Your rights when it comes to the Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993 work in conjunction with the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Noise Act 1996, and when it comes to neighbourhood issues, it is aimed at protecting those who wish to make a complaint about excessive noise that is affecting their quality of life.
How Does It Differ From The Noise Act 1996?
Many aspects of the Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993 are quite similar to the Noise Act 1996 in terms of the range of powers the courts have in issuing fines and other punishments to offenders. Where it differs slightly is in terms of how your Environment Health Department goes about establishing whether or not the noise levels represent a ‘statutory nuisance’.
What Constitutes A ‘Statutory Nuisance’?
The legislation states that the noise which is the cause of the complaint must be (or is likely to be) either detrimental to a person’s health and/or it is interfering (or is likely to interfere) with a person’s own enjoyment of their own property and land.
Your Local Authority’s Responsibility
Before complaining to your local authority environmental health department, you should consider contacting your neighbour to try and discuss the problem. We have produced two templates: an informal note and a more formal letter, which you can use if you'd rather write a note, or talking has proved unsuccessful. Take a look at the templates here.
It is your local authority’s responsibility, usually via an Environmental Health Officer, to investigate any complaints about noise emanating from the following:
Buildings (including domestic residences)
Land (such as construction sites, farms, domestic gardens, parks and nearby fields)
Vehicles (but not general traffic noise)
Machinery (such as equipment used in construction, road repairs and other outdoor sound equipment)
It is then up to the judgement of the Environmental Health Officer to determine whether or not the noise does represent a ‘statutory nuisance’. Within the Noise Act 1996 and the Environmental Protection Act 1990, the officer has the power to take further action in terms of issuing abatement notices and to proceed through the courts where necessary (possible action that can be taken is outlined in the Noise Act 1996 article which is also available on here on this website).
What if the Officer Disagrees?
If you feel you are being plagued by noise that represents a statutory nuisance but the officer doesn’t agree with you, then you do have the right to challenge that decision. You would need to find out how you would go about making a formal complaint from your local authority, and go down that route first of all. If that’s not successful, you can write to the Chief Executive of your local authority and try to enlist the help of your local councillor.
If, having done all that, the situation has still not been resolved, you can ask the independent Local Government Ombudsman to look into the matter. They will ensure whether or not all of the correct procedures have been followed through to the letter by the local authority in terms of what is set out in the legislation.
If the Ombudsman still comes down on the side of the local authority, however, (although they are independent so they may well determine that you DO have a valid case) you can still take the issue further by taking your case directly to a magistrate’s court. Nevertheless, the court would need to be convinced that your complaint does amount to a ‘statutory nuisance’ for any further action to be taken.
As with all neighbourhood ‘noise related’ problems, wherever it’s possible and reasonable to do so, you should try to resolve matters directly with the person(s) responsible for causing the noise nuisance first. Quite often, you’ll find that they weren’t aware that they were causing a nuisance in the first place, and will be happy to reduce or eliminate the noise so that peace can be restored.
On the other hand, if you have tried that method and failed, you should have no hesitation in calling your local Environment Health Department (but not the police) and let them use the powers of the law to try to resolve the matter.
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If you are lucky enough to have good neighbours pray they never leave as once you have problem people it can turn you're life upside down and make you want to move. I have decided I have had enough of living next to other people, putting up with their arrogance, tit for tat exchanges and unpleasantries; I will rent out my home and give the gypsy lifestyle a go. All I want is a quiet life.
C4 - 29-Sep-24 @ 10:02 AM
What do you do if you are being verbally abused, harassed and having your name slandered in public by your neighbours? We have reported this numerous time and getting no where with the local police force and housing association that we rent from. We have been accused of being racist bigots and child molesterers being the main one as well as a whore/slag this has been going on for 10 months now even after multiple complaints to the housing association and police and yes cctv evidence has been provided to both. Yet we have been told they are waiting for evidence from the neighbours which we know that they cannot provide as we have done nothing to validate what they are claiming and they are refusing to give us and information or tell us what we are supposed to have done ro the neighbours. Neither the housing association or the police seem to be taking this seriously and refuse to take action against the neighbours. There has been complaints from other neighbours about the neighbours verbally abusing, harassing and slandering my family and still nothing is being done about their vile and disgusting behaviour toward my parents myself and my daughter and anyone anyone else who visits our house. We have lived in the property for 20 years without any incidents or accusations like this and we feel like we are just banging or heads against a wall here after providing sufficient and clear cctv with sound from which the housing officer of the housing association has stated that we have edited the cctv some how. You can get the cctv checked to see if has been edited and it will come back as not being edited because this is not the case. It would seem the housing officer has already made a decision and siding with the neighbours that are doing the vocal abuse, harassment and slander also I'd like to add that once they also emptied there wheely bin over the fence onto our garden which we cleaned up and put in our own bin to not aggravate the situation all on cctv provided the police and housing association. I ask again what steps can we take now other than paying a solicitor £20000 to take the case on without a clear outcome.
Garry - 27-Sep-24 @ 6:38 PM
Does anyone know if there is a campaign to try and get noisy children included into statutory noise laws? There are parks for children to play in and they often make people's lives hell and the noise level is usually way above the legal decibel limit.
Krista - 21-Jun-24 @ 7:25 PM
My neighbours, (with who we have a few noise related issues with anyway), hand delivered a letter into our post box, even though we were at home at the time, they did not knock on the door to speak to us.Part of the letter informed us of a party they are planning on 15th June. They are 'very excited' about it and are bringing in a 'rock folk' band from Bristol! They went on to say that AMPLIFIED music will be played until 1a.m, followed by acoustic music (until goodness knows when). This music I presume will be outside. I just find it incredible that some people have such a lack of insight into how their behaviours could affect others.
I wrote a note back, (which my husband delivered into their hands), asking why the music needed to be amplified, and also citing the 1996 Noise Act. It is illegal to play loud music after 11 pm in the UK. The Noise Act (1996) specifies that night time lasts from 11 pm to 7 am, during which excessive noise is not permitted. Anti-social behaviour, including loud music, falls under this act. I therefore asked them in the letter to kindly cease playing any music after 11pm. Suffice to say they have not yet responded to our request!!
Sash - 17-May-24 @ 2:55 PM
27 years and ongoing and yet again the tenant who has made my life hell is getting away with playing loud bassy music.I have been lied to by Clarion, Tower Hamlets council environmental health dept and the police.The tenant has threatened myself and family members, has made counter allegations against me to the police. The list goes on!I am in tears writing this and other than going to the CAB don’t know what else to do.
Jane - 14-May-24 @ 12:30 AM
My husband (87) and I (84) are l lucky if we manage 3/4 hours of disturbed sleep during the winter due to the noise from air source heat pump on the flat, felted garage roof, 14 feet away from, and facing directly onto our bungalows bedroom windows.Suggestions from the Council s Environmental team include mediation with the neighbour - we spent weeks 4 years ago and face meetings to no avail before turning the the Council for help.They on two occasions - both when the temperature was well above 5 degrees and the noise no where close to its most disturbing.Even then, the reading in 2022 was over the 42 decibel mark and deemed to be a nuisance.They gave up with the neighbour and on the 28 February, after being prompted by our helpful Councillor, passed it on to the Planning Department expressing the hope that they would seek ‘retrospective planning. After being prodded by our Councillor, they eventually decided to wipe their hands of the case as the ‘4 year rule’ had come into effect!This humming/drumming noise gets right inside the brain.We leave our beds feeling quite - my husband’s tinnitus made 100% worse.This is dangerous acoustic noise which is, apparently much louder than decibel noise.On going back to the Environment department we are now told that the noise is suddenly not deemed to be a nuisance and the suggests mediation - fitting strong wooden shutters - extra glazing - consulting a solicitor and taking the case to the Magistrates court.And, oh yes, that we should pay for ‘shielding’ to be erected on flat, felted roof of someone else’s property!!!!I could fill many pages.
Dobbo - 17-Mar-24 @ 11:53 AM
It's always the same, children. Families have free reign to make noise as children are not considered a statatory nuisance or qualify for anti social behaviour. I disagree, as it is surely down to correct parenting and any responsible family would not rent or buy a terrace property with adjacent walls where they can disturb the peace and annoy neighbours which do not share their tolerance for excess noise and disturbance.
This has led us to a situation which is upsetting communities, causing tension and poor relations everywhere. The problem is the council and the police do not want to own up to this growing problem and it is leading to ever more confrontations and situations to boil over, especially for homeowner vs rental disputes as homeowners cannot always move and it is almost always tenants causing the problems as they don't care and live in temporary accommodation for the most part.
I also share this problem as a single working man living next to a terraced home occupied currently by a family of five in a 2 bed cottage. As well as an inappropriate area for kids to play due to the small nature of the house and garden as well as the area in a town centre, they run around outside playing tag and turned the garden into a messy tip, next door is a rental run by an agency and they keep putting in foreign and problem families and it is irresponsible but they don't care as they just want someone in there to cream of.
Only 23% of UK homes are detached, but one thing I have learned in buying a end of terrace is that I will not ever by a non detached home again. Proximity to others, subjection to their habits etc you just can't get away from it, it really is a nightmare that doesn't stop. There is no point in complaining, nothing will get done about it, you really only have three options to domestic issues, learn to live with it, move, or fight back.
Agma - 20-Feb-24 @ 7:02 AM
There is a single mother with two children living upstairs, in the flat right above mine. They moved six months ago and my life has been miserable ever since. There's a tiny layer of carpet in the flat which is far from soundproofing the amount of noise that both children and mother produce every day. I called the police, I spoke to the managing agency, I call the council... But nothing. the fact thatthere are children involved apparently put me in a condition where I have no rights. The mother keeps hiding behind the children, saying that she cannot control the noise they do and doesn't want to admit that she is also making a lot of noises when she stomps on the floor. I have tried to explain that I suffer from severe Misophonia, which is a neurological condition that makes me extremely vulnerable to this kind of noises. I had quite a few attacks since they moved upstairs. I explained that to the woman, to the managing agency, to thepolice... But nothing. It's like I do not exist. Can anybody help me understand if I can take a legal action against this woman? The solution would be really simple, it would be enough to soundproof her floor. And I have offered my financial help. Nothing and it's like I don't exist can anybody help me?
Tony - 17-Feb-24 @ 6:25 PM
There are a few children, aged between 3 and 9 that live on my Street and they spent a lot of the summer playing outside. We have had numerous complaints to our housing association about the children playing. They have not been excessively loud imo, they have not been unsupervised or out late (9pm in the summer but they had to play quietly from 7pm) due to the complaints they haven't been playing outside but do rode their scooters to visit each other and play inside and as its cold everyone has been inside in their own home by 6.30pm. Yet we are still getting complaints. The housing association sent police officers to check on the street and put leaflets through the door about anti social behaviour.
The police saw the kids and said they cannot believe they've come out due to some young kids riding scooters on the road (it's a dead end small street) and playing lego and card games on my driveway. But we have still had complaints and the housing association keep saying things like we understand kids playing outside and that's fine but the kids need to be quiet/supervised/inside early' the children have not been noisy, unsupervised or out late.
I want to put in a counter complaint, request that they actually investigate before they harass us with letters, threaten us with our tenancy agreement and attempt to intimate us/the children by sending the police.
Pumpkinpie - 26-Oct-23 @ 10:34 PM
My neighbour has 3 sheds full of food a fridge and a freezer, 6 cctv cameras 6 lights in her garden and sells food 24 7 to the public with a sign - Open 24 7 Self serve. The sheds have been robbed 4 times with over £800 worth of stock stolen. She is also classed as avunerable adult. The constant noise nusinance of cars pulling up and the banging of the shed doors has now sent my partner to suffer with mental health issues. The planning enforcement have now asked for retrospective planning permission which we are awaiting to hear. I have objected. A giveway sign and a traffic island are straight opposite. Can I sue the council if they allow her permission.
Fairy - 22-Oct-23 @ 9:02 PM
I'm been woken up several times a night by local factory, been complaining 8 years and have had 11 different people handle my complaint, multiple sounds, getting nowhere. HVAC systems, pumps, fans and production line. Also leaving fire doors open through night
Fedup - 9-Oct-23 @ 1:44 PM
Our neighbours got chickens about 4 years ago. We’ve tried talking to them about the noise from their chickens but they are very dismissive. We are in a situation where there is such frequent noise, we have to close our windows to work. Going in our garden is no longer a pleasure. They whine for hours at a time. Our garden used to be so peaceful. It’s so depressing. The council have been round but I think they must have informed the neighbours of their visit because that morning the coop was open and the chickens didn’t make a peep.
Goingmad - 2-Oct-23 @ 6:52 AM
Jeff: I am working with two City aldermen investigating noise pollution radar cameras. Would love to speak to you about your thoughts. Cell is (312) 415-7018
Steve - 28-Sep-23 @ 3:55 PM
Noise however made is hard to bear I have a diy neighbour who's taken nearly 19 months to tear his bungalow to shreds and rebuild he's created dust ,noise ,abuse ,painted my fence while I was ill,actually been a total nuisance,and the noise has been unbearable but no one wants to help us and we have become really unwell with it all as we are in our mid 70 s we thought living in a pensioners bungalow would be quiet but its hell,im getting so so tired of it so sad one person can cause so much pain to another...
Witchie - 23-Sep-23 @ 11:03 PM
I came across this site as a recipient of a complaint.I have responded and do not know what will happen next but my neighbour has complained about my tv volume, which I consider to be a normal level.She is not an approachable person and dislike my son immensely so mutual agreement on a way forward is impossible - terraced houses, mine is on the end and her other neighbour is elderly.I feel on pins at every sound we make in my own home.
cazren - 12-Aug-23 @ 1:02 PM
I’ve been having issues with my upstairs neighbours for around a year now. They stamp around from room to room from the moment they wake up until they go to bed.they have a young child and another child who visits on weekends, that’s around 6. When that child is there I can hear her running round the full house. They also must have a door or baby gate at the top of their stairs which squeaks so loud when they open it that I can hear it multiple times per day. If I ever make the slightest noise they stamp on the floor as if I’m the problem. I have to sleep with ear plugs in and white noise playing. I’ve also become more and more anxious about being at home. They are making my life a living hell and I don’t know what to do. They rent the property from a family member and I’ve purchased mine on a mortgage. I’ve considered going to the council but after researching it there seems to be no point as they don’t seem to do anything and I can imagine it will make the noise worse. Plus it makes it harder to sell the property. Does anyone know any other routes which can be taken?
Phoebe - 12-Jul-23 @ 1:40 PM
I am in the same boat as so many of you,
i do have health issues first being no immune system so rarely go out.
I purchased my flat around 20 yrs ago and was really happy here, then I had new neighbors move in above me 2.5yrs ago. the pregnant mother around 40, a 19 yr old daughter who likes tantrums and first thing they did was lay that wooden flooring and the noise issues started. the baby is now 2.5 and all 3 of them sound like they wear wooden clogs, furniture gets dragged around and the 2.5 yr old likes to jump jump jump all the time. they generally sleep between 6pm and 10pm the rest of the time they are up. doors banging dog barking and stomp stomp stomp by all 3 back and forth all the time.
I have decorated my place to sell it and get out of here, 2 valuers both told me, the noise from above will make it hard to sell and i may have to discount it.
pioneer group the housing for above really did not want to know, I asked multiple trimes for noise levels to be tested, finally they told me that their testing equipment is broken and suggested i contact birmingham council and environmental heath. i contacted both of these and they said as i come under pioneer group they cannot help and pioneer has to do the testing. i since gone back to pioneer and they are telling me birmingham council has a statutary obligation to do it. talk about go round in circles and get nowhere. and yes its getting to the stage where i will make start to deal with it. im going to go and buy whacker plates and fit them to my ceilings with them turning on for 5 minutes at random times day and night and i will stay at my brothers a week at a time just to get some peace. no-one else wants to help and im so tired of it now.
Mike - 28-Jun-23 @ 3:40 PM
I live on a council housing estate and a residential home private has been built in the middle of it most of us own our property the ones who don't live pretty quiet lifes.since this home was built we have been woke all hours of the day and night screaming foul language lnight with banging screaming police people running around escaping smashing thingsour 7am alarm is screaming window getting banged with Alistair or something this goes on throughout the day the whole neighborhood is goes on when we sit in our gardens am very poorly with cronic pain and its making me ill the patients need 2 to 3 staff to escort them.they are taking in mental health cos they couldn't fill it with residential .more money for the private owners.i complained to council but now they have moved him right below my back fence .the staff all sit in the sun while he badges away he must be locked in but he must be hurting himself the time he is banging for this should not be on our estate children have to be up on a morning for school.wecwill never sell our property now how could you show someone around when they walk in garden and hear people shouting they are gunna f*****murderthem.
Ang - 11-Jun-23 @ 8:09 AM
A generator can be heard above my bathroom.. It hums then a high pitched noise starts. It reads 95 decibels on my sound meter app on my phone.
I wear silicone ear plugs and gaming headphones but it still can be heard.
The sound causes vibrations which I feel going through my body.
Environmental health came at 10.30am to hear the noise.. Its all over by then. It starts around 8pm and finishes at 8am.
They closed my case.
I'm paying £90 to get earplugs from the Audiology dept. I just hope they blot out the sound.
I cannot sleep properly.. 4 hours is a treat.
My skin crawls for a few hours after I wake, my ears buzz with the high pitched sound. I don't have tinnitus... Yet!
My joints hurt and lack of sleep is affecting my recall.
Standing in my studio, I am 3 feet away from the flat aboves ceiling.
I have survived this for over a year as a private renter.
There is a huge extn at the back of this house.
I don't know what is going on here at night and I don't know how to protect myself.
Any ideas?
Buzzer - 6-Jun-23 @ 8:09 AM
A generator can be heard above my bathroom.. It hums then a high pitched noise starts. It reads 95 decibels on my sound meter app on my phone.
I wear silicone ear plugs and gaming headphones but it still can be heard.
The sound causes vibrations which I feel going through my body.
Environmental health came at 10.30am to hear the noise.. Its all over by then. It starts around 8pm and finishes at 8am.
They closed my case.
I'm paying £90 to get earplugs from the Audiology dept. I just hope they blot out the sound.
I cannot sleep properly.. 4 hours is a treat.
My skin crawls for a few hours after I wake, my ears buzz with the high pitched sound. I don't have tinnitus... Yet!
My joints hurt and lack of sleep is affecting my recall.
Standing in my studio, I am 3 feet away from the flat aboves ceiling.
I have survived this for over a year as a private renter.
There is a huge extn at the back of this house.
I don't know what is going on here at night and I don't know how to protect myself.
Any ideas?
Buzzer - 6-Jun-23 @ 8:07 AM
Hi, looking for advice please. We have just come home from holiday and our neighbours have erected a basketball stand/net right outside our bedroom window. The ball has already been over our fence at least 3 times today and they’ve just jumped over and got it without asking. The child is 9 and does play with our child. The relationship has recently become fractious with them over other reasons what should we do? Do we have any rights at all?
JL83 - 5-Jun-23 @ 10:12 PM
What can be done about the nuisance caused from small noisy propeller aircraft flying circuit patterns over people's houses? We live near an airport which was bought several years ago, the owner has now started allowing training schools to fly circles over West Bridgford causing a lot of irritation to local schools, businesses, residences. The owner maintains that this is allowed since he has been doing this since the 1930's (despite the airport being abandoned in the 90's). There's no reasoning with these idiots, I ask for some consideration and they'll tell you things like "don't go on holiday then who's gonna fly your plane" well not some guy with a private pilots license in a small tin plane...
Paul - 3-Jun-23 @ 2:41 PM
I think. Anyone who wakes anyone up more than 3 times should be issued with a legal warning.
Sleep is vital to health. There are night people who try to dominate the space and make a lot of
Noise to provoke. It should be a crime at night
Whether sub concious or not..11pm is far to late for cut off of loud or medium noise. Should be 8.30pm
Loud kids shoud be taught to be quiet. The person next door may not be well.
Seniors with loud TV at night a growing problem as many now not going to sheltered housing. As my X support worker realative said.'they want to stay in their homes as long as possible' . Then f respect others health not just your own
Why is someones deafness allowed to destroy someone elses life. Councils should issue headphones for anyone with hearing issues. Not a good enough excuse "my hearing issues"
Claiming in my culture we make noise at night or have socials. What's that got to do with Uk and respecting other peoples health.
Then those socially housed who have suffered trauma or oppression use the night as a weapon of expression. Dare anyone say anything!
Then there's the repeat offender who cant help hurting neigbours with noise & other things.
Social housing is a mess of disrespect. Each person making other peoples health bad.
We need live in protection officers. Noise team is too political bias like the police. Its had it's day
N - 31-May-23 @ 8:34 PM
@Paul Turbo, Hi Paul, I can completely empathise with you, my neighbours directly up above are NOCTURNAL he's a gammer and lives by American time as a result, they had a child nearly 3yrs ago, the scream on this child is that screetching that it sets the dogs in the flats off, now they have gone and introduced a fkn ball to his life (THATS GREAT IF YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE HIM OUT AND KICK THE BALL AROUND) NOPE NOT THEM!!! they give him the ball when he screams, so not only do i have the constant screamimg but now a bouncing ball, 2 weeks ago i was just under 5hrs of doinga 24hr shift with them "if you had known me years ago you wld know that i wld never put up with this Bullsh!t"I have always got on great with my neighbours, infact 1 is 1 of my best friends for nearly 30yrs now. I raised 2 sons so i know the script & never wld i have allowed my sons to bounce a ball on top of anyone let alone inside! Come about 11-30am, they have their Siesta for roughly 4/5hours BLESS they must be really really really tired, they then get up pass him the ball and the bounce commences. Jan 23 i had an op, never had the luxury of recovering in peace, March/April 23 I had covid, again i wasn't allowed the privalege to look after myself then April 30th my Bro-in-law passed and i never had that chance to mourn him as a result from those scum upstairs, how i wish i was in the best of health as things wld be oh so different, anyway, i totally get you all & i wish thing where different for yous, things need to change for us decent people as it's all geared towards the perpetraitors, I told my HO that he was as good as a chocolate fireguard & only good for letting houses and trying to be everybodirs friend "real life aint like that" I tried the City Council noise team AGAIN they don't deal with that kind of noise and any noises to do with children ?? this is not just the odd bounce gere and there & apparently they can make noise the hours 9am/9pm what about after that? Awe they ma be under social work Fk them WHAT ABOUT MY NOW ILL MENTAL HEALTH a result of their living habbits "sorry peeps but i needed that moan" I hope this brings you all Love, Light & Blessing ??, Take care Jan
Jan - 29-May-23 @ 7:42 PM
@Paul Turbo, Hi Paul, I can completely empathise with you, my neighbours directly up above are NOCTURNAL he's a gammer and lives by American time as a result, they had a child nearly 3yrs ago, the scream on this child is that screetching that it sets the dogs in the flats off, now they have gone and introduced a fkn ball to his life (THATS GREAT IF YOU ARE GOING TO TAKE HIM OUT AND KICK THE BALL AROUND) NOPE NOT THEM!!! they give him the ball when he screams, so not only do i have the constant screamimg but now a bouncing ball, 2 weeks ago i was just under 5hrs of doinga 24hr shift with them "if you had known me years ago you wld know that i wld never put up with this Bullsh!t"I have always got on great with my neighbours, infact 1 is 1 of my best friends for nearly 30yrs now. I raised 2 sons so i know the script & never wld i have allowed my sons to bounce a ball on top of anyone let alone inside! Come about 11-30am, they have their Siesta for roughly 4/5hours BLESS they must be really really really tired, they then get up pass him the ball and the bounce commences. Jan 23 i had an op, never had the luxury of recovering in peace, March/April 23 I had covid, again i wasn't allowed the privalege to look after myself then April 30th my Bro-in-law passed and i never had that chance to mourn him as a result from those scum upstairs, how i wish i was in the best of health as things wld be oh so different, anyway, i totally get you all & i wish thing where different for yous, things need to change for us decent people as it's all geared towards the perpetraitors, I told my HO that he was as good as a chocolate fireguard & only good for letting houses and trying to be everybodirs friend "real life aint like that" I tried the City Council noise team AGAIN they don't deal with that kind of noise and any noises to do with children ?? this is not just the odd bounce gere and there & apparently they can make noise the hours 9am/9pm what about after that? Awe they ma be under social work Fk them WHAT ABOUT MY NOW ILL MENTAL HEALTH a result of their living habbits "sorry peeps but i needed that moan" I hope this brings you all Love, Light & Blessing ??, Take care Jan
Jan - 29-May-23 @ 7:34 PM
Im an older person, living in, what was a nice residential area. New neighbours arrived and since then i'm Subject to constant, if erratic periods of time throughout the day/evenings (worse at weekends) by the neighbours grown up son, who doesn't even live at the property! but keeps his wrek of an old car in their garage.
He's there daily and spends hours there, "tinkering" with it and constantly feels the need to "rev it up".The revving is the issue, 20 mins plus at any one time, along with the pollution it spouts out into the air.
It's so loud, my windows vibrate, it's clearly heard in all rooms in my, house, it also comes in through essential wall vents.
If I am in bed, my pillows actually vibrate, into my head.
Sitting out in my garden is impossible.
Much as I'm loathe to mention it, I am chronically sick with 2 life-limiting conditions, both of which require me to take prescribed periods of rest during the day.
Im also legally registered as disabled and housebound 80% of the time.
This has definitely prevented me from the quiet enjoyment of my property and has been going on since last year.
If the damn car needs "fixing" then take it to a f.....g garage !
I have no one to advocate on my behalf and don't want to limp round there (showing my vulnerability) and start WW3 but I've had enough, just want some PEACE.
What to do ???
Enough is Enough - 28-May-23 @ 6:43 PM
Reading all these comments - we here should all just form our own village and live together peacefully. No one is perfect, everyone will do something annoying at some point, but what's crucial is that A-it's unintentional, B- if approached, the one causing a disturbance stops without getting hostile. That's the difference between a good neighbour and a bad neighbour. You can approach a good neighbour and have a respectful chat about something that's causing you harm and they will either stop or you can reach an agreement. E.g. neighbour wants to use treadmill in garage. This causes noise to bounce off every wall and penetrate in walls and invade house of neighbour. Solution? Neighbour can use treadmill but for reasonable set times or if neighbour is out. It's not hard. Live and let live means we live without spoiling the life of others, and any unintended disturbances are kept to a minimum. Children need to play, but there are sick and elderly and tired hard working people on shifts who also need to rest. They can have their half hour of 'louder' playtime, after that, there are other ways to play that are just as important and don't involve screaming and smashing balls around. And if they really must, then there are dedicated play areas that are often noise insulated to accommodate wild kids who need to get rid of some energy (e.g. indoor trampoline parks). Trampolines should be banned from gardens. They are awful things and cause our NHS so many unnecessary visits.
LiveandletlivemeansM - 13-May-23 @ 9:43 PM
There is a house in the area where I live that has a high pitched whistling sound. I think it is probably something to do with the water pipes but we can not detect which property and are surrounded by many. When it happens it is quite painful in the ears, what can I do? I cannot believe the person living in the house is unaware of this.
JP - 11-May-23 @ 9:25 AM
My neighbors have a noisy fan going all night every night and are unwilling to reposition it elsewhere. After I put a note through the door, I got verbal abuse and it seems they put the fan nearer the wall to make it sound louder. Imagine trying to sleep with something that sounds like a lawnmower all night.
Iam 73 years old cancer surviver with lots of ongoing stress because of the after effects of the treatment with neuropathy in my feet, night sweats, headaches, tiredness and recent stroke but which got treated in time eg. I already have difficulties sleeping but this tops it, especially because it now seems they do it more not less and my stress has increased lots. I don't know what to do ? Because I don't have the energy to fight this and mostly homebound.
Peter108 - 28-Apr-23 @ 10:14 AM
Reply to Sally who worked at housing association, that's fine , but the flats mainly need updating. Some insulation should be put in and then maybe people wouldn't keep wanting to leave. My flat is extremely outdated, and new windows also would help as double glazing does not last 35 years which these haven't been changed since.
Marissajanet Re: Letter Template: Noisy Neighbours
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Re: Letter Template: Noisy Neighbours
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