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Anti-Social Behaviour from your Neighbours

By: Jeff Durham - Updated: 23 Dec 2023 | comments*Discuss
Neighbours Problem Action Behavior

Anti-social behaviour can put a tremendous amount of strain on people and, if left unchecked, it can ruin a community all too soon, with disputes between neighbours being a common problem. There are a whole range of laws governing anti-social behaviour, which can lead to legal action being taken against the perpetrator(s).

Anti-social Problems

Anti-social behaviour can incorporate a whole range of issues. These can include problems with:

  • Noisy neighbours
  • Drug taking and drinking on the streets
  • Pets – particularly dangerous dogs and Barking Dogs
  • Litter and graffiti
  • Vandalism
  • Racism
  • Teenage gangs or other forms of intimidating groups or individuals such as young and unruly children
  • Abandoned cars
  • Fly tipping

However, it’s important to remember that in certain instances, anti-social behaviour can mean entirely different things to different people. As neighbours, it’s always necessary to realise that we will often have different values, beliefs and opinions, and so what someone might object to and see as anti-social behaviour may not be covered by any of the legislation. For example, if you like to mow your lawn every week, but your next door neighbours takes a more relaxed attitude towards keeping on top of their garden and only mows it every month or so, then that wouldn’t be classed as anti-social behaviour under the current legislation.

How To Tackle Anti-social Behaviour

There are numerous different approaches to tackling anti-social behaviour involving neighbours living close by. The action to take will often be determined by the type of behaviour involved and the person(s) causing the problem. For example, how you deal with your next door neighbour who is playing their music too loudly after midnight is likely to be very different from how you’d tackle the problem of a gang of teenage youths jumping on top of cars in the street.

In certain situations, you may feel that the problem is serious enough to dial 999 to get the police involved or, at the other end of the scale, you might be able to resolve the problem by having an amicable conversation with a neighbour. Remember that neighbours may not even be aware that they are causing a problem.

In other circumstances, however, your best course of action is likely to involve contacting the relevant department within your local authority or alternatively, getting in touch with your local anti-social behaviour co-ordinator, who is likely to be a member of your local police force. You can find out who that is on the Home Office’s website by simply inputting your postcode. Within that website, there are also details about how you can contact your local Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Representative.

What Happens Next?

If your complaint is investigated, you may be asked to gather evidence by the antisocial behaviour team, which might include keeping a diary or log of the offending behaviour. Depending upon the seriousness of the issue, the police may be called in straight away. Should a particular case go to court, you may also be asked to give evidence.

What About Possible Reprisals?

Many people who are asked to testify against their neighbours in court are frightened to do so for fear of reprisals. However, it can be arranged for you to give evidence anonymously and you do have Confidentiality Rights. Also, a police officer, a doctor, health worker, council official or teacher can also give evidence on your behalf if you feel particularly vulnerable.

Other Solutions

In many cases of antisocial behaviour involving neighbours or other members of the community, a resolution can often be obtained before the matter even gets to court. Official warning letters and interviews can sometimes be sufficient to stop the problem, but other methods include drawing up Acceptable Behaviour Agreements or Parenting Contracts as well as Fixed Penalty Notices and Noise Abatement Notices. The courts also have the power to issue Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs) and can resort to other methods such as dispersal orders and demoted tenancies, for example. Read more about how to apply for an anti social behaviour order.

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Hello. Unfortunately, my family was cruelly treated yesterday by the lying co-management of the hotel as well as the Homeless group.I am sending you only a few short comments from the people who were stationed at the hotel. And I am sending this to the chairman of the city council and the municipality to cancel because I was kicked out of the council with a small child for being a stubborn and immoral liar.And they falsely told the child protection group that we had spoken badly to the hotel manager, while we cannot speak English and I did not speak a single word to him. We were harassed by the hotel manager every day because of Homeless.Tim wouldn't answer his phone calls to pay and not specify the status of our stay or departure. My son and I just spent our days there with stress and crying. When he had a problem with Homeless, Tim texted us to leave the hotel andcome to the council for a new accommodation, when we went there, they delayed us until around 4 o'clock, then they said get out of here, we don't have a place for you, and I was displaced on the streets with a six-year-old child in the extreme cold. Finally, with our repeated callsto different places and after they told me that we can take your child to shelter, but not you. How hard-hearted can a person be to separate a 6-year-old child from his family, and that too on New Year's Eve.We couldn't speak English, they abused us. And I couldn't sleep until the morning due to heart pain, migraine, and asthma, and I shed tears because of all the cruel treatment. In fact, the Homeless team wanted to get rid of us by doing this, and they didn't have the patience to follow up on our home.They preferred to send us to other groups or if we have friends in this country. I don't know if this letter is written correctly or not and I was able to understand what I said because I translated it with Google Translate. I will go wherever the voice of a mother hurts.I will send the one who is sick and suffering from cancer everywhere. Maybe it won't happen to someone else.
Aida - 23-Dec-23 @ 9:56 AM
Dennis Markland Black male dirty sex offender lives in top floor flat in Upton Street Netherton, Dudley DY2 OPF constantly having drug parties at his flat causing nuisance
Jj - 12-Aug-23 @ 10:33 PM
Can you send my emails solutions about nebiours blame and how prevent it in Sri Lanka. How hide Victims crimes secretary@childwomenmin.gov.lk
Secatery - 2-Aug-23 @ 2:02 AM
There is another neighbour who has boys staying there smoking not just Cannabis (known from the stink wafting out his open windows) but was spotted outside with something too long to be a roll-up but too thin to be a 'spliff' and am concerned that they might be smoking class-A drugs. We have been able to smell cigarettes through the wall in the past and am concerned that second-hand smoke could make its way into our home. My next-of-kin is of fragile temperament, at present, and as much as I don't want to intake their smoke the concern is tripled for my next-of-kin. The police have been told, yet act very slowly sometimes, and other public-service departments are not acting as if there this is a matter of some urgency. What else can be done, please?
Very concerned - 26-Jun-23 @ 7:21 AM
Keep an eye out for another filthy supporter of Natalie Ellis, Cydni Browne and Paige Montana. He's a middle-aged thug, who assists Natalie Ellis with her law-breaking (phone hacking) behaviour and makes sure she's a step ahead. You can see him creepily staring at homes of people Natalie Ellis dislikes, because she's too cowardly to face people alone. The thug pretends to be Law Enforcement and drives a Blue Nissan, LX53 WCZ.
Q - 20-Apr-23 @ 2:36 PM
Look out for another dirty corrupt defender of Natalie Ellis, Cydni Browne and Paige Montana. This MI5 Case Officer/Agent Handler assists Natalie Ellis, who is a Covert Human Intelligence Source, evade the law and protect her from the consequences of setting up innocent men as paedophiles. The Case Officer/Agent Handler drives a Blue Ford, licence plate number is PE52 EZX. Natalie Ellis frequently gets into the car to pass on information, from the audio vest she wears. The MI5 Case Officer/Agent Handler gives Natalie Ellis info, obtained from hacking.
Taq - 19-Apr-23 @ 5:50 AM
Watch out for one of Natalie Ellis, Cydni Browne and Paige Montana's dirty defenders. He drives a Black Renault and his license plate number is NV59 DXC. He's one of the people aiding the 3 women to set up innocent men as paedophiles. He's also tried stalking a family member, watching them go into a taxi and following behind.
Hicky - 11-Apr-23 @ 5:52 PM
Annie sounds like a bad person. Calling the daughter a prostitute..it always renters that assume when they do the worst and cause havoc. I love next to two renters both of them started on me when I was young. One has music on all day karaoke supposed to be a nurse has her son scream all day into night and hit our walls. But has the audacity to tap on the wall when I'm discussing my bank or when I'm talking with a doctor. The other is lib dem activist so a fan now she got at me because she is mentally ill especially COVID she lied so badly I ended in hospital with the police asking me if my dad tied me. Mind you I'm Asian she is white her name is Susan gaszczak her daughter is fat and is also racist keeps attacking me around Christmas I'm catholic these people are really awful trashy chavs thatlie about everything. Even switch off the waters from the main.
Susan balls - 11-Apr-23 @ 6:52 AM
What are the laws for when someone actually owns the property ( in this case, a family own the property but let there daughter stay there) we are talking,prostitution, child neglect( her kids were taken away) dog fighting and neglect, loud music all day and night. How do you tackle that? Laws seem to be in place for landlords but not when someone actually owns the property? Police have been called numerous times, but they say because she is mentally ill, they have to tread carefully.
Annie - 29-Mar-23 @ 11:01 AM
I have a Ukrainian refugee family moved next to me in my terraced street. The sponsor installed a piano knowing full well we would hear through the walls. They play after 6 at night. I contacted them and asked if they could not play then as we can't hear our TV for the piano. She turned it around to her being the victim not me. I offered compromise but she wasn't having it. She knew the law 11 til 7. This is still ongoing. The rules not laws are very wooly. I'm being victimized in my own home. I've lived here 44 years. 3 play piano and flute. Yes we hear the flute too. The council are being less than useless. Has anyone experienced anything similar and had any luck in sorting it out?
Maegg - 14-Feb-23 @ 5:44 PM
If the criminals linked to Thames Valley Police - Natalie Ellis, Paige Montana and Cydni Browne - weren't bad enough their criminal friends are just as bad. Watch out for the driver of a Burgundy Ford (X28 PLB), she takes photographs of people indoors by hiding in alleyways to make it look like she's undercover police. She frequents the High Wycombe area. She also likes to make false police reports to set up various men as paedophiles.
Nope - 20-Jan-23 @ 2:13 PM
Happening to me. My stupid neighbours mutter insult. Andderogatory comments. They throw stones and chant their pathetic witchcraft spells! The useless local authority done nothing. But I'm glad it's legal now! The Police came around but I didn't feel comfortable and didn't let them in. Its 2 years now since these evil Jamaican scum been picking on me and inadvertently tried to set my lovely house on fire. They rant, muttering insults and try to talk to me on the street. I made it clear I don't want to know! Dirty, linked, drug people trying to drag me back into to their pathetic jail, roadman, world. How many times? Why can't these people leave me alone?? I'm pansexual, border bi-sexual. I'm too scared to come out here. Even the Asian men try to talk to me I don't want to. Too mouthy! I'm stuck, trapped in hard nasty Ghettostan. Hellhole! I don't want to know!Pray for me! I would move house tomorrow! Karma on those dirty people, they were tormenting their kid, kid kept screaming like she being abused! Both of these trash taunting a little girl! I'm no angel but that was bad! Now I just rant back! Now they rant as soon as I go in My garden or go my kitchen! I just give them the middle finger! Leave me alone,forever Uk! I'm a crackhead apparently? So are they crackhead, ranting and muttering especially at night! It's relentlessmuttering! They act like dirty drug people! Karma goes back around upon these mad people! I never said a word, was polite and kept my distance. Then they started. Because I don't talk to many black people, as a lone Black woman I find other blacks aggressive. I deliberately avoid people, especially strange men, get away! Leave me alone! Mouthy, uncouth and a real drain! Obviously I talk to people if they're nice. Otherwise get away! Tired of mental energy thieves! These vicious liars will soon see Karma! Haters will soon get their Karma! Don't despair! Be strong! Stick up for yourself! Partially my fault, I'm very assertive!I don't talk to nutcases or the local muppets, all you get is goodbye! Me a big woman, I don't hang around with dirty drug men! Or their acolytes! Yes I know and I don't care! Dirty hypocritical over-arrogant mad people trying to invade my space! Be strong! Defeat evil! Uk
ASBO COMFORTABLE - 7-Dec-22 @ 2:36 PM
Happening to me. My stupid neighbours mutter insultsderogatory comments, throw stones and chant their pathetic witchcraft spells! The useless local authority done nothing. But I'm glad it's legal now! The Police came around but I didn't feel comfortable and didn't let them in. Its 2 years now since these evil Jamaican scum been picking on me and inadvertently tried to set my lovely house on fire. They rant, muttering insults and try to talk to me on the street. I made it clear I don't want to know! Dirty, linked, drug people trying to drag me back into to their pathetic jail, roadman, world. How many times? Why can't these people leave me alone?? I'm pansexual, border bi-sexual. I'm too scared to come out I'm hard Ghettostan. I don't want to know!Pray for me! I would move house tomorrow! Uk
ASBO COMFORTABLE - 7-Dec-22 @ 2:12 PM
Further to my earlier comment, had another stone thrown about 6.15 pm and have no idea who threw it as it was thrown from over a wall again and I don't know what I have done to deserve someone doing this.
chrism - 25-Nov-22 @ 7:31 PM
I have a neighbour who has caused problems, from accussing us of things we have not done, repeatedly demanded we pay the local water authority for work that is done free, blamed us for a blocked drain that is not our problem, generally lied about things.He has even had loud arguments problems with other neighbours, even had 3 loud arguments with my next door neighbour and had him arrested for something stupid.He has been told off, evenhad the police to him at least once.He has listened at a neighbours gate, smokes weed.Made crudge noises from his bedroom window to a friend and neighbour as she was walking up the other side of the street with her daughter. Even had a stone or something thrown at a boarded window last night that was broken recently and still trying to get it replaced. It is affecting my health with my horrible neighbour and his so called friends are the same and think it is fun to give grief to others.Was a good place to live until he moved on the street. He has been warned to stay away, but he won't listen. Would like a way to get him and the others like him to move quickly, but no one at the police or council seems to care.
chrism - 25-Nov-22 @ 6:08 AM
Problems with neighbours; wall shaking,furniture rocking door slamming up to 130+ times a day. Domestic rows early hours of the morning. Trespassing, intimidation, neighbours young son put dent in our insulation cladding, ear piercing screaming. Has no parenting skills whatsoever.Made slanderous comments, is a bare faced liar. Other neighbours have complained as well, Social Services and police have been around. Substance abuse. Neighbour looks like a dainty doll and is able to fool people in authority and is considered to be ' naive but genuine' ( they would not think so if they could hear her coarse comments) and nothing gets done. Feel stressed and tense and even nauseous at the thought that I might see her or her son and his friends and/ or any of her family/ visitors when I come home from work.My daughter has a chronic health issue which gets worse when stressed. Stressful job and no peaceful home; can't even be out in garden in nice weather and often have to leave home to get away from their racket. I am supposed to agree to mediation with this neighbour who has proven to be a shameless, irresponsible liar with violent associations .If I refuse mediation I am unreasonable but why would I hand her ammunition to create even more havoc? How is this fair? How can mediation possibly help when faced with such a person who uses verisimilitude to great effect? Just so tired of this situation and no end in sight. Has three flea riddled cats,not even taking responsibility for them and the SPCA doesn't care.Neighbour is our is a thoroughly unpleasant person and we consider her and her family/ friends dangerous.
KC - 26-Oct-22 @ 8:52 PM
Hello Iam having my niegbours making noises and I can’t get any sleep At all
No - 24-Oct-22 @ 2:57 PM
I've got a problem with a spy for Thames Valley Police. She's called Natalie Ellis and lives in High Wycombe. Police go all out to protect this woman; even though she, Cydni Browne, Paige Montana and their friends and family have posed as children to set up innocent people as paedophiles. The family are known to police, as Natalie's been raided for drugs. So the question is why are Thames Valley Police and Law Enforcement protecting them.
Na - 10-Oct-22 @ 1:21 PM
For years I have been harassed by my neighbour, first because a nurse for another neighbour parked outside his house he blamed me.He threw a brick at my conservatory and smashed it, pulled down and smashed my fences. Police at the time did nothing as they said I couldn’t have cctv and they wouldn’t prosecute him, since then he has stood watching me in the garden at his window, watched every time we left the house. Threatened to run me over called me names, I have ignored him not once have I spoken to him, I have told anyone coming to the house not to park outside his and have avoided the garden and walking past his house. Well since August he changed his job from a traffic warden to a delivery driver for a firm that supplies disabled people. He brings home a 7.5 tonne van and parks it outside my kitchen window, I am disabled and have had to use a wheelchair for several years now. My daughter parks her little fiat outside our house, but he doesn’t want this and keeps parking outside mine, he has an empty drive and front of house . He stands waving and laughing at what he thinks is still a working cctv camera, walks up and down my drive turning the security light on over night, that doesn’t bother me as it’s solar powered. Stands shouting at my front door, saying all disabled should be put down as well as ethnic people. I called the police and they said call the council, in turn the council said call the police and do it goes on. I am recovering from cancer and having treatment but have cancelled my appointments as I am scared of going out for fear jog what he might do next
Libby - 8-Oct-22 @ 6:12 AM
For years I have been harassed by my neighbour, first because a nurse for another neighbour parked outside his house he blamed me.He threw a brick at my conservatory and smashed it, pulled down and smashed my fences. Police at the time did nothing as they said I couldn’t have cctv and they wouldn’t prosecute him, since then he has stood watching me in the garden at his window, watched every time we left the house. Threatened to run me over called me names, I have ignored him not once have I spoken to him, I have told anyone coming to the house not to park outside his and have avoided the garden and walking past his house. Well since August he changed his job from a traffic warden to a delivery driver for a firm that supplies disabled people. He brings home a 7.5 tonne van and parks it outside my kitchen window, I am disabled and have had to use a wheelchair for several years now. My daughter parks her little fiat outside our house, but he doesn’t want this and keeps parking outside mine, he has an empty drive and front of house . He stands waving and laughing at what he thinks is still a working cctv camera, walks up and down my drive turning the security light on over night, that doesn’t bother me as it’s solar powered. Stands shouting at my front door, saying all disabled should be put down as well as ethnic people. I called the police and they said call the council, in turn the council said call the police and do it goes on. I am recovering from cancer and having treatment but have cancelled my appointments as I am scared of going out for fear jog what he might do next
Libby - 7-Oct-22 @ 10:06 AM
Hi just have some advice I've a neighbour who lives above me don't know where to start he has he's TV so loud it's keeps me and my husband awake I've contacted my landlord and there told me to write times and dates so I do he bullies me and makes nasty comments about me he does know I am listing I've have health problems he's got the TV loud now it's 03.03am due to this neighbour we trying to move just before the summer someone set fire to my shed I got the blame for it I didn't do it now I feel uncomfortable can somebody help me with this I don't feel like I'm getting the help from my landlord it seems the neighbour above me he's getting away with it and I don't feel safe my own property so I don't go out anymore
Becky75 - 7-Oct-22 @ 3:06 AM
A Mr and Mrs Robinson have since moved into number 29 Parnell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 6SP. I'm Mr Wayne Bryan Brill of 31 Parnell Road, Ipswich (aged 51, with angina), my mother Mrs Barbara Ethel Brill of same address (aged 84, with diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart problems). We are Jewish, but our neighbours of 29 know this fool well, they also know of our medical issues. We have shouting kids, and adults, barking dogs, and kids running up and down stairs at all hours. Being called Jewish bastards is nothing new to us, they are offensive most of the time. Frankly, the Suffolk Constabulary are about as much use as a pack of perforated condoms. It seems if you own your property, you can do as you damn well please.
Waz - 30-Sep-22 @ 12:06 AM
So there’s a neighbour who just swears a lot and is so loud and watches it’s super creepy ?? and he lives right next to me I can’t even watch something in peace I put music on loud sometimes just so I can’t hear him but he just starts swearing
Ella - 27-Sep-22 @ 10:59 PM
If someone has an asbo but has been behaving and not been in trouble at all for 2 years, I would like to no if the said person with the asbo was asleep in bed and someone came to there door causing trouble and they never answer, or go to door or speak to them. Cus the said person has an asbo is it there fault or will they get in to trouble. Thanks.
Shazza - 3-Sep-22 @ 12:09 AM
Moved in to a scatter flat a few weeks agorecently a neighbour asked me to stop talking in the close and that if he wanted he could let himself in my flat and take my dog a walk any time he wants I can't stop him. Last Saturdaya lighter gets hit off my window it's said neighbour drunk forgot his fob let him in , next day meet him tell him not to throw things at my windowhe said it was revengefor talking in the close next Saturdaymove on to next Saturdayand at 1.45 in the morninghe rapidlybuzzes me to let him in againI'm up at 5 for work on a Sunday this is becoming a habit what should I do
Vonniemcd - 17-Jul-22 @ 5:55 AM
I have read most of the above comments. I hear this on a daily basis. I hear you about mediation but do we really think it's going to work????? Maybe it's a shot. report ASB to the police, your local council, Councillor, MP. *What is restorative justice UK? Restorative justice brings together people harmed by crime or conflict with those responsible for the harm, to find a positive way forward. Restorative justice gives victims the chance to tell offenders the real impact of their crime, get answers to their questions and get an apology *What is a Community Trigger? A Community Trigger is a formal anti-social behaviour case review process. In this review, organisations will identify if any further action can be taken. At the end of the review, an action plan will be produced and shared with the Community Trigger applicant. Each organisation will then complete the actions identified. A Community Trigger does not guarantee the anti-social behaviour will be resolved. But it does ensure that all appropriate actions are being taken to address it. A Community Trigger case has to meet set criteria to qualify for a review. The criteria may vary between different areas. In each area, the organisations will agree their local criteria based on the local issues. The Community Trigger case review does not review anti-social behaviour cases which have been resolved. It focuses on cases where anti-social behaviour is happening now. It also does not consider complaints about service delivery. For example, a complaint about an individual member of staff. In these cases, applicants will be referred to the appropriate agencies’ complaints procedure. Birmingham City Council, the Clinical Commissioning Groups, all Social Housing Providers and West Midlands Police have a statutory duty to deliver Community Trigger case reviews. The Council manages Community Triggers on behalf of these agencies in Birmingham. *What are the criteria for a Community Trigger? A Community Trigger case has to meet set criteria to qualify for a review. In Birmingham, a case needs to meet one of the following thresholds: A minimum of 3 separate anti-social behaviour incidents reported during the previous 6 months to either Birmingham City Council, a Social Housing provider or West Midlands Police. In addition, at least one report needs to be made during the last month. (If the same incident has been reported to two separate agencies, this will qualify as one incident). At least one hate crime incident reported during the previous 6 months to either Birmingham City Council, a Social Housing provider or West Midlands Police. (The incident must have been reported as a hate crime at the time of reporting). We cannot consider incidents unless they have been reported to Birmingham City Council, a Social Housing Provider or West Midlands Police. *Who can request a Community Trigger? A Community Trigger can be requested
speedy - 18-May-22 @ 6:08 PM
iv got a problem neighbour at the moment well make that two....the main issue is i have 5 kids in my house on a regular basis and they cannot understand that fact, the neighbourattached rang olice coz of a child kickoff,social services claining some barbaric things but that was an open n closed case and they got council via asb involved claiming we swear loads and are always argueing with each other(we dont btw as i dont believe in it) they make up lies to the officials
rj - 18-Apr-22 @ 10:09 PM
Live on a 3rd floor flat my neighboursselling secound wooden furniture that stinks and a fire hazard I’m nearly 70 only escape is a lift
Sue - 28-Mar-22 @ 6:12 PM
Ive been threatened bybloke and harrassed by a couple over parking it a road no rights One bloke goes house to house wanting neighboures to block my car in he parks nearly on my bumper does work police do nothing at all ive photos they just arevnot bothered its hard
Me - 6-Mar-22 @ 1:57 PM
Hi don't no what to do but I've been logging my nabourgh action cause he sets is house alarm off ever morning 5am on wards shakes is bins not long after this is become a bing stain on my wellbeing what do I do
Jason - 23-Sep-21 @ 11:54 AM
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