Noise levels can be a real problem in any neighbourhood and there are many issues surrounding noise pollution in a residential area that are covered by Government Legislation. These include what you can and cannot do, what steps you could take to minimise the problems caused by potentially excessive noise, and what action could be taken against you if you don’t reduce your noise levels.
In terms of the problems excessive noise can cause, most disagreements and arguments between neighbours can often be avoided if they are forewarned about potential ‘occasional’ situations which are likely to result in excessive noise. However, while excessive noise can be the result of a planned situation, sometimes it’s completely unplanned or somewhat out of your control. Even in these situations, there are still some precautionary measures you can take.
Parties, Loud Music and Excessive Noise
Reasonable neighbours are not usually ‘killjoys’ and most of us will want to have a party celebration at some time or another. The best way of avoiding any problems with your neighbours is to tell them in advance that you are Planning A Party, what time it’s going to start and, more importantly, what time you’re planning to end it (or at least the time by which you’ll ensure that they won’t be disturbed by excessive noise – usually related to loud music but also by rowdy conversations and boisterous behaviour).
In terms of the ending time, it’s not unreasonable to expect your neighbours to agree to a finishing time of the ‘noisy’ element to a party to, say, by 11pm or midnight. That’s not to say you can have the volume at whatever level you want, as there are strict laws surrounding that issue. Ending at midnight also doesn’t mean that the party can’t continue beyond that time, but you’ll need to keep the music and the noise down to a reasonable level so as not to disturb neighbours.
You also need to take even greater care and be more sensitive to your neighbours if you’re planning on holding the party outside in the garden, where noise travels more easily and where its impact is felt even greater. Better still, why not invite the neighbours?
DIY Projects
Once again, you should let your neighbours know that you are planning a DIY project where both manual and/or power equipment such as hammers and electric drills are being used. Everybody needs to do a bit of DIY now and then so they should be reasonable enough to understand. Agree working hours with your neighbours. You should be courteous enough not to begin any earlier than 8am and not to finish beyond 8pm. These are reasonable requests to make yet if your immediate neighbours have young children, you might wish to consider only carrying out DIY projects at weekends when the children are off school.
Alarm Systems
Both burglar and car alarm systems can cause extreme noise pollution and can be one of the biggest causes of agitation among neighbours. Most modern alarm systems come fitted with cut off devices these days which silences the alarm after, perhaps, 20 minutes or so.
Obviously, the problems caused by alarms going off usually arise when they are beyond your control. You’re likely to not even be at home to switch the alarm off manually, but there are still precautionary measures you can take, such as leaving a spare set of keys with trusted friends, family members or even other neighbours who can gain entry to a car or house and immobilise the device on your behalf.
If you arrange for this, be sure to let your local council and local police station know the contact details for the people who have been entrusted with this task. Both the police and council do have the authority to immobilise alarm systems themselves by whatever means necessary, and this can incur extra expense to you.
Incessant Dog Barking constitutes noise pollution and this is covered in more depth in another article contained on this website.
Who to contact
Depending on the nature of the noise, the time of day it occurs and the circumstances surrounding it, if matters can’t be resolved and get out of hand, you should contact either the Environmental Health Department of your local authority or the police - in which case dial 101. You should not dial 999 unless it is an emergency.
Your first port of call should be your neighbour, try to approach your neighbour in a calm manner in order to explain the issues you have. Don't try to raise your concerns while the noise is taking place as your more likely to be angry and more prone to arguing. If your neighbour is unwilling to compromise and the noise pollution continues you can take the matter further and contact your local authority, as they have a duty to take the matter seriously and investigate further, and if necessary take court action. You can submit a complaint to your local authority at, where you will also find information about how to deal with noisy neighbours.
For more information about the law on noise pollution in your area, you should check out your local authority’s website to ensure that you are complying with the law or you could face heavy penalties.
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If you are looking for business energy or need advanced solutions like remote energy monitoring, new supplies, downgrading or upgrading capacity, have a no obligation chat with Purely Energy.
Noise and neighbours is a nightmare nationwide as communities and solidarity break down. Many have a complete disregard for anyone else and will not compromise leading to a breakdown in diplomacy and increasing a hostile battle mentality.
Police and councils don't want to know leading to tension and violence, only then acting as a result of consequence. We all know what the issues are, some people want and need quiet and cannot afford to move into the country. Nowhere near enough affordable detached homes are being built. People are just expected to put with nuisances with no avenue leading to resolution.
It is little wonder people lose it.
Agma - 7-Mar-24 @ 11:34 AM
Hi to everyone my story is .. my husband purchased home next door near the pub ( sharing party wall ) it was back in 2007 . I personally moved in in 2018 , it always was a busy street with a pub next door and a pub in front of our house . It was more or less ok ( unless the pub kept on working with loud music till 3-4 am , then we approached the owner and pub was more or less cooperative but it was ok to live for us ) we always knew we need to move out , in 2021 was a fail attempt to sell the house ( the buyers pulled out and the house needed lots of repair ) the repair was done /house renovations and ect ) was almost ready to be on market but the interest rate gone up and things got thought . I have a bitt to our daughter in January 2023 and the existence near the pub with newborn became hard .. our priority was to sell and buy another house away from all the noise. My husband was a sole owner in the documents. Suddenly in May 2023 he passed away .. I’m still in the house and currently give through lots of legal paperwork and got letter of administration where I’m a legal beneficiary of the estate. Now the request in the Land registry was made and I wait for them to transfer property on my sole name and then my plan is to place it on market and sell . I was told it can take a few good morning… currently I can’t do anything or move out as I still pay all the bills here in the house and have now 1 year old daughter. To be a widow is a very tough time but the owner of the pub doesn’t seem to understand me or trubg to be considered. I explain I don’t plan to continue living here with small child but for meantime we need to do exist somehow .. he has DJ s parties on weekends and the music is so loud our party wall is shaking , the stuff is staying 1-2 or more hours after supposed to be close hours which is 12 am during week and 1 am during night . The owner is claiming he has lisence and they can play music and do whatever they want … needless to say that after they close the customers go out stand near pub/our house and talk / shout / smoke / wait for taxi and ect ,,I asked a few times ( called to the pub asked to tell customers who are outside to move away maybe from the house or not shot ) some stuff are good and understand/other stuff tell me it’s not their responsibility. Apart from the loud music shouting and sometimes staying beyond hours my problem when the pub stars closing it can take up to 1-1,30 hours after the time they are supposed to close .. so much noise of drugged furniture/slamming metal doors , fridges and ect are travelling through the party wall - only we somehow fall asleep it is a big bang .., my daughter is waking up multiple times and cries .. all our bedrooms /sitting room are sharing the party wall with the pub . Whenever room I go it’s all the same .. one level is their seller, another is bar then stair and top floor kitchen - for me whatever I try to hide with a child the noise is everywhere ( especially when shouting sn
Anna - 28-Feb-24 @ 6:50 AM
Hi to everyone my story is .. my husband purchased home next door near the pub ( sharing party wall ) it was back in 2007 . I personally moved in in 2018 , it always was a busy street with a pub next door and a pub in front of our house . It was more or less ok ( unless the pub kept on working with loud music till 3-4 am , then we approached the owner and pub was more or less cooperative but it was ok to live for us ) we always knew we need to move out , in 2021 was a fail attempt to sell the house ( the buyers pulled out and the house needed lots of repair ) the repair was done /house renovations and ect ) was almost ready to be on market but the interest rate gone up and things got thought . I have a bitt to our daughter in January 2023 and the existence near the pub with newborn became hard .. our priority was to sell and buy another house away from all the noise. My husband was a sole owner in the documents. Suddenly in May 2023 he passed away .. I’m still in the house and currently give through lots of legal paperwork and got letter of administration where I’m a legal beneficiary of the estate. Now the request in the Land registry was made and I wait for them to transfer property on my sole name and then my plan is to place it on market and sell . I was told it can take a few good morning… currently I can’t do anything or move out as I still pay all the bills here in the house and have now 1 year old daughter. To be a widow is a very tough time but the owner of the pub doesn’t seem to understand me or trubg to be considered. I explain I don’t plan to continue living here with small child but for meantime we need to do exist somehow .. he has DJ s parties on weekends and the music is so loud our party wall is shaking , the stuff is staying 1-2 or more hours after supposed to be close hours which is 12 am during week and 1 am during night . The owner is claiming he has lisence and they can play music and do whatever they want … needless to say that after they close the customers go out stand near pub/our house and talk / shout / smoke / wait for taxi and ect ,,I asked a few times ( called to the pub asked to tell customers who are outside to move away maybe from the house or not shot ) some stuff are good and understand/other stuff tell me it’s not their responsibility. Apart from the loud music shouting and sometimes staying beyond hours my problem when the pub stars closing it can take up to 1-1,30 hours after the time they are supposed to close .. so much noise of drugged furniture/slamming metal doors , fridges and ect are travelling through the party wall - only we somehow fall asleep it is a big bang .., my daughter is waking up multiple times and cries .. all our bedrooms /sitting room are sharing the party wall with the pub . Whenever room I go it’s all the same .. one level is their seller, another is bar then stair and top floor kitchen - for me whatever I try to hide with a child the noise is everywhere ( especially when shouting sn
Anna - 26-Feb-24 @ 3:58 AM
I'm not sure what to do my upstairs neighbors keep me up all day and i work
full time at night.
Only two people live above me, A mom and her 18 year old son.
Since the day they moved in the stomp ,drop, yell, and play games/music really
loud all day and all night long, My mom who is 67 years old and my dog shasta
are the only ones who live with me.
We have tried talking to them about the noise, called the police, we even complained
to the landlord about the noise and still i go everyday with only 4 hours sleep sometimes
less. My dog Shasta shakes for hours because the noise is so bad they just don't care
and continue to bully all of us.
I work full time at night and i worry leaving my mom and dog home alone with people
who don't care. I know that they smoke pot as well together.
I don't really know what to do none of us can afford to move out at the moment and i feel
like im loosing my mind with so little sleep all the time. Can anyone suggest anything that
might help me or tell me what i need to do next i would greatly appreciate it thx
my name is Alta
Ally - 17-Jun-23 @ 2:00 AM
I have an issue with my neighbour running very loud machinery from his shed on a daily basis, from around 8am to 5pm. Whilst I’m all for people running businesses from home, are they allowed to run such loud machinery? I have reported this to Environmental Health but all this done was make matters worse. I moved into my house 18 months ago and the bathroom and kitchen was in desperate need of renewal so I decided to start on the kitchen first. The builders were very good and tried to keep the noise to a minimum and finished promptly at 4pm, however when the electrician arrived to do his bit he found some dodge wiring and said he could leave it and would have to stay later to resolve the issue. Admittedly this went on until around 8pm and I should have told my neighbour the situation but he is very intimidating.Anyway, I had one very angry neighbour banging on my door telling me to keep the noise down, he the contacted Environmental Health and made a complaint. I have not embarked on the bathroom refit as I now he will hassle the builders and give me grief.All I need to now is there any legislation around running a noisy business from home? I know this all sounds a bit Tit for Tat but I would really like to relax in my garden this year.
Sue - 18-May-23 @ 11:28 AM
We have lived in our house for years, brought our children up here and have been very happy.Last summer our then neighbour who we had lived next to for over 25 years moved to be nearer her grown up children.We were sad to see her go but welcomed the couple who bought her house. Like us, they were older but appeared pleasant.The problem is that the building works have been incessant.It never stops.My husband has a heart condition but has been working nights as a security guard. As I type this at 17.24on a Thursday....the drilling and banging has started again after one short break since this morning. During the afternoon, the couple went out and left the dog indoors.It was beside itself.It howled and barked because it was left on its own and now at 17.30 p.m. the banging and noise continues. What is to be done?
Miserable Old Woman - 18-Mar-21 @ 5:18 PM
I bought a plot of land on a security estate 3 years ago and built a house. It’s pretty idyllic, on a lake, peaceful, well kept.My house is across the road form an on site spa/gym and informal restaurant in a large teepee.All very casual and relaxed.
The developers are extending the development and in November moved a play area from the far side of the spa to 30 metres away from my home.Now, even in winter with our doors and windows closed, all we can hear all day long is persistent screaming from kids playing on swings, climbing frames etc which is all encouraged by loud shouting from parents.This is not occasional or restricted to certain times but all day and sometimes into the evening with torches and is having a significant impact on our ability to be in our home.All very overwhelming.
I spoke to the developer on one of the first days that the play area was open right next to the play area in with all the noise going on around and explained that the noise we could hear was what went through our house.The response was “you should have know about it when you bought’!
Any advice on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Dave - 15-Feb-21 @ 9:39 AM
I bought a plot of land on a security estate 3 years ago and built a house. It’s pretty idyllic, on a lake, peaceful, well kept.My house is across the road form an on site spa/gym and informal restaurant in a large teepee.All very casual and relaxed.
The developers are extending the development and in November moved a play area from the far side of the spa to 30 metres away from my home.Now, even in winter with our doors and windows closed, all we can hear all day long is persistent screaming from kids playing on swings, climbing frames etc which is all encouraged by loud shouting from parents.This is not occasional or restricted to certain times but all day and sometimes into the evening with torches and is having a significant impact on our ability to be in our home.All very overwhelming.
I spoke to the developer on one of the first days that the play area was open right next to the play area in with all the noise going on around and explained that the noise we could hear was what went through our house.The response was “you should have know about it when you bought’!
Any advice on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Dave - 5-Feb-21 @ 4:22 PM
I bought a plot of land on a security estate 3 years ago and built a house. It’s pretty idyllic, on a lake, peaceful, well kept.My house is across the road form an on site spa/gym and informal restaurant in a large teepee.All very casual and relaxed.
The developers are extending the development and in November moved a play area from the far side of the spa to 30 metres away from my home.Now, even in winter with our doors and windows closed, all we can hear all day long is persistent screaming from kids playing on swings, climbing frames etc which is all encouraged by loud shouting from parents.This is not occasional or restricted to certain times but all day and sometimes into the evening with torches and is having a significant impact on our ability to be in our home.All very overwhelming.
I spoke to the developer on one of the first days that the play area was open right next to the play area in with all the noise going on around and explained that the noise we could hear was what went through our house.The response was “you should have know about it when you bought’!
Any advice on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Dave - 24-Jan-21 @ 12:53 PM
I bought a plot of land on a security estate 3 years ago and built a house. It’s pretty idyllic, on a lake, peaceful, well kept.My house is across the road form an on site spa/gym and informal restaurant in a large teepee.All very casual and relaxed.
The developers are extending the development and in November moved a play area from the far side of the spa to 30 metres away from my home.Now, even in winter with our doors and windows closed, all we can hear all day long is persistent screaming from kids playing on swings, climbing frames etc which is all encouraged by loud shouting from parents.This is not occasional or restricted to certain times but all day and sometimes into the evening with torches and is having a significant impact on our ability to be in our home.All very overwhelming.
I spoke to the developer on one of the first days that the play area was open right next to the play area in with all the noise going on around and explained that the noise we could hear was what went through our house.The response was “you should have know about it when you bought’!
Any advice on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Dave - 17-Jan-21 @ 10:55 AM
I bought a plot of land on a security estate 3 years ago and built a house. It’s pretty idyllic, on a lake, peaceful, well kept.My house is across the road form an on site spa/gym and informal restaurant in a large teepee.All very casual and relaxed.
The developers are extending the development and in November moved a play area from the far side of the spa to 30 metres away from my home.Now, even in winter with our doors and windows closed, all we can hear all day long is persistent screaming from kids playing on swings, climbing frames etc which is all encouraged by loud shouting from parents.This is not occasional or restricted to certain times but all day and sometimes into the evening with torches and is having a significant impact on our ability to be in our home.All very overwhelming.
I spoke to the developer on one of the first days that the play area was open right next to the play area in with all the noise going on around and explained that the noise we could hear was what went through our house.The response was “you should have know about it when you bought’!
Any advice on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Dave - 17-Jan-21 @ 10:54 AM
I bought a plot of land on a security estate 3 years ago and built a house. It’s pretty idyllic, on a lake, peaceful, well kept.My house is across the road form an on site spa/gym and informal restaurant in a large teepee.All very casual and relaxed.
The developers are extending the development and in November moved a play area from the far side of the spa to 30 metres away from my home.Now, even in winter with our doors and windows closed, all we can hear all day long is persistent screaming from kids playing on swings, climbing frames etc which is all encouraged by loud shouting from parents.This is not occasional or restricted to certain times but all day and sometimes into the evening with torches and is having a significant impact on our ability to be in our home.All very overwhelming.
I spoke to the developer on one of the first days that the play area was open right next to the play area in with all the noise going on around and explained that the noise we could hear was what went through our house.The response was “you should have know about it when you bought’!
Any advice on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Dave - 12-Jan-21 @ 10:09 AM
I bought a plot of land on a security estate 3 years ago and built a house. It’s pretty idyllic, on a lake, peaceful, well kept.My house is across the road form an on site spa/gym and informal restaurant in a large teepee.All very casual and relaxed.
The developers are extending the development and in November moved a play area from the far side of the spa to 30 metres away from my home.Now, even in winter with our doors and windows closed, all we can hear all day long is persistent screaming from kids playing on swings, climbing frames etc which is all encouraged by loud shouting from parents.This is not occasional or restricted to certain times but all day and sometimes into the evening with torches and is having a significant impact on our ability to be in our home.All very overwhelming.
I spoke to the developer on one of the first days that the play area was open right next to the play area in with all the noise going on around and explained that the noise we could hear was what went through our house.The response was “you should have know about it when you bought’!
Any advice on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Dave - 10-Jan-21 @ 1:19 PM
I bought a plot of land on a security estate 3 years ago and built a house. It’s pretty idyllic, on a lake, peaceful, well kept.My house is across the road form an on site spa/gym and informal restaurant in a large teepee.All very casual and relaxed.
The developers are extending the development and in November moved a play area from the far side of the spa to 30 metres away from my home.Now, even in winter with our doors and windows closed, all we can hear all day long is persistent screaming from kids playing on swings, climbing frames etc which is all encouraged by loud shouting from parents.This is not occasional or restricted to certain times but all day and sometimes into the evening with torches and is having a significant impact on our ability to be in our home.All very overwhelming.
I spoke to the developer on one of the first days that the play area was open right next to the play area in with all the noise going on around and explained that the noise we could hear was what went through our house.The response was “you should have know about it when you bought’!
Any advice on how to resolve this would be greatly appreciated.
Dave - 10-Jan-21 @ 1:07 PM
Hi , I have a noisy neighbour who constantly works a back shift , he has his tv or music on loud between 10am and approx 2pm then from 9pm -12 midnight . I am a nurse and because of working long 12-14 hour shifts I go to bed around 10.30pm . This neighbour moved in a couple of months ago and I’ve not said anything until this morning to him because I don’t like bad feelings, once I told him he was playing his music to loud last night this morning he said he didn’t realise , so I said could you please just turn it down a little . He didn’t say yes he would but said he didn’t realise . So tonight the tele is blaring out and I’m now waiting for the music to start ! He rents next door , this is a very quiet and respectable friendly neighbourhood, why do some people just carry on regardless , is it because they aren’t able to understand ?? Or are they someone who couldn’t care less ??
Caz - 6-Jan-21 @ 8:57 PM
I firstly want to send my sympathy to everyone on here as it just so hard for everyone who has no peace in their homes! I have lived in my flat above a commercial property for years without issue. The lease has however been taken over by an estate agents and they have put in wooden floors. Does anyone know if they are able to do this? I have asked the building owner but no response as yet. I can hear the staff talking/laughing ,high heels on the floor and it is very distressing. I am sure it does not help that there are wooden floors as the sounds echo. Can I complain to the council as it is commercial?
Nickyl - 26-Nov-20 @ 9:12 AM
I have an abusive neighbour, many crime references, reported to council, police over several years. Antisocial behaviour ongoing, neighbour has mental health issues and is elderly, they say can do anything to stop the behaviour, can't force her to take help or move.She often bangs on doors and shouts abuse in the early hours of the morning waking myself and another neighbour.
I have asked the Council about CCTV with sound to gain some evidential proof, (suggested by the police when I phoned them)
I live in a block of 4 flats I know there are law regarding CCTV for residential property but since this is Council owned property would there be anything that could prevent them from installing CCTV with sound.I think previously they told me its a privacy issue but would this apply in this case do you know?If they put up notices clearly saying premises were monitored by CCTV.
I thought it would be a deterrant.
The council have offered me a 2 week decibel sound recoding equipment, I would have to activate it myself by remote control, this would mean early morning disturbances may not be captured by the time equipment was activated.Also it would be used as statutory nuisance and wouldn't address the abuse itself.
Grateful for any advice.
Pensioner - 3-Oct-20 @ 5:08 PM
for a few months now I am awakened every morning at 7 o'clock by my neighbour next door. What awakes me is the drawers opening and closing on what I can understand as being rollers. I awake yet the drawers keep opening and closing and there's more than five so as you can imagine I'm thinking how many garments. Going in or coming out. Was there a washing out . I concluded the washing wasn't out. This continues every day including weekends but at weekends the time changes to 6.30am. I figured this room was empty and no one was staying in it during lockdown so was my neighbour in looking in her nieces drawers?. Then as lockdown measures are relaxed the niece comes back to stay and this just continues opening and closing drawers like clockwork at the exact same time as her Nanna. My head can only conclude. What do you think?
Y.I.D - 26-Jul-20 @ 8:14 PM
You could contact the Ombudsman and tell them that your council are not dealing with your issue.However you do need to keep records of what is happening and use the council noise app.I fail to see why people think they can move in next door to other people and make their lives a misery.The lack of consideration is breath taking.You do not have to put up with any crap regardless of who it is or what they are doing.Get your evidence together, make your case and go for it.I am still recording my neighbour and sending it to the council.Thankfully, it has gone quieter.I think she knows I won't tolerate it any longer and I will do whatever it takes to get rid of her.
Becoming intolerant - 8-Jul-20 @ 7:00 PM
I brought a house in a what I thought was a quite neighbourhood. My house is a semi and on one side several garages from a neighbouring street backs on to the side of my garden. We have always had a problem with one particular neighbour who used his garage to store and fix large speakers and amplifiers and would test them occasionally which would cause windows and doors to vibrate. My immediate neighbour says he has been complaining to the council about it for years but nothing substantial has happened yet and the problem continues. Now that I work part-time and at home more often, I have experienced this problem more often as well as putting up with commercial vehicles, loading and unloading equipment and large groups of men outside and inside the garage working, when they leave the garage door open. I have complained to the council about the noise and use of the garage for commercial purpose on several occasions but so far they have done nothing about it, telling me I need to keep a log of the noise, dates and times for them to investigate and prosecute. I told them I have CCTV which records times when they gather outside the garage, but the council doesn't seem interested. The offending neighbours are also clever and schedule their activities at irregular times and dates to avoid detection by the authorities. Is there any other body I can complain to, as I feel the local council/officer is not taking the matter seriously.
Aga1972 - 28-Jun-20 @ 8:42 AM
I like music .. a lot. My neighbours ... don't. They very rarely go out either.
I now DJ in the kitchen after moving my speakers from the front room which shares their wall.
I also have a youngish family and and in bed by 9 most nights.
I only play music fri / sat / sun for a few hours in the afternoon always stopped by 7.
Yes its bass heavy music but I don't use my sub any more. If we are in the garden yes they will hear it but not overly loud. Is that not acceptable ?
TheGrumpyOne - 22-Jun-20 @ 10:24 AM
We had an old neighbour who lived alone and was a huge problem.He would call the Police and say he could hear screaming in our home, tell them his wife was missing (she was dead).Anyway, long story short, turns out he had psychosis, fell down the stairs, and died.Out of 40 years, we had 1 of peace.He had been a problem all that time.The house sold to a rental landlord.Guess what?Problem family have moved in.They all have issues, the mother has 3 lads by 3 different dads.The middle son has ADHD and does drugs, the eldest just got out of prison and has just moved in.her druggie boyfriend (who the youngest kid belongs to) has moved in to.Her landlord doesn't give a hoot.They caused lots of problems for 2 years before she and I went to mediation arranged through the council.She walked out of the meeting and now clearly thinks she can do what she likes.I know its a horrible thing to say, but I hope she dies. I hate her so much she makes me physically sick.Her dogs bark and she just lets them.I'm glad I go to work but my poor husband has to stay home.I never thought I could hate someone so much, but I do, I really do.
Becoming intolerant - 5-May-20 @ 7:31 PM
I live in a flat and our neighbours just opposite our door blast their music from 12:00 until sometimes midnight. I have contacted the council and they are "investigating" the offense and it's been 3 weeks now. We cant even enjoy watching tv let alone read or just spend a quiet time with the Family. My wife works for the NHS and she is constantly having headaches and is feeling drained due to the lack of sleep. I really cant understand why people have to blast their music! I'm having high blood pressure issues now and desperate! It feels good to talk to other people in the same situation and hope everyone else find their light at the end of the tunnel. Keep safe.
HAK - 5-May-20 @ 6:19 PM
I live next to a deaf old couple and every conversation is a shouting match. I am at the point now where I know way to much about there finances and grandkids coz we hear every word. And tv always full blast or Frank sanatra blasting in the garden. I work long days so it doesn't bother me I have some time of work to decorate my living room and they are constantly banging on the walls and windows. The noise from there house is constant and I never complain. They have even sent there relatives round to threaten me. Luckily it was my dad who answered the door I don't think its unreasonable to put a few screws in the wall mid week and mid day. I tried to apologise they say it's fine then there daughter is hanging over fences screaming after an hour.
Lc - 15-Apr-20 @ 3:39 PM
I'm living in a council flat on the 3rd floor.
I have my neighbors exactly on top of my flat. I'm living with another 2 people (a couple)
So out story started by 3 years ago since they started to make the parties. We went upstairs few times at each time. Midnight or later 1am and more times. Asked them gently and nicely to turn down the music and stop dancing cos we can hear clearly everything. Nothing happened. Called council few times.They said we are coming coming hold on. 3 hours later they were still on the way so we had to give up.
In the last 2 years party time less. But now we have to deal with their kids. Running . Screaming . Crying in 24/7 . Moving things like suchfurnitures. Throwing things on the floor playing ball games and washing machine still working at midnight. And yes we called council again and Surprisedly nothing happened. Also these people coming from Africa. Kinda scared of them. . We don't know what we can do anymore. Thinking to call child protection agency. It's really the last thing what I would do but there is no one optionwho could help us. Council do nothing. Asked me to call them when it's noise happening. But they won't do anything if the noise before 11pm.
It's really impossible to accept that to find a new home cos some people don't know that how to show respect to another neighbors and how to raise their own child. If anybody know something help please let me know. I can give my email in private.
Ogavok01 - 11-Feb-20 @ 6:42 PM
I have got a tenant who lives above my flat he has been playing his music very loud and also he has been throwing food on my doorstep and he knocking on my door and then he hides himself in his flat I had to clean it up and when I asked him he said that he has done anything wrong I have just lost my partner and I am not keeping well I have informed the landlord and nothing has been done around 11:10pm this evening he has been playing his music so loud as has banged on my ceiling I want this stopped
Priya - 25-Oct-19 @ 11:19 PM
We don't know who Ez bought one of all numbers and of another party and of inclusion are screamers where and it has compost Harvey and it's around Sunday lane area and Asia in the outfield song for the honour and cancer round here the swearing taking off and Lisabeth massive party for and on his quitely entrance of this was sleepier and it's not fair and they do it every week
Loo - 1-Sep-19 @ 12:31 AM
I live in a residential area although there is a social club and a mini brewery, the mini brewery is great for the events they put on but at times, all you can hear is very loud boom bass music and it goes on until 2am? Is this legal?
Also a couple of the neighbours have outside parties til half 4 in the morning with the music blasting. I’m not the only one in this area who feels like this, there are a few people around. Just wondering what the legal situation is on these
Pepsi - 28-Jul-19 @ 12:15 AM
I amrefurbishmentthe shop. There is a Neighbour live on top of my shop.We started work from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, there was no noise after that. after 6:00pm
I just cleaned up and they also Complain, they told me 7:30 pm i have to stop.Even when we put the music on.sometimes can’t even hear anything but they stil can complain .they keep come down andcomplain every day. I was very upset they called the landlord too.
A&j - 19-Jun-19 @ 8:39 PM
I live in a detached house, and never had any problems with noisy neighbours, until about a year ago the neighbours on one side have abarking dashund dog, barking as and when, and waking me outside my bedroom window. I am 71 and was so looking forward to my retirement.
I asked them could they keep the dog quieter...nothing, the council were involved....nothing.
Then out of the blue they started slamming shut their external doors shut.I asked them could they plane them down if they were weather warped, again nothing. They say they are trying, and it goes quieter for a while, but then starts up again. On top of this there is a builder down the road, working on many houses for the last year, insists on his radio blaring out. I have just paid out thousands of pounds to have secondary glazing fitted, but the noise is so loud it comes right though the walls.
I'm not anti social, and have lovedmy music all my life....but because of all this noise I now have to wear earplugs 24/7, no music ever, and am just a physical and mental mess, not living just existing. The council have told me there is nothing can be done.
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