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Applying for an Anti-Social Behaviour Order

By: Jeff Durham - Updated: 25 Mar 2024 | comments*Discuss
Asbo Anti-social Behaviour Parenting

Anti-social behaviour orders or ‘ASBOs’, as they have become more commonly known, were introduced in 1999 as a measure which the courts could take in an effort to stop a person(s) continuing with behaviour which would be likely to cause further distress or alarm to other members of a local community. These orders are aimed at those whose behaviour persists in being disruptive and/or threatening to the rest of the community as a whole. Many people Deal With Anti-Social Behaviour on a regular basis and it is important to know what action can be taken.

Can I Apply for an Anti-Social Behaviour Order Myself?

As an individual, you cannot apply for an ASBO to be imposed upon another individual or group of people who are causing problems to you or your local community as a whole. Only the courts can issue ASBOs.

However, if you believe your Neighbours Are Acting In An Anti-Social Manner, you can approach your local authority and/or your landlord or housing association and report any problems to them, They are the relevant organisations who will investigate matters and, if they think it is necessary, they will get the police involved. Following consultation with the police, they can then apply to the courts to issue an ASBO, although in many cases, they will seek to find an alternative resolution first of all in trying to resolve the anti-social behaviour without resorting to serving an ASBO.

All local authorities will have some kind of anti-social behaviour team in place who will work in conjunction with the police on what are often termed ‘anti-social behaviour strategies’. These teams look at other ways of tackling the problems associated with anti-social behaviour and try to come up with other solutions to the problem before going down the road of applying to serve an ASBO on somebody.

Anti-social behaviour contracts and parenting orders (for younger offenders) are just two of the alternatives that might be used before issuing somebody with an ASBO, and these are discussed in more detail within another article contained on this website.

Do They Only Apply To Youths?

An ASBO will usually follow if all other means of trying to rectify the behaviour of the person(s) involved has failed. They can actually be issued to anybody, regardless of age (as long as you are 10 and above), regardless of where you live, and no matter whether or not you’re living in private or rented accommodation.

In fact, you do not even have to be living within the community itself. You may reside in another area entirely or have no fixed address, but if you are causing a problem to residents in another locality, you could still have an ASBO served upon you. It should also be pointed out, however, that people who are served with an ASBO also have the right to appeal against the decision.

What if the Local Authority Refuses to Take Action?

A council, local authority, registered landlord or private housing association has a mandatory obligation to investigate any complaint you may make with regards to issues of anti-social behaviour. However, following their investigations, they might decide that an ASBO is not the most appropriate solution for the problem you are experiencing. If that is the case, they should write to you explaining the reasons for their decision.

If you wish to take matters further, you can contact the local authority’s anti-social behaviour team and, if appropriate, you might decide to go through your local authority’s formal complaints procedure. You could even contact the independent local government ombudsman, as a last resort, who will investigate the way your complaint has been handled and will either decide to come down on your side and ask for the decision to be reviewed or, equally, they can decide to agree with the local authority’s original decision.

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A year ago the council moved a Romanianfamily 11kids mum and dad next door to me in a 3 bed property. Now mum and dad have moved more family in so now there's about 16 kids and 5 adults .The noise is unbearablefrom morning till night slamming doors banging walls and screaming it usually stops by 11 . I'm always phoning the police and complainingto the council . I'm having a nervous breakdown
Shonie - 25-Mar-24 @ 6:40 PM
This advice is out of date. ASBOs no longer exist.
Rachel Cave - 9-Feb-24 @ 1:35 PM
My Nightmare neighbour's were here not long before I moved in to a lovely new build house. At first they seem over friendly but abit strange. As a lone female a decided to fit a doorbell camera on my property only to find out that her boyfriend constantly looking up to my bedroom window each time he comes home he walks slowly behind her looking directly into my door camera he invites his friends and their family and they all do the same thing. They stare through my windows it's so bizarre and I don't know if other lone females find that this is normal behavior they also have to put up with? However I decided to complain about the constant cannabis use outside my house when i come home from work which set them off even worst but in glad I started to fight back against the cult. Only yesterday I was blocked in my drive by two of their visitors two overgrown strange men in a pick up and a van they was laughing and saying they won't move untill I beg them so I called the police. The police was here within 5 minutes they sent a dog van and the 2 men moved immediately after I told them I'm calling them so far they have been warned by the officer. I have notified again today the local housing officer of my ordeal yesterday and will see what action they take I have some hope and faith in him so far. Last night I cried when I got to work and I was made to late by this strange behavior only to come home to see on my camera the boy looking directly up to my bedroom late at night once again I'm really concerned for my safety. It seems like I have moved next to some hillbilly cult like you see in the films.
Ava - 1-Feb-23 @ 12:55 PM
My Nightmare neighbour's were here not long before I moved in to a lovely new build house. At first they seem over friendly but abit strange. As a lone female a decided to fit a doorbell camera on my property only to find out that her boyfriend constantly looking up to my bedroom window each time he comes home he walks slowly behind her looking directly into my door camera he invites his friends and their family and they all do the same thing. They stare through my windows it's so bizarre and I don't know if other lone females find that this is normal behavior they also have to put up with? However I decided to complain about the constant cannabis use outside my house when i come home from work which set them off even worst but in glad I started to fight back against the cult. Only yesterday I was blocked in my drive by two of their visitors two overgrown strange men in a pick up and a van they was laughing and saying they won't move untill I beg them so I called the police. The police was here within 5 minutes they sent a dog van and the 2 men moved immediately after I told them I'm calling them so far they have been warned by the officer. I have notified again today the local housing officer of my ordeal yesterday and will see what action they take I have some hope and faith in him so far. Last night I cried when I got to work and I was made to late by this strange behavior only to come home to see on my camera the boy looking directly up to my bedroom late at night once again I'm really concerned for my safety. It seems like I have moved next to some hillbilly cult like you see in the films.
Ava - 1-Feb-23 @ 12:55 PM
I am disturbed every day/night up to 16/20 hours a day/week with noise and vibration from amplification equipment emanating from adjoining terrace property,having tried to resolve this disturbance and of sleep deprivation by the local Environmental Health Department, they are reluctant to help further and visit my home to substantiate what my factual complaint is about at unsociable causing stress and illness due to Circulation problems and Blood Pressure at the age of 83. Therefore I am unable to live comfortable in the property and been advised I am unable to put it up for sale or purchase whilst it is in dispute of Noise and Vibration,furthermore I am unable to rent temporary accommodation like a flat with being a pensioner on State Pension payments. So would be grateful for any advice given to my real problems of many months of life disturbance.
Lolo - 3-Dec-22 @ 9:44 PM
I have a problem with my neighbors continuously causing unsociable behavior they have put down wood laminate flooring with no soundproofing in hollow built property they are currently living above me and they have hearing disability I am constantly having then banging and stomping feet shouting TV up loud resonating through my ceiling dragging things across there wood flooring The neighbor above smoking only hours in the morning and stinking my flat the neighbors are continuously spying on me by seeing if my cars out the front then they can start this unsociable behavior against me I’ve had eggs thrown at my car I’ve had eggs thrown at my front door i’ve had feces tracked out by my front door I’ve had rubbish chats in my front garden I’ve had scraps of food chucked out in my front garden I’ve had my rubbish bin kick over I’ve had him check in his builders rubble in my front garden I’ve had them having a dog constantly barking and howling all day all night even though they’re in in bed and many many more of obscene unsociable behavior and accent housing group refuses to get the neighbors to remove their wood laminate flooring only because they have hearing disability and let the neighbors get away with doing unsociable behavior things. Accent housing Camberley are ignoring the fact that there’s a serious problem and making me have suicidal thoughts this has been going on for over 15 years and there’s no end to it as accent housing keeps putting me through a infinite loop of never-ending torment.
NA - 11-Sep-22 @ 3:15 AM
Can a homeowner be issued with an asbo
Kaza - 13-Jul-22 @ 7:20 AM
I've lived in my flat for almost 20 years. New neigbours moved in above me, a mum and two kids aged eight and twelve. On the first day she was screaming at some guys right outside my door, another neighbour asked her to stop or go into her flat, she screamed at her to get the police if she didn't like it. After a week of constantly dragging furniture over my ceiling and leaving a very bright light on 24/7 shining directly through glass into my bedroom I knocked on their door and got told to fxxx off. A few hours later a knock on my door which I assumed was her to apologise, it was the police who she told I had threatened to punch her. I'd recorded the encounter so played it to the police so they knew she had lied. I've suffered daily constant smashing of the ceiling, threats, racial abuse, my old dog is being taunted by a camera with their door directly opposite and it plays barking and other noises to try and get the dog to bark which virtually never happens anymore at all but it happens every time. They flooded by ceiling and I had to wait with a ceiling ready to collapse for over eight months because of the excuse of lockdown whilst loads of trade men were doing work above my home. She put a camera up which is trained on my front door and a sensor which actually makes noises as I and my dog move around our home. Two months after they moved in my sofa started vibrating which at first I assumed was their washing machine till it didnt stop and its on pretty constantly so its vibrating my bed and waking me up at least every hour so I'm constantly sleep deprived. When it first started in gave me Sciatica and I couldn't even stand up. The police don't help at all, especially the local police. I have nerve damage in my hand and am in physical pain with the vibration. I can't understand the lack of action by the police. I feel it's escalating and I'm scared for my elderly dog and I.
Suki - 18-May-22 @ 7:50 PM
Iv been having trouble with my neighbour now for 5 years .. I caught my neighbour s son who is in his thirty’s naked trying to break in my house the police done absolutely nothing . Then I noticed the mother dyed her hair the same as mine then started dressing like me she copies everything from my garden to sheets to towels etc the list goes on .. whatever I have she will get the same .. then the dogs started she would her dogs from 6 in the morning till 11 at night .. I have a autistic son who hates the sound of her dogs she has 2 yapping jack Russel the sound is so loud . She would stalk me if I was in the garden barking them dogs constantly if my windows open she will bark them if I’m in the shower she would bark then it drove me insane .. iv had 2 panic attacks lost my hair twice & had a cancer scare all because of her . Iv had mediation twice & she knows that the dogs have distressed my autistic son and still she carries on and on … believe or not this woman works for the nhs and cares for old people (she should not be in this job as she picks on the old man on the other side )she is a bully who picks the vulnerable she gets a big buzz from distressing people .. I feel Ill because of this it never stops .. I find her very creepy & weird .. I haven’t been able to sit and relax in my garden for 3 years as she’s always there waiting to bark the dogs I have to walk the streets or sit on a field at the back of me as my son cannot bear the noise .. she lives in a brought house mine is council and she thinks she is better than me .. the neighbour the other side had trouble with her and rang the police they came to mine because they wanted to know the history between me & the evil witch .. a lovely police lady said she will help me and now we might be served a good neighbour order so hopefully things might get better.(fingers&legs crossed) I am not going to let her bully me out of my home
Fish - 3-May-22 @ 7:11 AM
Our neighbour visited us 3 years ago. He demanded we take our trellis off our drive edging which had been part of our propertyfor over 50 years. He said it now belonged to him. When we refused he started shouting and his behaviour became aggressive. We received 4 solicitors letters threatening us with court action. We refused to be intimidated and did not remove our trellis from our own drive edging. After a year of causing us terrible distress it was obvious there wasn’t going to be a court case. The letters were intended to bully us. His house camera back and front films us on our drive and garden which alerts him we are around. He stalks me down the garden hiding behind the trees. Without the fence he has a clear view. When my husband is around he attacks him shouting and threatening . On one occasion he accused our grown up sons of destroying his drive. He threatened to call the police unless i removed myself from theland near my garage doors , he didn’t like me near the boundary. The following year we had to address his 4 inch thick ivy vines growing through our fence. When we removed the vines the fence fell apart. 30ft of the fence was destroyed by his walling pushing the posts to such a degree they snapped off. It was obvious the 45ft tree he allowed to grow between his double stone walls had destroyed his walls and in turn our fence . We wrote him a note asking him to check out the situation . He said his falling walls were not causing an issue and he would monitor the situation regarding the tree.He refused to remove the tree to halt the damage to his wall instead he knocked a number of nails into the trunk in a bid to kill it. A tree surgeon warned us the walls would fall due to the tree roots and the tree could fall. The neighbour refused the tree surgeons quote to remove the tree. The walls eventually fell and the roots of thisash tree were exposed. The 45ft tree with its roots exposed was leaning towards our garden but he still showed no concern. His only response was to blame us for destroying his wall. He stated in writing he had photographs of us levering the wall off. He had sent the photographs to our solicitor. Our solicitor had no such photographs sent to him. We asked Coventry council building control to help us as the situation was intolerable and felt this 45ft tree was a threat to us and our property. Their inspector demanded he remove the tree and make good the wall. We attempted to restore a few fence panels in our pergola area exactly in line where our fence had been for 40 years . Our neighbour pulled out the posts and threw them across our garden. He shouted he would saw them up if we attempted to restore our fence again. He wrote a letter confirming he would remove our fence . We arranged a RICS survey in a desperate bid to stop his constant threats and aggressive behaviour. Before the survey and whilst we were away on holiday he moved our garden furniture out of the way and built
Louie - 3-Oct-21 @ 6:23 PM
Anchor housing who allow bullying ,threatening behaviour,harassment and physical attacks on vulnerable people all carried out by one person .No proper investigations just making notes in diaries . Letters to Jane Ashcroft chair of Anchor not taken seriouslyManagers cover up as don’t want confrontations .Moral low amongst people bullied tenants . Racism ., swearing liars make up this persons character . Lady who is responsible has had fraud case in past found guilty .Judge commented on her behaviour of aggression threats to tenants and violent outbursts and now she lives at Housing housing and carries on her Oppressive Regime that she operated before .
Annie - 26-Sep-21 @ 10:46 PM
I live constantly with anti-social behaviour young lad where I live is nothing but a bully threatening to kill myself my wife. My son even threatened my 6-year old granddaughter the police have informed been informed this fug has been known to carry knives threatening to stab us he's been to prison for carrying offensive weapons but still the anti-social behaviour and the threats still continue the problem is we are all living in a tower block and the council will not do anything against this bullying fool. All they keep saying is going rent private to get away from him but unfortunately my 80 year old mother lives in the property next door and I can't leave their on her own own.
Stretch - 15-Jun-21 @ 12:06 PM
We have nightmare neighbours living next door to us, they moved in about 8-9 yrs ago.since then we have been frettend, harrassed, hate, bullyed, deliberate damage to our property, deliberate damage to me, humiliating us, and slander in and around the place we live, we dont go out when they are there, if we have to go to the doctors, we try to get out beforethey start shouting and bullying us. Are life has been a total night mare, we fill like we are living in a prison with no one to turn to, they let there trees grow high only to damage are property, its cost us alot of money to repair, as we are frieghtened to ask them for the money, The said thing about all this and much more is I am disabled and carnt fight back in any form and they know this, which just makes my partner and I cry so much.They bring there family up and people know and sometimes we fill they have the law on there side because he seems to click his finger and they come running, but no one cares when dose things to.We would love to know if anyone has any advice they can help us with, as we just wont all this suffering and pain they have inflicked on us to just go away, as help is not good and my partner is worried about me, as all this is making my health alot worse
none - 7-May-21 @ 4:07 PM
My problem neighbour has threatened to kill me but not just me 6 homes who's bedroom's and kitchen windows that look out upon his flat if you look at him he will attack which is very hard as he dances around his flat shouting and screaming and what is wrong with looking out of your own window he also screams and lunges at anyone wearing a face mask (mandatory) I jumped back from having my face mask ripped off saying 'we have to stop covid' his furious reply was it's all government lies? This guy looks like an ogre a real brut always dressed in all black a volatile retard is the term. The police won't do anything because they're frightened of this block of flats and turn up after the ambulances because they're made to. for instance ...stabbings...kidnap...beaten up so badly they are put in hospital (Sometimes). The police will not help you for someone smashing your door in and attacking you...rape...drug dealers...prostitution and clients...smashing your windows...week long rave parties...shouting and swearing from 4pm until 10am every night... You sort of get the picture it's like the outer ring of hell. The council will not do anything?
Normal man - 19-Apr-21 @ 10:09 PM
My problem neighbour has threatened to kill me but not just me 6 homes who's bedroom's and kitchen windows that look out upon his flat if you look at him he will attack which is very hard as he dances around his flat shouting and screaming and what is wrong with looking out of your own window he also screams and lunges at anyone wearing a face mask (mandatory) I jumped back from having my face mask ripped off saying 'we have to stop covid' his furious reply was it's all government lies? This guy looks like an ogre a real brut always dressed in all black a volatile retard is the term. The police won't do anything because they're frightened of this block of flats and turn up after the ambulances because they're made to. for instance ...stabbings...kidnap...beaten up so badly they are put in hospital (Sometimes). The police will not help you for someone smashing your door in and attacking you...rape...drug dealers...prostitution and clients...smashing your windows...week long rave parties...shouting and swearing from 4pm until 10am every night... You sort of get the picture it's like the outer ring of hell. The council will not do anything?
Normal man - 19-Apr-21 @ 10:08 PM
SHARON - 14-Mar-21 @ 3:21 AM
I live next to a group of boys who constantly go in and out of eachothers flats ( in a national lockdown) while slamming the doors and shouting down the corridor. They do this at all hours of the day including after 10 and 11pm. They also smoke weed in the bathroom as the fumes come through my extractor fan stinking my entire flat out. Me and my opposite neighbour have asked them to stop slamming doors yet they don't seem to care... its preventing me sleeping,causing me stress and making working from home difficult.The strong smell of weed also triggers my cough and I have now been diagnosed with migraines. I've spoken to my letting agency who have spoken to them, yet this has been going on since September and they're breaking multiple tenancy agreements.What else can I do?
Ghost?? - 17-Jan-21 @ 3:10 PM
My neighbor is putting old food out on his back porch which is causing me to have my dog try to run loose off the chain and run over to get the food this is causing problems with puppy training and disciplining my dog he is doing this on purpose because he watched the dog for me when I was in the hospital and he is trying to get the dog to come over to his house
Miss Ellie - 9-Jan-21 @ 10:17 PM
There is nothing you can do about any of the above. There is nothing for the victims suffering from all of the above. I have suffered from it all for years. The housing associations have themselves covered in everyway. There is nothing out there I'm sorry to say. I have exhausted every avenue.Anti social people have the rights before the victim. My case has been going on years and there's no end to it. If theperson is disabled it's even worse. You cannot do anything against a disabled person even if your disabled yourself. Every help will be given to the perpetrators and you'll be given nothing. There are thousands and thousands of sufferers out there. I am suicidal everyday, how much do we have to endure.
Victim - 8-Jan-21 @ 9:05 AM
If anyone can advize please??????. Ive started making daily reportings on paper,ive done 2 weeks and sent them to landlord. Its opened a anti social investigation or whatever they call it?. Can anyone tell me what they do after this???..Also i thought i was told that the neighbours in question are told that they are being noise reported daily???. Is this true???. I dont care if they are as they know its from me the complaint is coming from as ive got nothing to hide and want to be upront. Legally??,,are they told?.
Flower - 3-Jan-21 @ 5:07 PM
My life is being made a misery by groups of youths that are outside my house everyday/ evening. They are noisy, they throw litter in my garden & smoke skunk that smells awful. And are generally intimidating. In late November the police turned up as they had been called (not by me) they knocked on my door thinking the boys were something to do with me as they congregate on my fence outside my house. But, as l am a grandma l think it was obvious l wouldn’t have children that age. Since then it’s got worse for me. An attempted break in, a broken window, graffiti & attempted break in of my garage & as l live alone & am in ill health with a long term health condition l cannot stand much more. Today they forced their female group member on to the pavement and touched her in what seemed to be an inappropriate manner before taking turns to stand on her torso ! I don’t want to see this but as they are outside my windows it can’t be helped. The police have advised l keep a diary of incidents & when possible have photographic evidence to present to the council but l am frightened that if l give that information to council it will cause more problems. I am at my wits end. I have a months worth of evidence but the powers that be want more.
M - 9-Dec-20 @ 8:58 PM
New neighbours moved in above with no notification to anyone in block of four flats that extensive building works to take place for approx 7 weeks, (with no permission from leasehold landlord (local authority) including weekends.Personally suffered 5 leaks in my property and damaged double glazed unit.Their builders used my front garden to carry out their works .Fitted laminate flooring to their flat with dramatic consequences to noise levels in my property . Complained to local authority leasehold landlord who would not uphold terms of lease. Had to claim on my insurance for damages carried out by these neighbours “builders”. Because I complained am now subjected to daily and nightly noise abuse - banging on my ceiling/constant dropping items/banging doors starting from 4.45 when the male neighbour goes to work.I approached these neighbours politely, even put a welcoming note through their door when they first moved in. I do not retaliate now although initially I shouted up to please stop the noise to no avail.In fact it has escalated and now I put up with it and wear noise reducing ear phones when at its worse.These neighbours are not approachable, have a very young baby who has to live in this environment. Finally, when they want quiet they switch from the abuse to silence because they want to sleep.I own my property but my life is ruined because no one will buy it because of the antisocial behaviour above.No one in authority takes those causing antisocial behaviour to task - the law looks good on paper but in reality does nothing for the victims of it. Jane
Ginny - 28-Nov-20 @ 12:46 AM
Neighbors smoke under my bedroom window . Then they spit into my front garden . What can I do . I’ve approached them , but their English is minimal .
Lin - 13-Nov-20 @ 10:44 AM
I read with interest the plea from Trouble, 5th August as I have the same problem with my neighbour I.e. pigeons, crows, magpies and rats. There is no use in trying to discuss the matter with her as she is totally unapproachable, even abusive. Please advise as it is driving me mad.
Going Potty - 14-Sep-20 @ 9:49 AM
I have a neighbour who insists on feeding pigeons. At times I can have up to 45 pigeons sat on my roof and my son is having to clean my gutters every month due to the amount of pigeon muck in them my windows are never clean because as soon as I’ve cleaned them they have pigeon muck back on them , I have to sweep the front off my house every day to keep on top of the mess. I’ve spoke to the neighbour and he doesn’t care just continues. So much so he can stand there and throw the food out and the pigeons fly down whilst he’s there . I’ve been in touch with the local council and they wrote to him to say he had to stop but he didn’t , I’ve been in touch with the local MP who’s been in touch with him and he told him he doesn’t feed them all this time I keep getting photos of him feeding them . This is starting to effect me now as it seems he can get away with what ever . We even had rats over Christmas because off this and that hasn’t made him stop . Any help on dealing with this would be grateful
Trouble - 5-Aug-20 @ 6:33 PM
We reported loud music being played day and night so loud the whole terrace could hear it. You sent a letter and it stopped for a little while but it’s all started up again even louder andSo we really now need to go and get this sorted as it’s not doing my wife’s Health any good we have tried asking nicely to turn it down but get told to ###k off. My phone number is 07500777505
Annoyed - 23-Jul-20 @ 1:51 PM
How can i stop no 4 HIBBERD WAY BH104EL from smoking cannabis. Please help.
None - 25-Apr-20 @ 10:23 AM
Our neighbours have been smoking cannabis since they moved in 4 years ago, the housing association know about it, the police have been informed on many occasions and have incident numbers, have been in contact with my MP, but nothing gets done, the smell comes into my kitchen, sitting room and back bedroom, which is used by the grandchildrenwhen they come to stay.We have tried to talk to them but it is pointless, I do not know where to go now.We have done everything the housing people have asked us to do, filling in anti social behaviour forms, report it to the police, but nothing.
JAN - 6-Mar-20 @ 3:02 PM
Employees of city councils and housing associations a lot of the time do not give a toss about tenants of theirs suffering antisocial abuse. It means work for them and thats the last thing they want. If they become victims of antisocial behaviour via new tenants next door they will soon act. Im alright Jack is still in place.
Dont possess one - 22-Nov-19 @ 10:38 PM
I livebon a smsll estate near camberley and as a neibour get to gether nearly allntthe residents and memembersvofbthe. Dorect nearby public need which we sll believe to haveva third asbo or warning on his person at his address of gu16 surrey Most nightes the continual smashing of his flat abusing andd verbully foul mothing and tormenting his loyal lovely dog. Continually has to now be deslt with snd maybeba reason to the.hosingb authorities to remove mrnherrbert who is continuingnto do sll the sbvve whilst.neomg paraketicbon drugs amd akchohol
Full - 12-Nov-19 @ 2:14 AM
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