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When you Should Contact your Local Environmental Health Department

By: Jeff Durham - Updated: 12 Sep 2024 | comments*Discuss
Air Quality Environmental Health

If you have already read a number of articles contained on this website, you will have begun to realise that your local authority’s environmental health department covers a vast remit and they often your first port of call if you are experiencing problems with your neighbours or within the community as a whole.

It can be far quicker to obtain a resolution if you contact your environmental health department first as opposed to calling the police when dealing with many neighbourhood issues. In fact, in most instances, even if you call the police, they might refer you back to the environmental health department first. Here are the many issues that the environmental health department would deal with:

Air Quality

If your enjoyment of your own property is being affected by a Neighbour’s Bonfire or barbecue or if an industrial chimney is causing a problem.

Contaminated Land

Where you suspect that chemicals or associated materials have polluted either a water supply or have contaminated land.

Dangerous Dogs

If you have a problem with a Dangerous Or Nuisance Dog in your area or you have been attacked or been threatened by an attack from a dog. You’d also contact the department if you're concerned about persistent dog fouling outside your house or on local parks.

Food Standards

If you are concerned about the hygiene of a particular business which is manufacturing and/or selling food or drink to the public, or you have suffered a health problem as a result of eating suspected contaminated food.

Noise Levels

If you are suffering from the effects of Excessive Noise as the result of a neighbour’s party, loud music, a nearby factory or some other kind of business which is generating excessive noise or if you have an Incessantly Barking Dog in the neighbourhood.

Pest Control

If your own home or a nearby property has been plagued by pests which could be anything from a wasps’ nest to rodent control.


If flytipping has occurred on your street or if you suspect a neighbour to be guilty of flytipping elsewhere.

Graffiti and Flyposting

If graffiti or flyposting is happening in your area, your environmental health department will also deal with this.


If a neighbour is guilty of not disposing of their household waste correctly, or if you are experiencing a lot of litter on your property or street as the result of a business nearby.

Of course, in many of these instances, the problem can often be resolved by speaking to the relevant neighbour or nearby business first. However, if you’re unable to obtain a satisfactory resolution to a particular problem from the person(s) involved, or you don’t know who might be responsible for causing the problem, then all of the above fall under the jurisdiction of your local authority’s environmental health department. They have the powers and the weight of the law behind them to begin an investigation and to enforce a resolution, be that through the courts, if necessary.

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Can someone come to 48 stane street close, pulbourough. They are disposing of asbestos illegally in a skip and hiding it at the bottom of a skip. They told the housing association saxon weald the skip would only have garden waste .
Senna1701 - 12-Sep-24 @ 12:58 PM
I really need someone to come and take a look at a neighbour 17 Haswell court Ts2o2az she has an overgrown tree to both front and back and it is higher than the house she cannot get out of the back door due to the tree and is a fire risk to her I don't think she is coping well and is talking to herself quite a lot she is quite an old ladythe tree covers all of the house and is becoming in disrepair for the lady to cope with unknown to what the inside looks like but I think this lady needs help from some authorities.
Leah Muckian - 3-Aug-24 @ 7:33 PM
I would like to complain about a disgusting garden in our close , it’s overgrown back and front , the house is in a bad state , he has been known to have a bonfire in his back garden , he has never put his bins out in 10 years,feel sorry for his elderly neighbour, because she has so many things growing up her garage wall and will soon be all over the roof , the tree is blocking the path as well !!!!!
Buster - 14-Jul-24 @ 6:54 PM
The next door neighbors are keeping dogs (German Shepherd, pugs and more) some at home, but some in aviaries and sheds, which is far away from their house, but close to our fence side which separating our housing territories. Technically all aviaries build close to the fence. A fence which is ours and neighbors is ~ 2 meters from our house side and it's the smallest gap between fence and our semi-detached house. The German Shepherd dog is living 24/7 in that aviary without going out for walking, all urine after they washing it goes to our side. Their other dogs are living as 'invisible' in their sheds or in side house. Here is no hygiene, our yard/ property side is always stinky especially summer time. I'm not commenting about dogs barking sounds. We were always keep quiet all the time but it's enough, very unhygienic and very noisy, when people keep loads of dogs and living not in Farm, but in housing area. // CORRECTED//
Gray Lady - 28-Jun-24 @ 12:26 PM
The next door neighbors are keeping dogs (German Shepherd, pugs and more) some at home but some in aviaries and sheds witch is far away from their house, but close to our fence side witch separating our housing territories. Technically all aviaries is with the fence. The fence witch is ours and neighbors is ~ 2 meters from our house and it's the smallest gap between fence and our semi-detached house. The German Shepherd dog is living 24/7 in that aviary without going out for walking, all urine after they washing it goes to our side. Other dogs are living as 'invisible' in their sheds or in side house. Here is no hygiene, our yard/ property side is always stinky especially summer time. I not commenting about dogs barking ... We where keep quiet all the time but it's enough, very unhygienic and very noisy, when people keep loads of dogs and living not in Farm, but in housing area.
Gray Lady - 28-Jun-24 @ 11:46 AM
Council not collecting any waste on weekly times all over villages? Swale have just joined a new service covering Maidstone, Ashford and Swale areas. All having problems excuses learning routes! Concerns hot weather and encouraging Rats. Some people have paid another company?!
Dave - 26-May-24 @ 7:42 PM
I live on the top floor, my neighbour below me has not long moved in. He has no flooring down and i believe this is why I'm experiencing this. He has two children who scream and cry until gone mid night most nights. I can hear there every move and sound. i hear crashing and banging noises all day long until they are all asleep. its interfering with my well being, emotionally and mentally. I'm struggling to listen to shows, talks,read and my daughter can not study. I Cried myself to sleep its been that impactful. it feels like they are in my flat. This does not feel like a home. i have no peace. Any advance welcomed
BORN AGAIN - 13-May-24 @ 11:07 PM
It's always the same, in most cases its renters as they have no pride or basic care in outside areas as they are in second class housing due to their own choices. Unruly, messy and unclean gardens and yards are an absolute disgrace. It is little wonder today no one wants to live next to renters as more often than not they're close proximity creates a myrad of problems. In the end though, homeowners will be able to move to a better neighbourhood with time and escape the situation. Renters should be forced to live with other people in the same messy situation
Agma - 30-Apr-24 @ 8:30 AM
I have a shared alleyway with my new neighbour. Every night between 1am to 4 am he is being violently sick in the alleyway. There is a whole pile of vomit in the alleyway. I'm not sure who I can contact about this.
Fed up - 29-Apr-24 @ 3:56 AM
Having so many issues with our neighbours uncleanliness at number 30. At the moment our neighbour is away and someone else is living there. The garden is an absolute mess with rubbish strewn everywhere and an old settee in the front garden just dumped.It’s an absolute tip. The black bin collection was done this morning(Thursday ) they did empty the bin but left all the five/six bin bags next to it on the path next to our gate. I have reported this before but nothing changes!The foxes and cats are ripping open the black bags and there’s litter blowing around. It does need clearing up and she’s not around to do it.My mum recently passed away and it’s her funeral on Wednesday the 10th of April and the hearse is leaving from my house, with family and friends coming as well, it’s so embarrassing and upsetting that it will be there for people to see. Please could something be done to sort this issue out. Many thanks F & J Parmenter .
Smij - 4-Apr-24 @ 2:52 PM
My neighbour has a rat problem.she has decked her whole garden ontop of grass.she has two dogs when they mess in the garden she washes it away which gies through to the grass underneath.the rats now come into my garden aswell as the other neighbour the other side.the rats have also now given my rabbits rhdv and so are dying.
Ano - 3-Apr-24 @ 1:02 PM
We have a problem with re occurring litter in my street,some are putting out green recycling bags early and animals are ripping them open and it blows all over sometimes this also contains food waste which should be seperate
Coco - 25-Mar-24 @ 10:46 AM
My neighbour is a builder and using his front garden to 'store' rubbish he is clearing out from properties (including rubble, loft insulation, piping, metal work, water tanks, broken tools). I understand if he took it to the tip he would be charged but this ever growing pile of rubbish has been there since October and is getting bigger. It is attracting criminal behaviour with local teens who have been seen carrying items through theneighbourhood and damaging property with the rubble etc. They do not own the house, we have approached the landlord and nothing seems to have been done. Can this be reported anywhere?
Litljez - 14-Feb-24 @ 6:07 PM
I live next door to someone whose house absolutely stinks of dog urine and mess. I've been in the house a couple of times and the smell is very overwhelming. So much so the smell makes your eyes water and nose burn. Any advice on what I should do
Lea - 2-Jan-24 @ 7:10 PM
Currently living in a block of flats and my neighbour is now storing herbin on front of her door which is in the communal hallway. Every time I walk through there, it stinks like a rubbish disposal site as well as dog urine and faeces from the pets she has, which she disposes of their waste in the bin the she has w dogs, and normally she took dogs outside 1 in 2 days. So the dog is doing wee and poo inside her flat at is now placed inside. The wall is sticking all the time. I would like to know which step should I take after. I spoke with her to not leave rubbish behind the door, but she is keeping doing that,all the time...
Irlando - 28-Dec-23 @ 10:45 AM
Currently living in a block of flats and my neighbour is now storing herbin outside door which is in the communal hallway. Every time I walk through there, it stinks like a rubbish disposal site as well as dog urine and faeces from the pets she has, which she disposes of their waste in the bin the she has w dogs, and normally she took dogs outside 1 in 2 days. So the dog is doing wee and poo inside her flat at is now placed inside. The wall is sticking all the time. I would like to know which step should I take after. I spoke with her to not leave rubbish behind the door, but she is keeping doing that,all the time...
Irlando - 28-Dec-23 @ 10:40 AM
I live in Warren Street, many cafes and restaurants keep their rubbish bags infront of my door, I can’t enter my building with trolley or pushchairs, what shall I do ? Who should I contact
Mj - 11-Dec-23 @ 8:56 AM
I have had plastic pipes thrown in my garden twice this week, they are not from my property and not mine to dispose of. Its clear someone has had their pipes work done and just thrown them in a nearby garden. They do not fit in my blue bin so I have no way to dispose of these.
Annoyed - 1-Dec-23 @ 1:19 PM
My neighbour has birds in their garden which make noises almost 24/7. It can keep my daughter up at night and/or wake her up in the mornings. It's such an irritating noise and it's just constant.
Anonymous - 29-Nov-23 @ 10:14 PM
Currently living in a block of flats and my neighbour is now storing her wheelie bin in her storage cupboard which is in the communal hallway. Every time I walk through there, it stinks like a rubbish disposal site as well as cat and dog urine and faeces from the pets she has, which she disposes of their waste in the bin that is now placed inside. Its horrendous, the smell is now drifting into my own flat. I’m 5 months pregnant and cannot cope with this anymore.
Anon - 27-Nov-23 @ 5:31 PM
I am an elderly widow living with mature single ill health daughter living in my private home, having many problems with both sides of my neighbours, continual sexual harassment, ongoing intimidate sexual remarks, even though they have partners and a couple of foreign women, by the way I am a foreigner too. This situation has been going on for over an year. Other nuisance like, pulled out my plants took my garden shoes. Encouraged by this next door neighbor, other side of the neighbour engaged with sexual harassment and antisocial behavior like deficiting in the garden, burning some unhealthy smoky product in their house abusively day and night which deteriorating my health, having symptoms of watery eyes, burning sensations nostril passage, throat, inside of my head and all over my face. I am taking medication but did did help. I am in the situation to find accommodation away from this problem. Unfortunately my age and my income didn't meet the criteria. For all the reasons I am seeking help.
Devi - 23-Nov-23 @ 2:38 PM
We have a neighbour who has dumped a very large amount of rubbish outside their front door, they rent this house and I can't find out who rents it to them,we now have a problem with foxes because of this,and in the past have had tobhave pest control out
Taff - 22-Nov-23 @ 1:56 PM
Please would you be able to get me in touch with the authority in charge of public bins. I have been trying for months to get 3 large public bins removed from outside my cafe. Not only does this cause an eye sore, the buns are significantly close to the outside eating area, they overflow daily, there is an abnormal amount of litter in the seating area. We are concerned for both business and the health and safety of staff and customers. On numerous occasions staff have found and had to dispose of dangerous litter from the eating area; including needles, broken glass, and drug paraphernalia. I have contacted the council many times about this and have heard nothing back. I have photo evidence if this helps my problem to be sorted quickly. Many thanks, Emily Manager at Hello My Moon
Emily - 1-Nov-23 @ 11:27 AM
Hello. I live in a maisonette on the second floor. My glass front door and porch are at the front. The front garden, outside my front door, belongs to the ground floor maisonette. Since the tenants have moved in, they have dug up the lawn, and grown for trees and other shrubs as high as my front door, I can no longer see the pavement . Do I have any rights in this department?!
Angel7 - 20-Oct-23 @ 10:22 AM
Neighbours have an inflatable hot tub In their back garden up to the adjoining fence. The smell from the hot tub is vile, I don’t think they are using any chemicals to keep the PH level correct as there is no chlorine odour. The odour from the hot tub is putrid, I can’t go into my garden when the smell is bad, which is a regular occurrence. I have spoken with the neighbours but nothing has been done to solve the problem. HELP
Lynne - 8-Oct-23 @ 3:55 PM
My neighbour next to me has had a fridge freezer dumped outside for over 2 years. It's right on a shared path out back of the flats. I think they own the flat so I don't know who to take this matter to with it being private ownership. Any help would be appreciated
Heather - 2-Oct-23 @ 5:36 AM
We have some people who live half way up the street (.a good10 houses maybe more)they kept putting cat food out in front of our garage.They would leave all of the rubbish which blew around the road and it was encouraging rats in our garage and garden, and foxes outside which were defecating everywhere. We have caught them and asked them not to do it as our cats were getting ill from the food. They stopped for a while but now they have started to put it on the street pavement near our door not in in containers. One of our cats got hit by a car because it is near the busy road, it was OK.But how can we stop these people from putting cat food outside our house? Is there anything we can do?
Von - 23-Sep-23 @ 2:16 AM
Hi there i have a neighbor (our backyards is separated by the fence) we have lived here for 10 years and they have these huge trees (birds of paradise ) with extremely sharp limbs and full of liquids which smells horrible .... when we started living here we had no problems just trimming the trees , but now over the years they have grown so tall , we no longer have sun in our pool ... and when those limbs fall it is very scary also , we requested many times for them to cut some so we can enjoy our pool but nope she told me its not her problem she has sun and that's that . what can i do ?
JO - 20-Sep-23 @ 4:37 PM
I have a neighbour under me who smokes inside her curtains are orange and the smell of cigarettes is coming up in my boiler room and around any pipes even my bath I have a 1 year old and I am worried for her safety due to second hand smoke being present both me and my neighbours can’t even open our balcony door as it smells so bad even in the public hallway I am worried she hasn’t got her smoke alarms on either as there is no way they wouldn’t go off is there anything you can do I have anxiety and autism and I have no idea what I can do please help ?
Tcat - 18-Sep-23 @ 11:23 AM
We are so sick off all the black bags of rubbish food waste outside the door e.pty oil drums we can't get toour bins one day we couldn't even get out the front door it smells horrendousand there were opened black bags with maggots there are children living in this building something has to be done about this
Ivor - 4-Sep-23 @ 4:30 PM
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