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When to Consider Legal Action

By: Jeff Durham - Updated: 21 Jul 2023 | comments*Discuss
Consider Legal Action Against Neighbours

The vast majority of disputes between neighbours can usually be resolved between each other without the need to take legal action. Whether it's a problem with a neighbour’s Dog Which Barks Incessantly, thick black Smoke From A Bonfire, Noise Disruption, DIY and building projects, or planning permission issues, virtually every possible neighbourhood dispute or disagreement will fall under some kind of government legislation.

Discuss the Problem Between Yourselves Firstly

Any dispute or disagreement you may have with your neighbour, you should try to resolve between yourselves first of all. In many cases, resorting to using the full power of the law at the first opportunity, especially in incidents which might be seen as relatively minor, is likely to cause the other party to become resentful towards you and can sometimes even escalate a situation.

Talking with your neighbour in a calm, rational manner can usually resolve most things. Often, it’s only by doing this that you can both start to see things from the other person’s perspective, which then helps you both to come to some kind of agreement, even if a compromise has to be made on one or both sides. And if that doesn’t work…?

Using a Mediator

If you cannot come to a mutually satisfactory agreement, most local authorities will be able to put you in touch with a Mediation Service in your area which is relevant to the issue you need to resolve. This can be a good solution where two neighbours cannot agree to the other’s viewpoint about a particular issue, yet are still prepared to explore other avenues other than to go through a court to resolve matters.

These kinds of mediation services are often run by charitable organisations and so many of them provide their services for free. The process will involve an independent skilled mediator listening to both sides of the argument, without imposing judgement on either side, and in doing so, it is hoped that they might be able to come up with a resolution which both parties find acceptable.

Use Other Professionals to Help Find a Solution

Another way of resolving certain disputes without going to court might be to get a relevant professional in to take a look at the issue, and they might be able to come up with a solution both parties hadn’t thought of. An example might be employing the services of a chartered surveyor if a dispute has arisen over boundary lines or building work. Obviously, this method of resolving an issue can only work in certain types of dispute.

Contacting the Local Authority

Many disputes between neighbours will often be dealt with but by contacting your local authority first. Sometimes, a visit from a representative of your local authority or, perhaps, getting the landlord or housing association involved if you live in rented accommodation, is sufficient to get the problem resolved without matters ending up in court.

And if all Else Fails…?

Certainly, there are instances when you should not think twice about instigating legal action against a neighbour. Crimes based on race and religious beliefs, and serious cases of wilful damage to property, harassment or physical violence are all matters in which you may want to seek legal redress through the court process.

Even in such instances, however, it’s important to seek some legal advice from a solicitor or a legal advice centre initially. In taking an issue to court, you’ll need to know what the process will entail, the likely cost and your chances of securing a conviction, winning the case and/or receiving compensation.

Therefore, unless there’s a direct threat to your physical and mental well-being, you should always try to explore every possible avenue when it comes to a dispute between a neighbour before considering legal action.

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I moved in to a private let over 2 years ago everything was great and quiet, elderly couple next door older lady down stairs ,elderly couple own the land behind my property they have 2 older dogs 8 months after I moved in the got a rescue street dog from abroad barking for up to 8 hours a day that was nearly a year ago ,spoke to the elderly nieghbour which now makes 3 dogs to look after that the barking is excessive can't be in my flat ,fell on deaf ears ,barking continues ,contacted council ,dog warden nothing after Christmas the elderly couple add to the pack with a puppy ,I'm at my wits end ,illsleeping in my car most days an few nights
Viv - 21-Jul-23 @ 1:03 AM
I have a couple middle 60 years old neighbours which have anti-social behaviour deliberately noise screaming to us to listen it. It's classified perverted and intentional to other to listen to them. It's more than one year now, I have taken all steps I possibly could take such: Sending 3 letters asking to stop, housing and manger office have spoken to them, the council has written to them, Ombudsman has written to the housing officer, the anti-social behaviour officer has spoken to the neighbours, Met police has been in contact and visited the neighbours. I have reported and taken all this steps. They have stopped for few months and has started all over again, the intentional very offensive screaming late nights again. Now I am seriously want take this to court, it is an offence for more than a year now which I have been taking note, CCTV camera recording of hundreds screaming late nights, neighbour witnesses and all reports I have. Also I have received a threatening letter from them also which I put on all reports I have made. Please what is your advice, how can I start court proceedings with this offence?
Ki - 23-Apr-23 @ 11:41 AM
I have a couple middle 60 years old neighbours which have anti-social behaviour deliberately noise screaming to us to listen it. It's classified perverted and intentional to other to listen to them. It's more than one year now, I have taken all steps I possibly could take such: Sending 3 letters asking to stop, housing and manger office have spoken to them, the council has written to them, Ombudsman has written to the housing officer, the anti-social behaviour officer has spoken to the neighbours, Met police has been in contact and visited the neighbours. I have reported and taken all this steps. They have stopped for few months and has started all over again, the intentional very offensive screaming late nights again. Now I am seriously want take this to court, it is an offence for more than a year now which I have been taking note, CCTV camera recording of hundreds screaming late nights, neighbour witnesses and all reports I have. Also I have received a threatening letter from them also which I put on all reports I have made. Please what is your advice, how can I start court proceedings with this offence? Thank you Angelah
Da macaca - 23-Apr-23 @ 11:39 AM
The issue is I’ve got a new neighbor who is not very friendly to anyone at this point he has had the policecalled on him for beating his wife out in front of our house, As there is a video to videos of all this happening before the police got there. I share a porch with these people it’s like a duplex, so I’m there is only a thin wall separating and there is all the time verbal and physical abuse going on as I have the outside, but I have witnessed it through the walls daily that I’ve been home - he is always hollering/screaming/cussing. He thinks that he just has a right to everything and use anybody stuff. Because where I live there’s four renters two in one building which is him and I know there’s another building with apartment and then a house and each rental has its own area for horses anda barn goes with it. He just really disrespects everything and acts like Billy BA around there. First instance he was there drunk every day, but he turned his horse out with my horses and left the gate open and then want to scream at my neighbor, and said he had to write everything. here’s the main thing he’s not abide by the rules but he is displaying very aggressive behavior toward not just me the other neighbors. He displays very threatening behavior. I’m the one that listens to hasta hear him yelling and screaming and abusing his wife and kids every single day, and you know it’s a very uncomfortable situation. I have told my landlord many times over the last two weeks. I have got it all in text. I’ve had to put some security cameras up. I’ve had to keep some of my horses someplace else I’m actually not been home in my bed but two times in the last 15 days so it is really causing issues and money but mostly a lotta stress - it doesn’t even feel safe to go outside and go to my barn anymore, effects my business cause I make my living from horses. How wants be outside working when this creep wants to stand on his front porch and act like a bad ass and him threaten you know, threatening, threatening display of actions - he is cussed at me. Im just really uncomfortable this and I’ve let my land landlord know and my landlord said she did not blame me for moving my horses out of there and me for the time being because last Sunday she said she was going to evict them well she did not evict him and the next day is when he was outside, beating his wife in front of my neighbors, customers of theirs and they’re a little kid and the cops are calls all documented but my landlord doesn’t seem to have any understanding of how dangerous this is it how uncomfortable this is and I’m not trying to add more to it but when they’re gone, there’s a dog in there that barks nonstop the whole time they’re gone. There’s two dogs in there. One doesn’t bark very much but the one barks numerous numerous times I constantly while they’re gone and I’ve got recordings of listening to the dog at different times barking, barking and barking and barking. This guy is to have ptsd and
WilleB - 4-Apr-23 @ 2:31 AM
I need advice regarding my neighbour. I've been under pressure with them for a year and half now and I think my heart can not take much more no longer. I have mustered evidence of nearly daily disturbances with noisy music, banging on the walls, thuds, door slams, fighting, screaming, stomping and kicking the walls, now developed into peaking through the windows and making comments on what's inside and what we watch on tv etc. even tried to lure our cat to them for what I believe would be a harm intentions to the cat - i am feeling harassed and mentally abused - landlord refused to get involved in this, what are my rights? should I go to council first or straight up for police report harassment? it all started after I've politely asked them about turning down the music a bit .. right now i am prissoner in our house as they would be making comments on us being outside as well or under the open window they make sure we hear them talking loud sh*t about us...
Jo - 9-Mar-23 @ 9:01 PM
Hello there! I unfortunately have a neighbour from hell who thinks she rules the roost. I have had problems before regarding her dog where she used to let it into my garden and do his business. I used to confront her all the time and she said "iv left poo bags out there for you" Anyway, the whole thing got abit messy as I'm one for standing up for myself, she has bullied the other flats and people have moved away because of her. I work nights, and without Fail at 645 every morning she let's him out and all he does is constantly bark. I feel sorry for him as she never takes him for a walk, nor does anyone else take him, so I can feel his frustration, I'm not even going to attempt communicating with her as I get abuse back, but is there anything that can be done?
Hendo - 24-Feb-23 @ 7:37 AM
A neighbour is using the public pavement outside his property as part of his property.He stores wood mostly and under a peice of plastic held down by bricks. He also stores cars under covers on the pavement, all four wheels on the pavement.There is no way you can walk along this part of the pavement and regular dog walkers have to walk around it all by going into the road. It is a cul de sac with no through traffic as such.We have reported him to the council on a number of occasions for other probelms, he has been spoken to by us and other neighbours but he is agreesive and rude even when spoken to politely. What if anything can be done about the piles of stuff on the pavement?
Ange - 23-Feb-23 @ 1:46 PM
I moved into an apartment alone 2 years ago. I keep to myself mostly. A woman that lives next door is quite social and I did try to respond to her HELLOS and speak to her when she said hello but she her language was quite vulgar and I was with my grand child often and i tried to avoid them being exposed to all of that. Finally She exploded on me one day for reasons i cant explain and I didnt speak to her after that. I would not engage. Im not allow to use the yard here. SO I would just basically come and go to the part or take my dog for a walk. It got so she would come out her door ever time she saw me come out and would yell thing at me. Terrible things. weather the kids were with me or not. I ignored her and it just got worse. One day she lifted her shirt up and showed my 5 yr old grandson her bare breasts. She has been caught stealing packages from others neighbors left by UPS etc. She was seen throwing a rock at a glass table that sat in our yard. She is often on her front porch which makes it very difficult to even check the mail without a barrage of terrible language and demeaning foul words. My family now uses the back entrance.I was walking my dog a month ago in the field across the street, on the phone and she walked right up to me and struck me with a gallon of milk. I called the police and they did not arrest her. I am hard pressed for a place to take my dog to stretch her legs. Last week I again had her across the street and this woman had a man cutting a few branches off a tree in front of her house. i came home and quickly grabbed my mail. she began screaming at me and i ignored her. she said YEAH IM TALKING TO YOU < YOU F;ing B$%^H. .I turned to glance at her and she was holding a huge rock over her head as to throw it at me) Her porch is above my driveway. I was scared to death. afraid to look away for she would throw it at the back of my head. She must have though better of it and set it down. I started to my door and she rambled on about ripping my face off and threw a cane at me and missed and then threw a large tree branch at me and hit me in the neck. it slid down my arm and hit my dog across the back.Causing her to yelp. I called the police immediately and again they did nothing but suggested i move. Im sure i have a neck injury,.i've tried twice for an x ray..(another story)and i'm sure there is some damage. i am afraid to leave my home. there are times when she has company on her porch with her and they harass me terribly when im getting on my bus to go to my doctors appointments. i just don't know what to do. I have Epilepsy, and Severe White Matter Disease ischemic brain disease. Cerebral vascular disease. Im going to try to get a neck xray tomorrow, its just nt getting any better. I am afraid to fall asleep at night and she makes remarks about coming up here with an axe etc. Is there any help out there?
christine clift - 4-Oct-22 @ 1:19 AM
Hi Vilhelm, We had a similar issue just months after moving into our property. There's a main pipe, which is on the shared drive. There was a broken pipe under the drive, we call out the water service company. When speaking to the workmen, they said that we should seriously consider getting insurance for the outside water pipes as we would be responsible not only for the one on the shared drive but also for the house opposite our street! The cost would likely run into thousand pounds in repairs! It might be worth speaking to someone from your water company? Although it does make it easier if they could go to your property and physically see how and where the pipes run? Good Luck!
H - 30-Aug-22 @ 12:29 PM
I came across with a issue with my neighbor , his water pipe is going through my property , and he came to me that I should fix his leaking pipe on my house insurance .Is this how it should be ? I don't think that I should pay for his broken pipe , when in law said clear that every householder should maintain his pipe .I was really kind and said that I agree to dig on my property to fix his pipe but he doesn't want that , he wantsme to pay for his pipe . Any advice according to this issue is more then welcome .
Vilhelm - 25-Aug-22 @ 4:40 AM
I have (nephew) stays at home w/me and my sis,I help my sis w/bills,and rent and food. Nephew always getting high on meth everyday. He He steals everything I own,sis dosen't do anything. Am at were I don't speak to him. But he's spreading rumor's and lie's. Calling me scammer, And local gov,sent him check in mail,and he said,I stole it. Cause of covid 19,I don't want rent,cause it's dangeous, Next option is buying gun.
Pepe - 3-Jul-21 @ 9:26 PM
The hardset part is dealing with people who cry disability but who aren't actual disabled (like mentally vulnerable on benefits). They use this as a free card and make you dance to their tune when you try confront them. If you try defend your stance, it could "upset" them which they can word as you attacked them. I have such a neighbor who smokes all day, plays soccer in the garden, but is on benefits due to being "vulnerable". Yet, she rips out plants from common property, talks loud on her phone about what "she will do to the neighbors (us)" etc. Just want to send them off to their own island.
Johann - 30-May-21 @ 5:03 PM
Nobody should be suggesting you speak to your neighbours. This is really irresponsible and stupid. Especially for most people who make noise on purpose or are so stupid they don't realise. Send them a letter saying to stop or you'll take legal action and may phone the police if it happens again, and that should be it. And I wouldn't even bother using the police and council (UK). Go straight to civil action unless you want a 2 year fight and false allegations etc.
VictimOf - 13-Dec-20 @ 12:14 AM
As the owner of a flat in a block with a share in the freehold, what rights do I have? We have a "board" who make all the decisions and a management company who implements them. The only correspondence we have with either is the service charge demands. Do I have any right to have a say in anything that affects the block?Should there be a vote on decorative embellishments to the building? Can you suggest anywhere I can go to get advice that is not too expensive, not the Citizens Advice Bureau as they are so busy is virtually impossible to get an appointment
lala - 2-Nov-20 @ 10:39 PM
Iv been subjected to unusual frequencies and an idling generator for over 5 years on a daily worse at night basis EH had been involved still isn't now the nieghbours have muffled the noise and vibrations..torture is all I can describe on a 24/7 basis at the end of my tether as the authorities excuse the activities of the nieghbours stating the noise could be coming from anywhere it's a cop out and negligence but hay this is Cornwall where not alot gets done shocking
Redwhale - 12-Oct-20 @ 8:23 PM
Trying to buy ground floor flat. offer accepted but person who owns flatabove wants chimney to come down. Roofers find nothing wrongwith chimney and she refuses to let other people examine it. Shehas an Abatement out with Council. The seller accepted our offer a year agobut we cannotdo anything till this is resolved.
jimbo - 15-Jul-20 @ 11:13 AM
Well people iv had enough of my next door neighbour, load music every day for the past 11 years . They have damage my property. 5 years ago I had to get the council out due to cigarette ends in my garden. Doing recordings for the council but this as been months and not a thing done.I am not paying my council tax and I don’t care what they do . Where are my rights to live my quiet life. If council don’t do anything I’m going to take her to court due to the fact I can’t even sale my house because of her. I really think we good people need to stand together and fight for what’s right..
Easytiger - 25-Jun-20 @ 3:49 PM
After a month of broken sleep I had to go to doctors as I had a constant headache and could not get to sleep. I was put on sleeping tablets. I spoke to my neighbour and he agreed to take the bird elsewhere overnight and bring it back during the day. This arrangement worked well until I had to start shielding in mid March. From 10am till as late as 8pm there was no let up. Sometimes crowing four to five times a minute with no let up. Even with doors and windows shut it invaded every room. As the weather got hotter it was unbearable in my house. Finally we fell out over it and after four months from when it first started I complained to Environmental Health. I had to keep a diary of noise for two weeks. When they got it back they said it was a intrusion and basically he was told by them to take active measures to reduce the problems. For first week it was better but as time has gone on it’s pretty much back where we were. I contacted Environmental Health yesterday but the case worker dealing with it hasn’t got back to me yet. We have now recorded a complaint with the Housing Association. So far it would appear that they do not allow tenants to keep cockerels on their properties.Three weeks on still have the noise, feel a prisoner in my own home and don’t know what else to do.
2.8 Injection - 18-Jun-20 @ 12:26 PM
I am in the unlucky position of being at loggerheads with both my neighbours. Only in last few months has it turned nasty. Because of covid situation authorities have done very little. I have underlying health conditions so have been shielding for over three months at time of writing this email, and have been trapped in my home. I have lived in this home for 30 years and it’s been good. Majority of people who were here when moved in have either moved away or passed away. Neighbourhood attitudes seem to change too, as not many people socialise here any more. I don’t have a problem with that as all my friends are elsewhere and see them regularly. So to start, my home is owned by a housing association. The neighbour on one side own their home and moved in about 12 years ago. She quickly was recognised as being a busybody and into everyone’s business. Consequently no one local bothers with them. We kept them on friendly terms purely because didn’t have any problems with them. 5 years ago they got planning permission for an extension. Progress is slow because they are doing the work themselves. This is not the problem. They have planted a hedge on the roadside which has never been trimmed. It is making visibility getting off my drive extremely difficult. The hedge is restricting the footpath by 50% and is about 30 feet high, out of keeping with everywhere else. I asked them to trim it back so I can see to get off my drive some 4 years ago but it never happened. Someone has complained to the county council, and they have been told to trim it back or they will have action taken against them. They thought incorrectly it was me and hostilities began. The problem I do have with them and which I have as a consequence made a complaint are trees and shrubs they have planted on the border between us. I have 3 cars on my drive which get very sticky from sap from one of their shrubs, the other drops scratchy deposits. One of the trees is right up against the fence and post pushing it towards one of my cars on my drive. The root from this is pushing up on my side. In summer this tree (wild cherry) drops its red fruit all over the same car. Birds are attracted to the fruit so bird droppings also a problem. The tree is as high now as our house. I had to have our satellite dish moved because it blocked the signal. The amount of leaves this tree sheds in winter is shocking. They have totally refused to do anything despite costs and damage that I am starting to get. Housing Association knew about this four months ago and so far nothing has happened. The second problem is with neighbour the other side of me who is also Housing Association. He has kept chickens for years with no problems. Just before last Christmas he got a cockerel. This was regularly waking me at 5am and sometimes as early as 2:30am. At the time he tried several means to rectify it but non worked. After a month of broken sleep I had to go to doctors as I had a constant headache and could not get to sl
2.8 Injection - 18-Jun-20 @ 12:18 PM
I have neighbour that suffers from severe mental health problems. I have over the years complained about him to the housing association environmental health. And the police but still nothing has been done? What more can I do the guy is having a detrimental effect on my health. Any advice would be wellcome.
Barney - 22-Apr-20 @ 7:07 PM
I’ve rented house I’m in 8yrs, any jobs required doing always carried out myself ( much easier/ less hassle). However the damp mould woodworms leaking roof ( there’s lots more). I contacted landlord phone calls emails went to his home ( he lives around the corner ) showed him photos this went on for months. Ended up getting EHOs (nov 19th had his notice) start date 4th Jan completed by jan 30. Since nov 19 till today 25th feb it’s been 100 days and guess whatabsolutely nothing I’m at end off belief now feel so so isolated do I take him to court my possessions carpets clothes fridge freezer exc all ruined house is freezing . Don’t owe any rent always on time £560.00 . Any advise would be most appreciated. I’m writing notes and taking photos of everything now ( taken over my life hate it ) Doctors I think then court proceedings. If you want tosay anything in private I’ll forward my details Thank you for reading through hope it make sense
Viking - 25-Feb-20 @ 11:08 PM
my neighbour moved in December last year i have not spoken to him at all so in the summer he come out do you speak? and who says you can cut the hedge? also who says you can have that Topiary dog on there, the one i was cutting, i have Topiary front and back it is good for my depression, i ignored him then he said i am not your mate then threatened to put me on my arse, i was in a good mood as well, he is still trying to talk to me i cannot stand him, he is ex army and thinks hes the man, i have contacted the police, nothing has come of it, my dad started me of with the Topiary i lost him to cancer and this guy could not lace his boots, he lives on his own and no one visits him,and his garden has weeds more weeds and litter.
maz - 30-Sep-19 @ 11:26 PM
Hate it we’re im living and need out asap
Vik - 25-Aug-19 @ 1:32 AM
We have lived at our property for 19 years. I found my neighbour dead on Jan 29 last year. The new landlord put 2 Asian men in no furniture or food. Then they did a flit. The other men moved in turned it into a cannabis factorty. So from May this year till June 9 weeks scared to leave the property as they had access to the loft. Finally got busted. But I suffer depression and anxiety panic attacks and phsoratic arthritis. This made me so ill I coukd not sleep hubby worried about leaving me now the landlord redoing the house and I don't want to live here anymore. Can I claim stress on this horrible money greedy liaring landlord. Thank you any advice would be much appreciated.
Hueycat - 14-Aug-19 @ 10:59 AM
We just moved in to this nice house in this nice neighborhood and immediately learned the house next door is a crack house , full of squatters. A generator running all the time. Now we are stressed because this is not what we expected. All the other neighbors consider this a problem also . dont we have rights ? A right to peace and quiet . A right to know if we leave something outside it wont be stolen ? A right to know our kids are safe to play out side ? What about legal tenant rights
Gift card recipient - 6-Aug-19 @ 5:56 PM
i live on a lovely street , with great long time neighbours . One side of the street is elevated with semi’s and the other has detached bungalows , which are lower than the street - we live in one of the detached bungalows ( for 35 years) For around 2 years we have had to endure a neighbour who lives across the road changing his driving habits and reversing his people carrier into a one car space in front of his house ( with only room between his house and pavement for one car ) . Our house being lower than the road , has a large lounge window facing directly onto the street , so that as we sit in the lounge the neighbours car is framed fully by our window . The effect is that when he comes home , he drives past his drive , the neighbours drive facing us , past our drive - stopping infront of our window '!! Our view is the mum & dad & 3 kids sat looking into our lounge - very private ! This can happen up to 6 times a day ! When they go out at night ( on a regular basis) on returning home we get their head lights directly in our faces ...even when we have quests .The main culprit ,the father, was ( until around 2 months ago a a director of a company) and always acts in a very super-silly-arse demeaning way .....recently he was made redundant , but the attitude remains . I approached him very pleasantly when it initially started with the headlights , he said he would condescendingly consider it - guess what nothing has change ! I am running out of aways of dealing with him to the point it is really effecting my health as we have done nothing to deserve this disrespect ! Please , please help !!!!
Steve - 25-Jul-19 @ 8:55 PM
My uncle trying to kick me off my land and is coming over every day and stalking and harrastinh me
Butcher76 - 8-Jun-19 @ 12:06 AM
My neighbour has been cultivating cannabis in their flat and ventilating the stink air this creates in to my flat. I have told the Housing Association several times. This ventilation happens at all times of the day or night. In winter when temperatures are low and windows are shut is the worse. In addition, my neighbours have preempted me complaining about their activity by making false malicious complaints against me. Other neighbours have told me '...they want you out...'. I have been homeless, moved several times while homeless. I do not want to move. Any suggestions of how to remedy this situation would be appreciated
Ena2019 - 28-May-19 @ 4:55 PM
My neighbours are antisocial, they are asking for trouble.My son is getting “ so called paid to clean the wheelie bin, dog foulings, garden sheds, even asked to steal garden fences, the next door 3 and 5 are not taking care of their garden fences, and doing nothing else but sitting on their bottom and not even taken my words for serious. Instead they paying my son with alcohol etc and laughing me in my face.My late husbands tools are missing because the neighbours do want their houses decorated, power tools paint brushes etc, lawnmowers. Apparently my son does like that. I’m widowed.
Baum - 6-May-19 @ 1:41 AM
My neighbor cut me off from his septic tank. I bought my house a year ago and the neighbour had an agreement with previous owner to allow drainin to his septic tank only if the property is used as a doctor surgery. This was in operation for thirty years. Now the building no longer à surgery and it is being converted to residential property but the neighbour would not allow me to connect to his tank. My property has no land to put a tank in it and has no other mean of doing so, except connecting to the Neibour’s.. negotiations failed. Can I take the matter to the court ??
Jay - 20-Jan-19 @ 9:12 AM
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