Home > Who to Contact > Landlord Repairs: The Role of Environmental Health

Landlord Repairs: The Role of Environmental Health

By: Abigail Taylor - Updated: 28 Sep 2022 | comments*Discuss

Environmental Health Officers [EHOs] are concerned with protecting the environment that we all live in. Businesses will often come across them taking measures to maintain air quality, food safety and ensure safe hazardous waste disposal. However Landlords also need to be aware of the work of EHOs who are more and more frequently called upon to exercise their powers to deal with substandard housing.


In England, a Housing Health and Safety Rating System (HHSRS) is used to assess houses to ensure that they have no serious hazards. The Local Council will rely on this inspection report to take action against Landlords whose properties are hazardous and ensure that they are made safe.

The assessment will take a number of different factors into account:

  • Damp and mould
  • Crumbling plaster and wood rot
  • Faulty or exposed electrics
  • Infestations
  • Fire safety

What steps can EHO take if a property fails inspection?

  • They can issue a Hazard Warning Notice to formally tell the Landlord there is a problem
  • They can issue an Improvement Notice ordering the Landlord to carry out specific repairs within a specified period of time
  • They can order closure of all or part of a building
  • They can carry out emergency repairs themselves and reclaim the cost from the Landlord

What are common items listed within an improvement notice?

My experience of Improvement Notices has shown a number of recurring issues such as:
  • Windows that won't close properly
  • Damp / mouldy walls
  • Missing or broken staircases
  • Vermin infestations
  • Missing floorboards

If your Property has any of the above issues, it is advisable to get them fixed as soon as possible, as EHO are likely to identify them as serious hazards. Failure to carry out repairs listed within an Improvement Notice will lead to prosecution of the Landlord and a hefty fine.

Case Study

I am currently acting for a Landlord who has a Property with numerous maintenance issues. Unfortunately he ignored all correspondence from EHO and was prosecuted and fined. Hopefully the below real life case will show the process from first Tenant complaint to fine, and act as a precautionary tale to any readers!

The process in a recent 'real-life' case I've worked on:

11/10/13 - First complaint from Tenant about outstanding maintenance including a badly leaking radiator, a rat infestation and a bedroom window that wouldn't close
18/10/13 - Further complaint from Tenant about outstanding maintenance including no heating or hot water as well as other items still outstanding

21/10/13 - Further complaint from Tenant about outstanding maintenance
24/10/13 - Further complaint from Tenant about outstanding maintenance
29/10/13 - Further complaint from Tenant about outstanding maintenance

04/11/13 - Complaint to EHO
25/11/3 - EHO wrote to the Landlord to advise that they would be inspecting the Property and to invite the Landlord to attend the inspection
02/12/13 - EHO inspected the Property. Numerous hazards were identified
04/12/13 - EHO served the Landlord with an Improvement Notice. The Landlord had 30 days to carry out the repairs
10/01/14 - EHO re-inspected the property and found that no repairs had been carried out.14/01/14 - EHO again wrote to the Landlord to state that repairs must be carried out and provide an extended deadline.11/02/14 - EHO re-inspected the property and found that no repairs had been carried out still
18/02/14 - Court proceedings issued

28/04/14 - Landlord fined £1500 and still has to carry out the repairs. Landlord subsequently complained that he has no money to pay the fine. EHO not interested and said still have to pay. In meantime Tenants instructing contractors to carry out repairs themselves and withholding cost from rent

What the landlord did wrong

As you can see, the Landlord was given a number of chances to carry out the repairs both before and after EHO became involved. Had the Landlord carried out some of the repairs and contacted EHO during the inspection process, he would likely have been given a further extension to carry out repairs. I cannot stress enough how important it is to work with EHO - if you give them a timescale for when repairs will be carried out, as long as these are reasonable, you will usually be given the time requested.

Note: The fine may also be higher, but this particular Landlord did genuinely have a low income.

The other reason why it is important to carry out repairs swiftly is that Tenants can suffer injury or illness if you do not keep up to maintenance. This Landlord is now being sued by one of his Tenants because the damp and cold (due to the broken window) seriously aggravated their asthma leading to respiratory difficulties. The Landlord will almost certainly be found liable. The Landlord is therefore now also going to have to pay their hefty Professional Indemnity Insurance policy excess, and the position could have been even worse if they had not had insurance!

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Hi We noticed a leak in our ceiling and promptly informed our insurance company and managing agent. We had a specilist come in who determined that the source was from a shared pipe. The leak is a brown water that is coming from a falty stack pipe. Our agent is being very unhelpful about the situation and is leaving the burden on me when in fact the source of the leak isnt even accessible from my flat. I read online that the EHO would help get this sorted asap as there may be an environmental health risk involved can anyone suggest how i should proceed?
arjun - 28-Sep-22 @ 1:15 PM
Hi been waiting for a roof repair since the 19th May half the ceiling is soaked and is now dripping onto the carpet. I am in the highest escalation of complaint and still nothing my daughter is 13 and living with me in my room plus I have asthma
Jade Allmond - 6-Jul-21 @ 7:30 AM
The electrics have blown in the house I have 3 children and can’t cook them dinner because of the electrics
Helen - 27-Feb-21 @ 7:31 PM
I need to speak to someone as soon as possible
Helen - 27-Feb-21 @ 7:29 PM
I have been helping Tennant's within my area for the past 4 months trying to sort out problems on there properties by helping them contact the landlord over and over again with the concerns such as mould on walls fire safety checks which have been done and he has been notified to fix problems such as double plug sockets by sink that has to run a extension lead off it to run a washing machine and a fridge freezer which he has been told need to be on there own sockets, after this not being done and also numerous amounts of jobs we've contacted environmental health who have said they will come and inspect the property after he caught wind of this happening he decided to confront a lady who lives in one of the flats who suffers with depression and anxiety and intimidate her and tell her she will be given her notice after I stepped in and started recording he withdrew this statement, police were called due to the nature of this as she felt like because she is a woman he thought he could be threatening by telling her she shouldn't tell anyone about the problems in her property he had also done this to numerous tenants who Livin the block of flats which there are 14, he has also tried to tell me because I am helping these people I'm not allowed near the block of flats or near these tenants which are my friends, after speaking to shelter cymru the Tennant's have been advised to speak to the council to get a harrasment order put against him but he's intimidated them so much it makes them query weather they should keep the complaint up or get away with it. Within this situation I think it's just generally cruel the way he is being as if the properties were in good order he shouldn't have a problem with them being checked by environmental health
Storm - 3-Oct-20 @ 12:50 AM
i live every day with my to next door neighbours who use there water but i'm the one who is stuck hearing it and they won't stop i have told them over and over again to stop or get it fixed and all i get is no answer from the man in unit 3 and called names from the man in unit 2 i have been nice about it at first but they are just upsetting me now i'm stuck inside cause of the virus and have no peace cause i'm having to hear the pounding in my walls they just don't seem to get it then man in unit 2 has history of being disrespectful to women the housing office won't do anything about it even though they have also been told i'm a single women who has health problems and i have the right to live in peace and quiet just like anyone else and it's not doing my health any good i stuck having to sleep when they go out cause it's the only time i can get quite long enough it's an ongoing problem and i feel that it's falling on def ears
Kath - 5-Sep-20 @ 9:50 AM
I own a property and rent to tenants my downfall is I have neighbours who rent to but the landlord has left his work to letting agents which for personal client confidentiality can not let me or anyone else know who or how to make contact with as his tenants have down right have fly tripped my back yard entrance which is split three ways so it’s a back ally which always three properties to use but it’s completely blocked infested and a full full n health hazard I never get tenantslong enough to stay once they realise they blockage if hazardous and a cause of health I’ve tried the council many of times and it’s a very stressful and tense situation to be in as I am a pensioner because the property is mine and the ally way is three way I may have to take the fall as there is no response from the three party as there’s no way anyone can help us it’s been over 3 years the tenants keep changing and the pile is getting bigger and bigger and it’s ridiculous as I’m am not responsible for someone else junk and the council begs to state if the court can’t find pure evidence that it is my neighbour and I can prove it in court I can will still have to pay half disputes it not being me I am the end of tether and I really need help this is very upsetting and distressing my wife who is suffering a great deal with her health and she has been warned she is not to take anymore stress as her heart is extremely weak and friagleand I am really in need of help can someone out there please help me
AJ - 4-Sep-19 @ 8:18 PM
Environmental health don't do anything. They let landlords get away with a hell of a lot. They don't do anything about antisocial behaviour either if the antisocial person is a home owner. I've been trying to get them to help me with both for 20 years. Even the police take the side of the home owner. I have had all manner of disrepair in my home for 20 years. No hot water for years and due to a long-term leak the baths going to come through the ceiling any day now. It's been leaking through a light fitting. My housing manager knows and so does head of environmental health in Hampshire. Had black and yellow mold whole of my tenancy
Dee - 30-Jun-19 @ 7:04 PM
Private renting on a 2 year tenency one year completed .3/01/2019 my partner and I reported paint bubbling on the outer wall of the house and dining room . Paint is now peeling off in dining room and my sons room 8 yr old . App letting agent have had 2 company evaluate issue and both advise the outer rendering needs to be removed And replaced . The walls are damp and cold to touch along with the sash wooden windowwhich have been erected with plastic for draft excluder . Georgian door that internally is damp and wood soft to touch . We have been advised 5 months after reporting the ongoing damp house conditions that the landlord is ignoring letting agents correspondence but letting agent advised us the tenet and landlord may be looking into his building insurance for the work which is causing the delays ? I’m waking during the night with the cold and dampness of the environment causing considerable pain in my shoulder causing then pins and needles in my hands , .
eg03xta - 9-May-19 @ 9:18 PM
8 Months ago i reported rotten wooden window frames in my home (Hole in corner of one just bigger than a 50 pence piece) 4x Blown glass Workmen came out and said the job was bigger than they were told as the whole frame is rotten so will all need replacing, i havent heard anything since! After 3-4 phone calls asking what is going on they tell me someone will call me back and i hear nothing! What am i to do?
Horsefan - 27-Mar-19 @ 9:43 AM
A EHO instructed by my lawyer inspected my council property and identified a number of issues during the visit. However, i did not include most of the works he identified during his visit in his report to my lawyer. My lawyer gave me a list of works to be carried out by my landlord which do not include the works required to prevent the issues from reoccurring the EHO outlined during his visit. I recorded the EHO visit and can prove that what is written in his report is in contrast to what he stated during his inspection. Is there a Code of Conduct the EHO must adhere to or an organisation i can contact to report him? Thank you.
Crive - 5-Jul-18 @ 10:32 AM
My kitchen cupboards are rotting inside and get little bugs in which I find inside my bags of flour.When I told landlord about they did an inspection and decided they'd replace the doors and worktops ONLY . That was in 2014. Now I find all my neighbours are getting new kitchens as they've been in for over 20 yrs. But they said I'm not eligible as we had new doors and tops in 2014. Yes we did have these but that didn't fix the problems of rot and bugs which I mentioned the first time I reported it . Are they allowed to fob me off like this? Or do they have to replace the carcasses? Thanks
Dizzy - 17-Apr-18 @ 5:43 PM
I currently live in a tenement block in Glasgow in an affluent area. My Land Lady has told me she wants to sell. The property may be worth £135,000 plus. However there is a slight structural problem with the west bay window. Not my bay, the bay next to mine. There was a flat sold in 2013 for £50,000 due to this structural issue. A full structural report has been done stating that the work should be carried out before it gets too extensive. However, there are 12 owners, and only 5 are willing to pay their share. The government has offered a grant if 10 owners pay £5,000 each. As you can imagine this is an issue as most owners rent. The question is, what can be done legally in order to get all owners to pay their share? I want to buy this flat as I know it can be sold for a lot more once the work is done! Can it be pushed by the council? Please help. Thanks
Julie - 17-Mar-18 @ 7:46 PM
Hi, I’ve lived at my house for almost 1 year, there is damp so bad by my back door that when you touch the wall the paint comes off onto your hand, I could have my heating on for 4-5 hours and the house is still so cold you see their cold air coming off your breath, I have reported this to the estate agents, they told me they don’t deal with the coldness of the house, the landlord comes by at least every month to”look at the wall” nothing has still been done, since this I have now noticed damp in my bedroom, I’m now struggling to breath in my sleep, what should I do?
Rii - 21-Jan-18 @ 10:56 PM
Billong - Your Question:
Me & partner moved in flat needed repairs 2 years later still nothing he sed it would be done all the landlord what money every month we are getting slug in all the time we shall report him

Our Response:
WE hope the above article helps you with the next steps you need to take.
ProblemNeighbours - 2-Aug-17 @ 12:12 PM
Me & partner moved in flat needed repairs 2 years later still nothing he sed it would be done all the landlord what money every month we are getting slug in all the time we shall report him
Billong - 30-Jul-17 @ 12:39 PM
15 years ago an two storey wharehouse was demolised and a 5 story office was built on it's footprint and extended upwards behnd my home. There is about 40 feet between my building and that one. The work was masssive, desruptive, noisey and went on for two years. The buiding has a very large glass atrium on top of the roof. A pathway (for emergency exits) runs the length of the roof. The terrace is directly opposite my living room roof and kitchen windows. On the rare occassions workmen use this roof pathway and they have an unrestriced view into my living area. It seldom happens and I can live with that. Last summer a garden table and chairs appeared and office staff began to use it. My partner told me, "as part of the planning permission they were not suppose to do that".I have no memory of this butI do remember that we were assured that the office lights would be put out out night. They were to begin with, then my family and I moved over seas for several years overseas. When we returned the Atrium was lit up all night. The light shines directly into our bedrooms. We can use blinds of course but in the summer it makes it impossible to open the windows.I contacted the loacal authority and an inspector came and told me that the light would have to be bright enough to read a newspaper by. So nothing has been done. I am am concerned that if I don't complain about the table and chairs there will be further developments.Can anyone advise me. Who does one contact? Do we have any rights?
stevew2 - 28-Jan-17 @ 1:41 AM
Myself and my family have lived at an address in Bournemouth now for 3 years.We have always paid our rent on time.We have 4 children aged 13, 7, 2 and a baby.We have a property that we rent for just under £1000 a month.Our windows are still wooden framed, most of which are rotten.Our front door, again wooden, does not shut properly, My house is so cold that my younger children are always ill! My little baby girl ended up in hospital at 4 months with pneumonia for 5 days!!!My landlady has refused to do anything about any of my concerns!Do i have a legal leg to stand on??If anyone has any advice i'd be very grateful x Lee
Lee Suzanne - 1-Dec-16 @ 10:09 PM
mrrealrealm - Your Question:
I have been a long term tenant of Kent County Council. for almost ten years. and I have had to endure tap water which has a strong taste and smell of domestic bleach plus yellow covered skin after taking a bath. complained to the council after. having my tap water tested. the water board says any probelm must be with me. and suggested that I rent private accomadation. by why should I have to do this???

Our Response:
Have other tenants had the same problem? What were the results of the Water Board's tests? If you're unhappy about the actions of either organisation you could try the Ombudsman.
ProblemNeighbours - 29-Nov-16 @ 11:11 AM
I have been a long term tenant of Kent County Council. for almost ten years. and I have had to endure tap water which has a strong taste and smell of domestic bleach plus yellow covered skin after taking a bath. complained to the council after. having my tap water tested. the water board says any probelm must be with me. and suggested that I rent private accomadation. by why should I have to do this???
mrrealrealm - 28-Nov-16 @ 5:15 AM
Donny - Your Question:
Hi,My daughter privately rents a property. It has been flooded by the upstairs flat. Apparently the landlord of upstairs flat disconnected a washing machine and didn't tap of the pipe properly consequently water had been dripping into their kitchen and came through her roof. She had been away for couple of days so not sure how long it had been dripping for. Her son's bedroom is soaked, and I mean really soaked - squelching - all the clothes in there, the carpet all wringing wet. The whole ceiling is wet and stained and the water was literally running out through the light fitting. Her bedroom next door is also wet but not as bad as is the hallway. She contacted the letting Agents who sent someone round who said 'oh its not too bad just let it dry out then well steam clean carpets and re-paint the ceiling' but you can still live here in the meantime just don't use the bedroom light!! We told her this wasn't good enough and the electrics must be tested before she go back in and also she is unable to let her son stay there as his room is too wet - he's only a toddler. After 3 days they sent an electrician round who checked electrics and said they were OK and also a carpet man who said carpet must be pulled up and underlay thrown away, a new underlay needs to be fitted, the carpet must dry out then be re-fitted and steam cleaned. She was told to empty her son's bedroom so this could be done - she is a single mum, I don't know how they thought she was going to move a double wardrobe, cot and rest of furniture. Anyway she got it moved into the lounge - which is now unusable as it contains all the lounge furniture, all the bedroom furniture and toys and all the clothes (in bags) that got wet and we had to re-wash and dry. It is impossible for her to have her son there - it absolutely stinks and there is no room for him. I told her she must insist again that they sort her out quickly. Apparently the Letting Agent came round today and basically said - it doesn't smell that bad but she did note that there was no room in the flat and that her son couldn't be there. My daughter asked why the work was not being done and the Letting Agent said they couldn't contact the landlord of the upstairs flat. My daughter suggested that her landlord claim on his insurance but they said he won't as he would have to pay the excess, so she said why doesn't he have the work done and then get the money back from upstairs landlord. She was told her landlord wants upstairs landlord to actually pay for the work to be done. He is not prepared to pay upfront or to claim. In the meantime my daughter cannot use her flat, she cannot have her son with her. He is having to stay extra nights with his father (who is not pleased) and then he is dropped off early so he can go to work. She then has to wander the streets with her son until his dad comes home from work and he can be handed over for the night. She can pop into my house but I am having buildi

Our Response:
Tell her to contact her home insurance company - they will be able to help.
ProblemNeighbours - 25-Aug-16 @ 11:38 AM
Hi, My daughter privately rents a property. It has been flooded by the upstairs flat. Apparently the landlord of upstairs flat disconnected a washing machine and didn't tap of the pipe properly consequently water had been dripping into their kitchen and came through her roof.She had been away for couple of days so not sure how long it had been dripping for.Her son's bedroom is soaked, and I mean really soaked - squelching - all the clothes in there, the carpet all wringing wet.The whole ceiling is wet and stained and the water was literally running out through the light fitting.Her bedroom next door is also wet but not as bad as is the hallway.She contacted the letting Agents who sent someone round who said 'oh its not too bad just let it dry out then well steam clean carpets and re-paint the ceiling' but you can still live here in the meantime just don't use the bedroom light!!We told her this wasn't good enough and the electrics must be tested before she go back in and also she is unable to let her son stay there as his room is too wet - he's only a toddler.After 3 days they sent an electrician round who checked electrics and said they were OK and also a carpet man who said carpet must be pulled up and underlay thrown away, a new underlay needs to be fitted, the carpet must dry out then be re-fitted and steam cleaned.She was told to empty her son's bedroom so this could be done - she is a single mum, I don't know how they thought she was going to move a double wardrobe, cot and rest of furniture.Anyway she got it moved into the lounge - which is now unusable as it contains all the lounge furniture, all the bedroom furniture and toys and all the clothes (in bags) that got wet and we had to re-wash and dry.It is impossible for her to have her son there - it absolutely stinks and there is no room for him.I told her she must insist again that they sort her out quickly.Apparently the Letting Agent came round today and basically said - it doesn't smell that bad but she did note that there was no room in the flat and that her son couldn't be there.My daughter asked why the work was not being done and the Letting Agent said they couldn't contact the landlord of the upstairs flat.My daughter suggested that her landlord claim on his insurance but they said he won't as he would have to pay the excess, so she said why doesn't he have the work done and then get the money back from upstairs landlord.She was told her landlord wants upstairs landlord to actually pay for the work to be done.He is not prepared to pay upfront or to claim.In the meantime my daughter cannot use her flat, she cannot have her son with her.He is having to stay extra nights with his father (who is not pleased) and then he is dropped off early so he can go to work.She then has to wander the streets with her son until his dad comes home from work and he can be handed over for the night.She can pop into my house but I am having buildi
Donny - 22-Aug-16 @ 2:34 PM
Environmental Health inspected my property 3 weeks ago & stated that it was exceptionally cold. Can anyone tell me how long it takes for anything to be done as I have not heard from Environmental Health or my landlord if any action is being taken
blondie - 21-May-16 @ 3:37 AM
Artex,has been all wall,and ceilings in four apartment I've stayed here 16 years person before said it was in it when he arrived twenty odd years I've been on to ng homes my housing and they don't bother to the fact they never come on phone I leave messages holes apear,bits of dust and rubble fall got a five year old son am desparate,got problems with breathing at time son is coughing said it courp,07873680980
anns - 15-Apr-16 @ 4:17 PM
My cold tap in kitchen had to be isolated a week ago as it won't turn off .and nearly flooded kitchen . I havnt had cold water since .Told landlord the plummer is busy he said .what can I do ?
Shaz - 17-Mar-16 @ 9:43 AM
blondie - Your Question:
I have lived in my property for 7 years now & have always had problems with cold & damp but have got significantly worse. Landlord blames me as I refuse to use night storage heaters.Last year a damp patch developed on my hall ceiling & the plasterwork is coming off. Every time it rains it gets bigger but he still hasn't done anything about it.2 months ago my loft hatch broke & is now on the floor so I am left with a gaping hole. I showed him immediately & asked him if he could cover it with a piece of wood. He informed me that a new one had to be made to comply with fire regs. He knows that I suffer from ill health but I have to sit here in freezing conditions as when I put fire on all the heat disappears under gaps under my doors & straight through the open hatch in my loft.I also notified him of significant mould in the communal hallway. He ignored my text. I telephoned him a week later & he finally came round but all he did was spray bleach on it.Have had to resort to contacting CAB & Shelter to see if they can do anything as he clearly won't & I cannot carry on living in these poor conditions. Was so cold I could see my breath in the air & is so cold in bedroom that my clothes feel damp. Cannot dry anything indoors. clothes more damp than when they came out of my washing machine

Our Response:
You should report your landlord to your Environmental Health department as detailed in the above article.
ProblemNeighbours - 14-Mar-16 @ 2:02 PM
I have lived in my property for 7 years now & have always had problems with cold & damp but have got significantly worse. Landlord blames me as I refuse to use night storage heaters. Last year a damp patch developed on my hall ceiling & the plasterwork is coming off. Every time it rains it gets bigger but he still hasn't done anything about it. 2 months ago my loft hatch broke & is now on the floor so I am left with a gaping hole. I showed him immediately & asked him if he could cover it with a piece of wood. He informed me that a new one had to be made to comply with fire regs. He knows that I suffer from ill health but I have to sit here in freezing conditions as when I put fire on all the heat disappears under gaps under my doors & straight through the open hatch in my loft. I also notified him of significant mould in the communal hallway. He ignored my text. I telephoned him a week later & he finally came round but all he did was spray bleach on it. Have had to resort to contacting CAB & Shelter to see if they can do anything as he clearly won't & I cannot carry on living in these poor conditions. Was so cold I could see my breath in the air & is so cold in bedroom that my clothes feel damp. Cannot dry anything indoors ... clothes more damp than when they came out of my washing machine
blondie - 11-Mar-16 @ 6:02 AM
Hi would like to ask anyone if I should pay a bond for this house I moved into a month ago. Long story short, viewed the house was a bit of a mess as expected from the last tenants... But o assumed she would be cleaning it up before me and my son moved in as you do when you have nice clean new tenants... Was I wrong the day I moved in the landlord was on holiday and the house was in the exact same state as it was when I viewed it, I couldn't believe it.. Looks can be very deceiving and I even asked her if she will be replacing the carpets as she did but left my sons room with the old, warn smelly dog carpet. The old tenants were disgusting!! The house smelt the same as it did when I first came to see it I really expected her to at least give it a dwp clean before hand as she said she did along with four other people, that must of been toddlers!! And then obviously do the repairs while I'm living there as I needed to get moved for my son. It's been the biggest regret of my life. She has done four jobs out of a good 30-50 since I've moved in and when I text her she either doesn't reply or replays with the bond situation. In my eyes I'm paying for the old tenants damages, mess and all the Rubish and grime I had to get rid of because the landlords lie. She wasn't really bothered about what I had to say to her the day she came for the rent in advance and ended up rushing off as soon as she got it even leaving behind her copy of the contract. Some advise please I have bipolar and it effects me badly I worry about everything to the point I feel like it's the end of the world. I am on housing benefit and they are late with the first payment of the rent but the landlord came to my house without notifying me a day before it was due telling me that everyone else's has gone in her account and all I could say is this is Christmas and its out of my hands until I receive it but it will be coming and will get back dated and this is a woman familiar with the social and they know who she is in her own words. I have plastic over the inside of the Windows, mouldy upstairs and really bad condensation in my bedroom and the wall gets wet through the wallpaper its semi detached and the detatched side that gets wet but only in the bedroom upstairs not going down into kitchen. There is much more but can't go on. Thankyou.
Rampan - 6-Jan-16 @ 2:56 PM
Hi would like to ask anyone if I should pay a bond for this house I moved into a month ago. Long story short, viewed the house was a bit of a mess as expected from the last tenants... But o assumed she would be cleaning it up before me and my son moved in as you do when you have nice clean new tenants... Was I wrong the day I moved in the landlord was on holiday and the house was in the exact same state as it was when I viewed it, I couldn't believe it.. Looks can be very deceiving and I even asked her if she will be replacing the carpets as she did but left my sons room with the old, warn smelly dog carpet. The old tenants were disgusting!! The house smelt the same as it did when I first came to see it I really expected her to at least give it a dwp clean before hand as she said she did along with four other people, that must of been toddlers!! And then obviously do the repairs while I'm living there as I needed to get moved for my son. It's been the biggest regret of my life. She has done four jobs out of a good 30-50 since I've moved in and when I text her she either doesn't reply or replays with the bond situation. In my eyes I'm paying for the old tenants damages, mess and all the Rubish and grime I had to get rid of because the landlords lie. She wasn't really bothered about what I had to say to her the day she came for the rent in advance and ended up rushing off as soon as she got it even leaving behind her copy of the contract. Some advise please I have bipolar and it effects me badly I worry about everything to the point I feel like it's the end of the world. I am on housing benefit and they are late with the first payment of the rent but the landlord came to my house without notifying me a day before it was due telling me that everyone else's has gone in her account and all I could say is this is Christmas and its out of my hands until I receive it but it will be coming and will get back dated and this is a woman familiar with the social and they know who she is in her own words. I have plastic over the inside of the Windows, mouldy upstairs and really bad condensation in my bedroom and the wall gets wet through the wallpaper its semi detached and the detatched side that gets wet but only in the bedroom upstairs not going down into kitchen. There is much more but can't go on. Thankyou.
Rampan - 6-Jan-16 @ 2:54 PM
Hi would like to ask anyone if I should pay a bond for this house I moved into a month ago. Long story short, viewed the house was a bit of a mess as expected from the last tenants... But o assumed she would be cleaning it up before me and my son moved in as you do when you have nice clean new tenants... Was I wrong the day I moved in the landlord was on holiday and the house was in the exact same state as it was when I viewed it, I couldn't believe it.. Looks can be very deceiving and I even asked her if she will be replacing the carpets as she did but left my sons room with the old, warn smelly dog carpet. The old tenants were disgusting!! The house smelt the same as it did when I first came to see it I really expected her to at least give it a dwp clean before hand as she said she did along with four other people, that must of been toddlers!! And then obviously do the repairs while I'm living there as I needed to get moved for my son. It's been the biggest regret of my life. She has done four jobs out of a good 30-50 since I've moved in and when I text her she either doesn't reply or replays with the bond situation. In my eyes I'm paying for the old tenants damages, mess and all the Rubish and grime I had to get rid of because the landlords lie. She wasn't really bothered about what I had to say to her the day she came for the rent in advance and ended up rushing off as soon as she got it even leaving behind her copy of the contract. Some advise please I have bipolar and it effects me badly I worry about everything to the point I feel like it's the end of the world. I am on housing benefit and they are late with the first payment of the rent but the landlord came to my house without notifying me a day before it was due telling me that everyone else's has gone in her account and all I could say is this is Christmas and its out of my hands until I receive it but it will be coming and will get back dated and this is a woman familiar with the social and they know who she is in her own words. I have plastic over the inside of the Windows, mouldy upstairs and really bad condensation in my bedroom and the wall gets wet through the wallpaper its semi detached and the detatched side that gets wet but only in the bedroom upstairs not going down into kitchen. There is much more but can't go on. Thankyou.
Rampan - 6-Jan-16 @ 1:56 PM
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