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Protection from Harassment

By: Jeff Durham - Updated: 1 Oct 2024 | comments*Discuss
Harassment Laws Neighbours Police Victim

Nobody has to suffer persecution or harassment from their neighbours, no matter what has motivated the perpetrator to do this to you in the first place, and you are protected by the law in this regard. Some instances of harassment arise as a result of a dispute between neighbours which has escalated out of control.

Sometimes it’s down to anti-social behaviour by irresponsible youths, other times it may be due to a long-running dispute with a neighbour. Your harassment may be motivated by perceived differences between you and the rest of your neighbourhood by a neighbour(s) and these are usually of a Discriminatory Nature which is dealt with in another article contained on this website.

What Constitutes Harassment?

Harassment can occur in many forms. It's described as 'causing alarm or distress' and also as 'putting people in fear of violence'. It can include, but is not limited to, the following types of behaviour:

  • Threats of violence against you or an actual act of violence committed upon you
  • Abusive and/or insulting behaviour or words
  • Threats of damage to your property and possessions or actual damage to them
  • Any written form of abuse or threat made to you, including letters, graffiti or any other kind of written material such as posters being put up that are derogatory towards you

Basically, harassment can be any type of behaviour or action taken towards you which threatens your own sense of security and peace or which causes you unnecessary inconvenience. For more detailed information surrounding harssment and the laws governing it take a look at www.cps.gov.uk

What You Can Do if You Become a Victim of Harassment

If you feel that you are being harassed, you should immediately notify the police. It’s also useful if you have Kept Written Records of all the occasions when any harassment has took place, including what form of harassment you suffered, the date and time it took place, and a name or description of the perpetrator(s). Even if you haven’t gathered all of this information or you don’t know who might be responsible, just give the police as much information as you can.

The more you can tell them, the quicker and easier it will be to get the harassment to stop and to instigate any legal proceedings that might be necessary. Once you have been interviewed by the police, they will be on hand to offer you any advice while they conduct their investigations.

What Happens Next?

The police take harassment issues very seriously. They will be there to support you although the level will vary depending upon the severity of the harassment which has taken place. They will also offer you all the required information and guidance you might need if the matter goes to court. Depending on the nature of the harassment, they’ll also put you in touch with relevant external organisations or agencies that will be able to give you specialised support and further counselling assistance, if needed.

If You Live in Rented Accommodation

If you live in rented accommodation, you should also inform your landlord, local authority or housing association. They can offer additional support which might include fitting locks, vandal-proof letterboxes, fences and lighting, and installing alarms which might even be linked to your local police station. If your perpetrator lives in the same building as you, they can also confront them and warn them about possible tenancy agreement breaches, and the possibility of eviction.

In the case of local authorities and housing associations, they might also be able to assist in re-housing you elsewhere if that’s the decision you feel would be best for you. However, if you like living in your present home, you should feel under no compulsion to move, and your local authority will take all the necessary steps and offer you the support to enable you to remain put. Nobody should ever feel compelled to be driven out of their home and neighbourhood against their wishes because of a harassment issue.

Harassment is a serious offence, can cause unbearable stress and will be dealt with harshly by the Police and the Legal System.

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I can empathise with all of the above. I have an issue with an elderly busy body with nothing to do all day. He constantly harasses me and my wife by objecting to the slightest change we want to make to our property including fixing a border fence that was falling down due to a broken post. We are at the point where we don't or feel we cannot, do anything to make our house nicer to live in. These types of personalities are toxic and ruin peoples enjoyment of their homes. Our only option is to move but then we may find the next one is worse. Catch 22.
jimbo - 1-Oct-24 @ 8:44 AM
Harrassment usually results becouse neighbours fall out over a dispute or tit for tat exchange. You are very limited in what you can do to try and force out bad neighbours, all you can do in reality is hope they leave or leave yourself. Once neighbour relations sour it never gets better, and i have found this on two occasions, and I am not prepared to live in traditional housing again as I want a quiet life and I can't afford to keep moving or upscalling to better areas and homes to get away from the hassle. Harrassment is basically a form of arrogance and really isn't required, if you don't like your neighbours just don't talk to them, otherwise they will take you down the road of dispair as they try anything to get you in trouble with the police. Don't fall for it.
Agma - 25-Sep-24 @ 12:17 AM
I have been stalked and intimidated, for 4yrs, by the chairman on the allotments on my street. The Police and Council, in my area do not take Stalking and Intimidation seriously. Far from it. They ignore and dismiss concerns. Minimise every incident and cover for the man in question. This is because he likes to get his name known in the area. He has contacts in the Police and Council. Anyone I try and speak to, he goes and befriends them. He gets flying monkeys to back him up. He spins elaborate stories to sound plausible. Educated people are constantly fooled by him. He watches me constantly from the comfort of his plot...next door but one to my home. Yet he has followed me 60miles to a meeting this year. To scare me. He joins any group im connected to, to isolate me and stop me going. Hes jumped out at me, even when I have my grandson with me. How cruel is that? I send emails to everyone...silence...silence....silence...silence. I get told to: "befriend' him!!!!; ignore him; go to counselling!!!!. I am victim blamed and victimised by the Police and Council members. Ive tried the MP. Initially she was supportive but felt impotent in being able to do anything. I email Councillors and I get no reply. I put in complaints to the Council and Police . They both lied in documentation and covered for their bad handling of my case. They said Stalking wasn't happening !!!! They protected the man. Appeals just looked at processes. No re-investigation took place. It was a total waste of time, created more levels of stress and isolated me more and more. Its cruel. When I try to go out, this man hovers feet away from me. Watches me. Finds my routines. Ive got advice from all stalking charities. But the Police and Council fail me time after time. I contacted the local papers. I got no reply. This man knows people in all local papers. He is protected everywhere he goes. I live in fear every day. My home is not safe. He mocks me day after day, parks near my home, does jobs near my home so he can watch me. He walks past my home many times a week. The tactics he has used are frightening. Police? Council? Where are they? No where. This man is retired. He can behave how he likes. He gets his name in the paper for raising money for charity!!!! Yet, in the same week he will have been intimidating and stalking me. The Police and Council fails victims in my area. They target stereotypical young men and make examples of them. But wont tackle the married, retired, respectable chairman!!! I have tried every avenue known to man. I get a door in my face. Other women in my area are being treat the same. We are the hidden victims of abusive, "respectable" ??? men.Men of influence. Men with contacts in every Service. Men who fool the most educated, including Doctors, Teachers, Managers, Lecturers etc. They are Narcissistic. Clever. Creative in their actions. But painfully, destructively obsessive and
Ally24 - 22-Sep-24 @ 7:40 PM
Hi, I have had ongoing issues and concerns with neighbour who creates various nuisances including playing loud music early hours of the morning duringthe day or evening eitherfromtheir propertyand vehicle.They have, gatherings at his property or allowing individuals to loiter outside his property and my house. They have loud arguments or physical fights on the driveway.
Haz - 24-Jun-24 @ 4:28 PM
I know how you all feel, victimised bullied intimidated etc I have all this with medical conditions and a partner with a serious heart condition, our neighbour flirts her way out of trouble and because the others don’t technically live there nothing has been done. I got falsely accused of throwing full wheelie bins onto peoples cars! I would never do that and couldn’t do that. But the useless police believed her! No proof doesn’t matter if you are young and ‘pretty’. Authorities don’t care about victims as we are always the ones at fault even when we do nothing. I wish the world was different and we could all get the help we so desperately need and get rid of these vile people.
Once6 - 2-May-24 @ 4:50 PM
We have suffered at the hands of our neighbours for 2 and a half years we have had the police out the council involved etc but it just carries on and that's because the law and the councils don't protect us they tip toe around perpetrators sa not to upset them and we are told just to ignore it .This is completely wrong and these wicked people know how to play on the system .When I went to the police last year to report their harassment I was told unless they attack me or my husband they are not commiting a crime so what chance do we have if that's the attitude of the police who are supposed to protect us .
Cazza - 26-Mar-24 @ 2:09 PM
Can you tell the council to stop harassing you I've had non stop letters..phone calls and visits... false allegations being made against me.
Ugly duckling - 25-Feb-24 @ 2:37 PM
I'm.being intimidatf and harrased by neighbours using a policeman frieit still gping onnd if the block my drive they get a friendly call to move nothing ever done I got reached on a shop changing rooms cause this block saw me in town this shouldn't be allowed The other neighbours says the grandaughter is in policeman they want me out of the street
J - 25-Feb-24 @ 10:52 AM
My son was continually harassed by his neighbour for 4 years nothing was done. Until this neighbour macheted the downstairs neighbour. He sliced right down his arm. Inside his flat he had stun guns knives machetes all sorts of weapons. For about a year the flat was empty but guess what they moved another guy in with multiple personalities he bangs on the ceiling threatening to kill my son. He screams and shouts 24 hrs so no sleep he's been on his final warning for ages it now has to go to court. But not sure when. My son is suicidal. Police are aware but seems there hands are tied because he's mentally ill.As I write this has been another 24hrs non stop banging on the ceiling swearing threatening to kill. I'm staying here at the moment so will be phoning the police soon. Just not fair
Momma - 21-Feb-24 @ 8:30 AM
Yes my emàil is in place for contactI'm reaching out for help on on going group serious harrassment as the perp a boyfriend to a xwife of mine by the xwife HAVEING her boyfriend over five years now has non stop as he has the funds an eye WITTNESSES has seen this Steven Howell fry act out his intent as he made threats to I'm front of eye WITTNESSES yet I still haven't been able to gain support from Louisville metro police. My xwife an her boyfriend have active local officers as friends tothis Steven Howell frybf of my xwife. Has cut my brake lines I turn in video showing him in the act of committing the crime yet still nothing was done the nature of this crime itself as DANGERIOUS to my life an my girlfriends life an public at large for the with out any compassion of how many public at large this unstable DANGERIOUS person is to with out any sec thought to the neg results to all it might hurt the willness of this Steven Howell fry to act careless should have raise major concern he was clearly ok with people being killed by brake failure. An he attempted thison three autos destorying. Each one costing me the victim an my my girlfriends life to be at risk how can I get legal help to help us this is still a on going. Out of control over look matter by OFFICALS of Louisville KY just disrespecting our SAFTEY in such a horrible sick grossest manor any one. Have any connect that could help us as we are mentally being dismantle an impossible to put intitlenent to peace an be left alonesomething. Gonna have to be done we can't keep living in this allow by local police to carry on. It sick profown an wrong periodmy contact by cell is 2707409034. Text are call David my name thank u god' bless any help would be of help we reach out with no where else to turn to in Louisville ky
Dave - 18-Jan-24 @ 1:38 AM
Did anyone get help there? Will be great to hear howto get positive solutions to our problems. Thank you
John - 29-Dec-23 @ 5:48 AM
Police don’t take harassment seriously at all! Our elderly neighbours have made our life in a private rented property absolute hell. We have experienced actual physical violence - nothing happened. Not even a slap on the wrist for them. Then we were laughed at and mocked by the neighbours. Our 6 year old son was threatened on multiple occasions, “going to slaughter you” - nothing happened. When confronted we were laughed at and mocked. When our son was 9 he was verbally abused when he was stood at his bedroom window - disgusting vile language which left him crying in the corner of his bedroom. When I confronted the neighbours I was laughed at and mocked. They have threatened us many many times, saying they are getting solicitors, that they are getting us evicted (all recorded on video) made numerous complaints to our landlord in an attempt to get us evicted - nothing happened to them. Recorded videos of the man coming out of his house and randomly swearing at my sons bedroom window which unfortunately overlooks jobs garden. He throws dog faeces and rubbish over his fence into our garden. Shouts, swears and threatens us if we go out into the garden and has CCTV recording our garden and house 24 hours a day. So when we go out of the e house he knows and can abuse further. I was once taken away in an ambulance due to them threatening and abusing us - their abuse was recorded on the 999 call. Still nothing was done. Have provided police and the council with evidence in recordings and reports spanning back to 2016 - guess what? Nothing has ever been done to stop it. The last time I contacted the police wa son October 2023 and I have heard nothing since but the neighbour still continues to insult and abuse and harass my son on a daily basis and I am absolutely sick of it. I have come to the conclusion that the institutions that exist to protect you from monsters is all a lie, a fabrication to make it look as though you ar protected but when the time comes and you need help they are nowhere to be seen. New year 2024, everything my neighbour has done to me and my family - my son in particular will be done back - that is the only way we will ever get justice.. to stoop to their level. Articles like this are a complete lie. Police do absolutely nothing to help.
Anxious - 16-Dec-23 @ 7:41 PM
Hi, I can totally relate to everyone on here. I'm experiencing this and bullying, and have been for months by annoying tenants, some who I hear crash at that flat like strays because I hear constant in's and outs, besides the actual strays living up there (with nasty spoilt brats) attached. Frankly, it seems like they are subletting illegally and hiding drugs and so forth, and more people are living there than supposed to. I have tried everything from the useless police (Yes I said it) to the just as uselss council and my landlord to try to get my ASB (Antisocial behaviour) query taken seriously, but from everyside, nobody wants to take responsibility at all. So pathetic. I don't want to turn into a vigilante, but I understand why people take matters into their own hands. However, I get the feeling that I'm slowly turning into a vigilante, considering no one else has my back now. I think because these twatty neighbours know and suspect that no one currently believes anything I say, they are getting off on the harassment and trying to control my every move, and at the same time trying to disguise their stupid sub-human behaviour. All they do is try to compete, mimick and mock everything I do around my flat because they assume that going from nasty-malicious (who they are) to nice (who I'am) within a space of an hour, that they would seem like they are nice. No offence, but thats like putting sugar on chips instead of the traditional salt, they just don't mix, so why try to disguise the taste. Anyway, all I feel is rage, and want revenge on these skanky neighbours who know damn well that I live in my flat and therefore I can do what I want in it and they can't stand it, and way before they slithered in, but seem to think that they have a claim over it. In truth, with these trashy neighbours its a stupid power struggle, power play, jealousy, and insecurity. The top 4 currently, in my opinion.
Lexa - 4-Dec-23 @ 10:21 PM
Hi, I can totally relate to everyone on here. I'm experiencing this and bullying, and have been for months by annoying tenants, some who I hear crash at that flat like strays because I hear constant in's and outs, besides the actual strays living up there (with nasty spoilt brats) attached. Frankly, it seems like they are subletting illegally and hiding drugs and so forth, and more people are living there than supposed to. I have tried everything from the useless police (Yes I said it) to the just as uselss council and my landlord to try to get my ASB (Antisocial behaviour) query taken seriously, but from everyside, nobody wants to take responsibility at all. So pathetic. I don't want to turn into a vigilante, but I understand why people take matters into their own hands. However, I get the feeling that I'm slowly turning into a vigilante, considering no one else has my back now. I think because these twatty neighbours know and suspect that no one currently believes anything I say, they are getting off on the harassment and trying to control my every move, and at the same time trying to disguise their stupid sub-human behaviour. All they do is try to compete, mimick and mock everything I do around my flat because they assume that going from nasty-malicious (who they are) to nice (who I'am) within a space of an hour, that they would seem like they are nice. No offence, but thats like putting sugar on chips instead of the traditional salt, they just don't mix, so why try to disguise the taste. Anyway, all I feel is rage, and want revenge on these skanky neighbours who know damn well that I live in my flat and therefore I can do what I want in it and they can't stand it, and way before they slithered in, but seem to think that they have a claim over it. In truth, with these trashy neighbours its a stupid power struggle, power play, jealousy, and insecurity. The top 4 currently, in my opinion.
Lexa - 4-Dec-23 @ 8:07 PM
Hi, I can totally relate to everyone on here. I'm experiencing this and bullying, and have been for months by annoying tenants, some who I hear crash at that flat like strays because I hear constant in's and outs, besides the actual strays living up there (with nasty spoilt brats) attached. Frankly, it seems like they are subletting illegally and hiding drugs and so forth, and more people are living there than supposed to. I have tried everything from the useless police (Yes I said it) to the just as uselss council and my landlord to try to get my ASB (Antisocial behaviour) query taken seriously, but from everyside, nobody wants to take responsibility at all. So pathetic. I don't want to turn into a vigilante, but I understand why people take matters into their own hands. However, I get the feeling that I'm slowly turning into a vigilante, considering no one else has my back now. I think because these twatty neighbours know and suspect that no one currently believes anything I say, they are getting off on the harassment and trying to control my every move, and at the same time trying to disguise their stupid sub-human behaviour. All they do is try to compete, mimick and mock everything I do around my flat because they assume that going from nasty-malicious (who they are) to nice (who I'am) within a space of an hour, that they would seem like they are nice. No offence, but thats like putting sugar on chips instead of the traditional salt, they just don't mix, so why try to disguise the taste. Anyway, all I feel is rage, and want revenge on these skanky neighbours who know damn well that I live in my flat and therefore I can do what I want in it and they can't stand it, and way before they slithered in, but seem to think that they have a claim over it. In truth, with these trashy neighbours its a stupid power struggle, power play, jealousy, and insecurity. The top 4 currently, in my opinion.
Lexa - 3-Dec-23 @ 7:47 PM
Hi, I can totally relate to everyone on here. I'm experiencing this and bullying, and have been for months by annoying tenants, some who I hear crash at that flat like strays because I hear constant in's and outs, besides the actual strays living up there (with nasty spoilt brats) attached. Frankly, it seems like they are subletting illegally and hiding drugs and so forth, and more people are living there than supposed to. I have tried everything from the useless police (Yes I said it) to the just as uselss council and my landlord to try to get my ASB (Antisocial behaviour) query taken seriously, but from everyside, nobody wants to take responsibility at all. So pathetic. I don't want to turn into a vigilante, but I understand why people take matters into their own hands. However, I get the feeling that I'm slowly turning into a vigilante, considering no one else has my back now. I think because these twatty neighbours know and suspect that no one currently believes anything I say, they are getting off on the harassment and trying to control my every move, and at the same time trying to disguise their stupid sub-human behaviour. All they do is try to compete, mimick and mock everything I do around my flat because they assume that going from nasty-malicious (who they are) to nice (who I'am) within a space of an hour, that they would seem like they are nice. No offence, but thats like putting sugar on chips instead of the traditional salt, they just don't mix, so why try to disguise the taste. Anyway, all I feel is rage, and want revenge on these skanky neighbours who know damn well that I live in my flat and therefore I can do what I want in it and they can't stand it, and way before they slithered in, but seem to think that they have a claim over it. In truth, with these trashy neighbours its a stupid power struggle, power play, jealousy, and insecurity. The top 4 currently, in my opinion.
Lexa - 3-Dec-23 @ 4:01 PM
Im now severely depressed. I’ve been out of my home for 3 months. I’d lived the for 6, for 3-4 months my upstairs neighbour has been stalking me. It started friendly but he was getting obsessive so I stopped opening the door to him. He began following me above from room to room all day long (YES ALLLLLL DAY LONG) I became a statue in my lounge, and when I wasn’t a statue I had to be a ninja. The ceilings in my neighbourhood are badly sound proofed. He can hear everything if he wants…. And he does. He follows me around everywhere. After 3 months and asking him nicely to stop harassing and stop following me and spying on me…. He wouldn’t stop and I broke down in my home. I flooded my bathroom… the plug fell in, I was running taps so he could hear me less and I could do things in my home. You have to experience it to understand. It got to the point that I couldn’t do anything… I hated being spyed on. I didn’t want to be heard anymore :’( the council didn’t help and the police didn’t help. I had to take my cat and leave. I’m staying in my partners bedroom in his room in a shared house. Things aren’t good here. We are rowing. I’ve been stuck here with my cat now for 3 months with no place to go. I’ve told adult social services and they are like… well why don’t you just go home? :’( I’m feeling in a very bad place with no support available to me. I don’t think it exists does it. Cos where is it? Where is the help? I need a safe place to be. I’m not staying at home! I’d rather die!! My upstairs neighbour is quite the actor too. He pretends to be an old vulnerable man…. He’s pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes. The other neighbours know he’s a fruit loop and they’ve been spied on too. But neither the council or the police will talk to other neighbours. Gosport council are no support and have only contributed to my suffering.
No one cares - 3-Dec-23 @ 2:37 PM
I’ve been harrassed by my upstairs neighbours for over a year. They play loud music and jump and stomp on my ceiling all day to intimidate me. They’ve had 3 noise abatement warnings from the council but this hasn’t stopped them at all. Got in touch with the police and they filed an incident and just redirected me back to the council who refuse to help me move. Completely misleading advice. If anyone out there has been through the same please get in touch
Sharan - 30-Nov-23 @ 8:07 PM
Such rubbish police sided with my neighbour even though i put in the report infact i heard him.say to abusive man that i sad womennothing better to do they wait till you got hurt or worse before they bother to late then
Tar - 25-Nov-23 @ 10:11 AM
Same as above. My daughter,who has lived at the same address for the past 20 years, and has always got on with the neighbours, suddenly finds herself the victim of harassment and intimidation from neighbours at both sides. Been in touch with council and police and still no joy. They both seem to take the side of the neighbours.
Nil - 17-Nov-23 @ 1:40 PM
Im commentinng too lve had harrasment threats off of A Neighbour for five yrs kept Reporting it still nowhere lm semi Disabled and have disorders he has shoouted obsenities at me through my patio door he has threated me outside called me names in my flat still no Further Forward .
Paula - 6-Nov-23 @ 1:34 PM
This page should be taken down or clearly updated with correct information as it is misleading and potentially can lead to more serious problems for those following it's incorrect advice. Despite what the official law says about harassment, the police and the courts will not support, assist, help or even get involved in something like this where it is based around neighbours. They will always dismiss it as a civil dispute and direct you towards solicitors. The police have no interest in problems such as this either because they simply don't want the hassle and paperwork, or because they know the courts won't act and it will be a waste of time for all involved. Plus involving the police will only lead to an increase in hostilities and make matters much worse. Clearly the person who wrote this nonsense has not experienced anything like this and is only quoting the law as it's written, not as it's enforced in the real world. Finally in regards solicitors, this will be extremely costly with no guarantee of success. They will also advise that harassment is a criminal offence for the police to deal with, which it is, but you'll be back to square one. My advice if you've read this far is to try and get away from whatever the problem is. Fighting it will only make it worse. Looking for help will make you feel worse and will be a waste of time. This page should be deleted for giving people hope when there is none.
BrianC - 22-Oct-23 @ 12:15 PM
Hundreds of harassment by neighbours contacts to Police. Thousands of pounds worth of property damage. Mostly the Police seem to find it some sort of joke and advice yesterday was that I needed to let it wash over me - and get out more! Not safe to go in or out of of my apartment, Police just make excuses for neighbours and make up laws as they go along I.e I own my own apartment so neighbours can damage and do what they want because it is an apartment. Obsessed with cctv evidence only, which I am very limited where I am allowed to put it. Only advice from Police for past 2 and a half years is not to retaliate. Total waste of time contacting them as they've made things worse. Won't bother contacting Police again, better to deal with it myself even if it lands me in trouble because nobody can be expected to live like this.....
Help! - 19-Oct-23 @ 6:34 AM
My Background and the background to the Issues over the useage of access land I am the owner, business occupier and proprietor of a commercial property which operates as a business, in the running of a law firm. I also have part of the property let out to other businesses, one of which operates as a school with young children I have owned the property for a number of years and I have taken up a number of serious issue of concerns with my neighbours about the useage of my back garden area and the access area that is properly marked on the title deeds as an entitled useage for both my property and my neighbours, for which I have not had the privilege of much formal use of for my entitled access for many years, due to the operations by the neighbouring propertyand their visitors/tenants. The neighbours who have practically taken over the area, with false promises and assurances to me that the position would be improved following the renovations that they were conducting to install electric shutters that are probably about 10 foot tall, to enable them to have secured access and privacy to their property. They made regular assurances that the access position would be restored, however, these assurances have been false They fail to recognise that we both have an entitled access to the area and that is clearly titled in the deeds as an access area for both properties but yet they have continuously denied me the position of access, with false promises that the position was subject to a temporary renovation with the renovation being moved back. Boundaries and Title Deeds identifying the Access Area I have evidence in the title deeds identifying the access area and my entitlement to this access area, which has been overtaken by the neighbours, in relation to the issues that I have referred to below Planning or Business buildings Control I am unaware of whether the installation of the electrical shutters confirm with any planning application and whether this was constructed with the advice of planning control or with appropriate planning applications. I, however, was not served with anything to suggest that they did and I don’t know if these were required or not The garage, which can be seen from the photographs as the brick building, is built on the access land. This is not land that is owned by the landlord who commissions rent. I was assured that this garage was being moved back to the garden area of their property, which they do own and some provisions relating to the railway in which they were going to have access for the customers from this but the garage has stayed situ. The customers of the garage during the day, are parked all over the access area. This increases the number of vehicles in this small area, exposing the further risk of injury/harm to anyone within the vicinity Wrongful and Misrepresenting the Holding out on Land as owners and claiming remuneration illegally The land is not open for usage for the oc
Commercial - 22-Aug-23 @ 6:14 PM
We reside as a semi detached home and have done for over 10 years. Over the past 2 and halfyears now, a 24-7 business that purports to provide a care home for vulnerable children has rocked up The children are children who suffer with substance abuse & other mental health issues. They are clearly high level needs. There are usually over 10 people in the house with the 24/7 carers who are themselves the cause of a lot of noise throughout the day and night The children dont permit us to sleep or enjoy any peace and quiet The owner has conducted in a course of dismissive behaviour with a contary approach to report us to the police when we have raised our concerns The business is now, after two enforcement notices being served, seeking to appeal against the local authority on the basis that they dont require any legal planning permission, but applying instead for a lawful development licence that has failed The applications made are contradictory both to the numbers of hte occupants with obvious lies to cover up the overcroweded usage of the property which adds to the burden of hte noise, let alone the question of why we are having to endure this level of frustration We wish for any direction possible to include how to make a claim for harrassment for our 2.5 years of suffering and anything else that you can assist with
Anyone - 22-Aug-23 @ 5:53 PM
Four years of abuse intimidating behaviour towards me and my daughter and my disabled son and it still goes on nowhr even sits tapping on my daughter wall and tries to look over fence and has about 13 cameras watching us he also has live wifi camera in his van to he watches us with and what do the police do complain there badly done by and protect the ones doing it same goes for the housing office who phones them and tells them when u complain and gets awaywith it there's no law in this country and it stinks maybe one day the police mite do some work that doesn't involve pulling cars over
Davey - 20-Aug-23 @ 12:54 AM
I have done all this above for five years and the police won't do nothing I have threatening letters I've got videos of got audios and they still won't do nothing
Jaf - 4-Aug-23 @ 1:19 PM
I have two neighbours above me who bully abuse harrass intimidate sexually harrass and intimidate stalk steal do theft fraud identity theft stealing including my mail they hack my phone laptop Tv and sky boxes and switch off my internet from upstairs so I cannot watch tv in my own home they steal my phone signals and Wi-Fi and whether I react or not or whether I am quiet or not my neighbours especially john refuse to be nice to be nice to me as their disabled vaunerable lady down stairs I am trying the less said better mended way but they hack my phone laptop sky boxes and Tv today I have had to pay out £100 because my neighbours deliberately turned off my internet from their flat all the engineer did was to move us along a bit on a different channel but John tonight is still stealing my phone signal and my Wi-Fi from my phone we have to live together them above me and me underneath them for two years I would love to have a friendship repose or relationship with them but all they want is to steal destroy hate me and hurt me I am struggling not to take my own life because of both men particularly john they have put me through so much in seventeen months and continue to do so I cannot ever see them changing
Pasdles - 21-Jul-23 @ 7:26 PM
I have work most my life(all be it mostly worked abroad in a different country,but I am from Uk and was born here) I am severely disabled,whilst On my way home from work i suffered a serious Road traffic accident,with 2 limbs missing broken back and pelvis. I’m now in my 50’s,to only have a local lady tell me her taxes pay for my lifestyle (the quality of my life is poor at best)yet she’s round helping the village drunk man of the village phone around to get him help! Then had the cheek to tell me to take calls for him(the village drunken man) that drinks his money within 4-5 days then goes knocking other people’s doors asking for more money for electricity! (It’s certainly not for electricity,again I’ve witnessed this firsthand) This lady has only recently started to work,all be it part time! Why should I have to explain where and what I done for my tax credits! The reason why I get what money I do is because I’ve worked hard most my life and, the nature of the accident I had whilst driving home from work. Not that I should have to explain to this lady that I’ve only ever been good to and helpful,to be spoken to like that!!! If I told my daughters there would be hell over it,but I’ve kept quiet about it as I don’t want to upset them as much as it’s upset me,she knows nothing of my situation in life and I worked 2 jobs when my children were younger just to provide for them.It wasn’t easy but I’d change nothing,after all that is what ones supposed to do,being a father,is it not? The lady in question is known as the village gossip but,until now I’ve not witnessed her behaviour, I’m told by her to take calls for him (the village drunk)as he needed more money to get tobacco…(and more drink obviously )you really couldn’t make this up! The next time this happens the lady in question will be getting a solicitor’s letter! Hope you’re all having a great day,or at least better than what I went through yesterday… It’s easy to say ignore it but,I just hope my daughters don’t get wind of it,they certainly would tell her to keep her nose to herself and outa other people’s business. All because she has had to go to work! As there was nothing wrong with her she should’ve been working for longer than 6 months. I am absolutely furious with her actions and,I’m certainly no secretary for the village drunk. The cheek of it…
Honest John - 24-Jun-23 @ 7:15 AM
I have work most my life(all be it mostly worked abroad in a different country,but I am from Uk and was born here) I am severely disabled,whilst On my way home from work i suffered a serious Road traffic accident,with 2 limbs missing broken back and pelvis. I’m now in my 50’s,to only have a local lady tell me her taxes pay for my lifestyle (the quality of my life is poor at best)yet she’s round helping the village drunk man of the village phone around to get him help! Then had the cheek to tell me to take calls for him(the village drunken man) that drinks his money within 4-5 days then goes knocking other people’s doors asking for more money for electricity! (It’s certainly not for electricity,again I’ve witnessed this firsthand) This lady has only recently started to work,all be it part time! Why should I have to explain where and what I done for my tax credits! The reason why I get what money I do is because I’ve worked hard most my life and, the nature of the accident I had whilst driving home from work. Not that I should have to explain to this lady that I’ve only ever been good to and helpful,to be spoken to like that!!! If I told my daughters there would be hell over it,but I’ve kept quiet about it as I don’t want to upset them as much as it’s upset me,she knows nothing of my situation in life and I worked 2 jobs when my children were younger just to provide for them.It wasn’t easy but I’d change nothing,after all that is what ones supposed to do,being a father,is it not? The lady in question is known as the village gossip but,until now I’ve not witnessed her behaviour, I’m told by her to take calls for him (the village drunk)as he needed more money to get tobacco…(and more drink obviously )you really couldn’t make this up! The next time this happens the lady in question will be getting a solicitor’s letter! Hope you’re all having a great day,or at least better than what I went through yesterday… It’s easy to say ignore it but,I just hope my daughters don’t get wind of it,they certainly would tell her to keep her nose to herself and outa other people’s business. All because she has had to go to work! As there was nothing wrong with her she should’ve been working for longer than 6 months. I am absolutely furious with her actions and,I’m certainly no secretary for the village drunk. The cheek of it…
Honest John - 24-Jun-23 @ 7:09 AM
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