of my neighbour living on /First Floor (it's a two stry building in the whole street belonging to Housung Association).
I requested them that the perpetrators are excessively making noise by jumping on the floors including the Adult Parents since last 48 Hrs, and have threated the Physical Violence, with ranting foul and swearing Language, but they refused to deal withit. Instead, they gave Coucil Borough of Lambeth (I live in Brent London Borough), refused to give their Badge numbers and Names and the Police thumped the Phoned down, when I told them that this is not a Local Authority or Councils jb for Sever Noise Pollution.I wanted to Complain against each Officer who dealt with me in rudness and with fobbong answers covering each Officers with excuse of soft corner given to them and would not attend the property to diffuse the confrontations of Perpetrators.When I asked to speak to the Poice Station Duty Inspector to complat against officer who took my phones, they gave me an answerthat they (Colindale Police Station in London, Edgware has 30 Inspectors and the person does not know who to pass my call for my Complaint escalation, instead then he started laughing and gigling, and could hear others on back ground laughing Gigling.
Dugu Friend - 4-Mar-19 @ 5:40 PM
My next door neighbor keeps looking over in to our garden from his back window all the time.
Montycat - 27-May-18 @ 2:33 PM
My son has been having issues with his neighbour following a dispute over parking bays after another nearby resident moved in and (correctly) claimed an extra bay.This had a knock-on effect on other properties which was all amicable except for my son's neighbour who will not accept the new arrangement.She has been threatening, banging on walls during the night and downright evil.She now has a 'harassment order' against her but continues to cause mayhem.My son has numerous recordings of her threatening to kill him plus other confrontations and has followed the correct procedure in contacting the various agencies.For some reason the police seem unable to arrest and charge her - this has been going on for four months now.My son, his wife and their one year old daughter are now having to live with us or his wife's parents to get some sleep and a level of normality.The agencies, including the police, seem totally ineffective - you can understand why some people take the law into their own hands.
Concerned - 18-Apr-18 @ 4:56 PM
Hi I've got a neighbour, his wife and 5 in total 7 people, they are so bad mannered and swear all the time basically they have moved from a council estate 7 years ago, the can be even be violent sometimes the have criminal records even other family members outside who live away from them,they have have made my and my wife's life living hell since they have moved here in a lovely area, everybody in the area knows me and my wife that we are nice people, and and everyone knows this scummy family, I'm a ill person who has multiple sclerosis for the past7 and half years i just don't know who to go to for help, because these people are criminals I'm scared to go to the police because then they will make things worse. I just hope God willing something gets sorted out like thy move away, even their poor old neighbors who have lived there for 37 years is moving out, trying to sell his home, I do feel sorry them,they are nice people meaning everybody in the whole area are very nice. I hope there is someone out there who can help
Runny - 21-Oct-16 @ 6:50 AM
I live in flat in London Surrey quay
One of my the resident next flat have different man comming in 1 or 2 am often and shouting and screming .I have seen them using drugs many times .not sure they might be drugdealer as well I don't want myself to be exposed.
Hon - 26-Sep-16 @ 7:17 PM
I moved into a new build home and from the start I had little things done to me, the neighbour kept our parcels and mail,and refused to hand them to my son, she knocked on my door 9 times every night after 9pm asking me how I had sky dish and she hadn't, thought it was a culture thing as they were polish,then the almighty loud banging started every day, night and early mornings it's was so loud it vibrated through my house, so had to turn the tv up to try and block it out. All of a sudden a bashing on my window and door, he nearly bashed my door in. She had sent her husband around to scare us he was screaming and shouting,the children we're terrified, then they didn't like us gardening and physically attacked us pulling up my plants aswellthen hehada pair of scissors and turned around and he grabbed my son as he was trying to protect me, I'm a mother with two children.they had the cheek to call police on me but I had CCTV to prove what happened,police were in shock at what they did. They did nothing he even admitted it andnothing. The husband started stalking us, started standing on my drive staring at the camera, CCTV proof, police did nothing, he's done a "slit your throat" sign to my young daughter, nothing is done about it. The women neighbourhas threw liquid over my back patio door CCTV proof,followed us in The car,intimidating us,following us out the front and back garden. moving our bins to there side so get usto pass them,middle finger put up to us,offering us to fight them in the bedroom window because they know the cameraswill catch them,he's putchedthe fence at us,told us to turn the English radio off, police done nothing,carer's joined in as they pick up thereDisabled child, they even became verbually abusive with my mum because she asked them to move the car as they constantly blocked my drive and she needed medicine they shouted at her, reported to police, nothing but when they phone them they come out and I've been harrassed over my CCTV, the neighbours admitted they didn't like the gardening but they are not touched at all I've proven what I'm said and they still don't do anything. A pcso stressed me out so much I nearly ended up in hospital i'm now under my doctors,because this pcso just kept barking orders at me that I'm to jump through hoops for my neighbours, what's worse is they have previous, and the pcso knew her and stated she shouts at you. to top it off she came back and had a go at me accusing me off keeping a silly ball,that apparently came over which wasn't true, I phoned the police over serious incidents they never came out. Then the pcsostarted over the bins when I told her the bins were left there the neighbour didn't like them there,so this pcso demanded I move it. When I told her that she had stressed me out the last time she was here, she said I did it to myself,at that point i asked her politely to leave she wouldn't go, she stood in the door way so I couldn't close
Pebbles312 - 15-Aug-16 @ 12:23 AM
We brought a house which I think it's nice area but turn out badly.
A few months ago I have 1 neighbour came to knock at my house at the back door and he tried to open the door immediately without my permission with angry noise (neighbours got right of way to walk though my back to take the bin out) I have little girl and son with me and they gets scare. So I have talk to him at the next day and he doesn't even say sorry about what he does to us. And again on 26 May 2016 one of neighbour's cleaner shouted at my back window that we shouldn't scare the cat away ( I bought 50 pounds of the machine to not let cats do toilet around my kids area) so seem like it's me that I have to take this responsibility to the neighbour's cats!? As I have tried to explain that her owner's cat used my garden as a toilet and I got two little kids here, but she said cats do whatever they wants! I heard this from her and I couldn't believe what I'm hearing from 50 years old lady. She doesn't feel sorry or anything, so the next day she came to clean the neighbour's house again, so I talk to her nicely that you don't come to people's house window and shouted at them, and she said (you know what? I don't care! And she just laughing at me) I'm just wondering I been treated like this what action can I do? I'm from Thailand and my new house but this really upset me, my husband and my 2 kids that can't really play around even they got a nice garden but full of cats poo, wee and bad neighbours. Thank you for any advice.
Joy - 27-May-16 @ 3:50 PM
I have a neighbour who watches my children the police wont do any thing ,when we tried to sell our house he starts disputes so its difficult to sell ,he's cost us over £40000 in legal fees,to kerp him off our land ,he make consistent complaints to the council all un founded ,but this after 8 years as had such an affect on my dads health he's worried himselfto death ,we lost him in January scared of this neighbour ,how do we stop it ,police not interested
cath - 22-Mar-16 @ 4:15 PM
We live in private rented accommodation and our neighbour has moved a girlfriend in.She was a bit of a nuisance coming round late at night drunk telling us she has mental health issues and gets the urge to stab people then laughing and refusing to leave the house my husband actually shoved her out in the end with two boys asleep upstairs we didn't want her here since then we have been polite but won't let her in and try to ignore her best we can however a couple of weeks ago they had parked in our private space which we pay for with the house and refused to move when asked stating that it was their space. Eventually the man moved but they were very very drunk with her accusing me of being s bad mother because my son got knocked over in the summer .Our landlord agreed that we should chain the space off which we have done to stop them parking on his land. Now she is smashing our plant pots and for the last three weeks has hidden our bin on bin day which we now cannot find.It might seem petty but does anybody have any advice we cannot prove it is her unless we install cctv but she makes it very clear that it is .....
Jo - 20-Feb-16 @ 11:34 AM
memu - Your Question:
My neighbour has been making mine and my kids lives a misery banging doros at 2am. Having freinds over screaming and shouting I hav told her to stop the noise she told me to stop complaing or else now shes started. Chanting and screaming in the middle of the night my kids wont even go to the bathroom they are freightened. I hav contacted the coucil theyve told me to write a diary
Our Response:
Yes, you will have to follow the procedures recommended by environmental health. It usually starts by requesting that you keep a noise diary for a certain period. The next step might be a warning letter to the neighbour. A noise monitor may be installed in your premises if the EHO feels it may need to action via the courts.
ProblemNeighbours - 27-Oct-15 @ 12:49 PM
My neighbour has been making mine and my kids lives a misery banging doros at 2am. Having freinds over screaming and shouting i hav told her to stop the noise she told me to stop complaing or else now shes started. Chanting and screaming in the middle of the night my kids wont even go to the bathroom they are freightened. I hav contacted the coucil theyve told me to write a diary
memu - 23-Oct-15 @ 3:01 PM
I have a neighbour living in the flat below me.Three days a week he bangs on the walls, slams door violently enough to make my flat shake and loudly too.He started this year to call me names and use swear words from below.I told the council and the police and they have been thus far helpful.
Deaf - 24-Sep-15 @ 3:41 PM
I live In a bottom floor flat and the resident above is a big time heroin taker causing him to fit in his bed and onto his floor right above my bed in my bedroom, happened on a numerous amount of occasions an the last time I heard him banging his head viciously on the floor I called for help for him he later refused to go to hospital & knocked my door with memory loss the next day, I asked him why he hasn't accepted professional help to the answer 'I didn't want to be away from my drugs' and laughed, now I'm due to have a baby later this year & with this on going issue happening frequently it's a scary experience to be hearing and dealing with on top of the excess noise he makes when he's 'out of it' I've contacted the housing association and filed complaints but they keep closing the case, I don't know what else to do, Surely I shouldn't have to sleep on my own settee most nights to block the fitting sounds out? Any ideas
Shez - 16-Jul-15 @ 3:38 PM
I have a slightly different problem - my husband, myself and our four daughters moved into a privately rented home in a lovely little village 3 years ago.Unfortunately, my husband has managed to upset our neighbours by playing music loudly while outside working in the garden.I have apologised and have told my husband to keep it at a lower level.However, it seems like we are not welcome here, and it has gotten back to me that we aren't "the right sort" - today someone has hung a bag full of dog excrement in our front door.I can only assume they thought it came from our dog, which it didn't. I don't want to move, as I love it here, but I am feeling increasingly more unhappy and unsettled - any suggestions would be welcome
Lynsey - 13-Jul-15 @ 6:39 PM
Why arethere such violence in society neighbours should be friendly and help out each other in all countries,can each one make a start
Where is the love?why this long faces and acts of violence
We are just ordinary people, help each other be kind, smile for your neighbours they should be like family. Do a good turn
Mona Leeza - 30-Jun-15 @ 7:14 PM
@del. This is criminal damage to your property which you could report to the police. However this will not get you your trees back. You could try a civil claim for the cost of replanting etc?
ProblemNeighbours - 3-Jun-15 @ 2:40 PM
Today I could hear a chainsaw and on going upstairs to where my garden level is my neighbours son had chopped all my trees down in my garden with my permission.
They said the trees were blocking out the sattelite signal. Any advice would be grateful.
Del - 1-Jun-15 @ 5:21 PM
Thank you - I will do just that. The police has blatantly refused to do anything - I have also complained to my local MP but she has not done anything either (it's been two years!).
And now she no longer takes our calls, all we get is a receptionist.
The neighbours have now started harassing our guests, chasing them in thier car and threatening them.
Shelly - 16-Mar-15 @ 6:37 PM
@Shelly. The police would not refuse to take action over physical violence like this. If you are sure of all the facts and the police repsonse has not been satisfactory you could complain to the Independent Police Complaints Commission. Speak to your MP first.
ProblemNeighbours - 27-Feb-15 @ 11:23 AM
My neighbours for the past two years has verbally abused me, my children and my elderly mother.
She and her friends throw things in our garden and threaten us. We have reported every event over the two years to the police, her landlady and the council.But no-one has bothered to help us.
over Christmas the neighbour and her sister assaulted me and threatened to kill my children. They broke my nose and I needed nose surgery.The police refuse to take action as the only witnesses were family members.we no longer live a happy life as my children are scared to go outside.
What can I do? I'm at my wits end after two years of abuse and now this physical assault.
Shelly - 24-Feb-15 @ 6:34 PM
@R. Oh dear that's a bit difficult if the behaviour is not annoying your mum in the same way. Read through some of the approaches to neighbour problems on this site. It may be that there is some kind of solution that both you and your mum can agree to try with your neighbours.
Marissajanet Re: Letter Template: Noisy Neighbours
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Re: Letter Template: Neighbour Blocking Shared Access Way
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Re: Letter Template: Neighbour Blocking Your Driveway
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Re: Letter Template: Problem with Neighbour's Tree
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Re: Letter Template: Neighbour's Children & Ball Games
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Re: Letter Template: Inconsiderate Parking in Your Road
RecoveryBureauC (at)gmail, com offers five star mobile phone monitoring and assets recovery…
Re: Letter Template: Neighbour's Dog Fouling
RecoveryBureauC (at)gmail, com offers five star mobile phone monitoring and assets recovery solution. The new AI…
Re: Letter Template: Neighbour's Dog Barking
RecoveryBureauC (at)gmail, com offers five star mobile phone monitoring and assets recovery solution. The new AI…
Re: Letter Template: Noisy Neighbours
RecoveryBureauC (at)gmail, com offers five star mobile phone monitoring and assets recovery solution. The new AI technology…
Re: Letter Template: Asking Neighbour To Meet About Dispute
RecoveryBureauC (at)gmail, com offers five star mobile phone monitoring and assets recovery…
Re: Guide to the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act
RecoveryBureauC (at)gmail, com offers five star mobile phone monitoring and assets recovery…