Home > Ask Our Experts > What Can we do About our Neighbour's Noisy Dogs?

What Can we do About our Neighbour's Noisy Dogs?

By: Jeff Durham - Updated: 3 Feb 2024 | comments*Discuss
Noise Dogs Barking Nuisance Noise Levels

Q.Since our neighbours moved in around 9 months ago we have had constant issues with their dogs continuely barking day and night. They live in a small two bedroom house with a tiny garden and the dogs are labradors.

Their barks are really deep and loud and can be heard easily in our house. Whenever they go out the dogs bark non-top for hours, keeping our one-year-old awake. When they go into the garden it is horrible and they go mad if they hear us at all. What can we do?
(Mr Paul Fairless, 22 September 2008)


Persistent dog barking is not acceptable by law but before you take any formal action, it might be worth visiting your neighbours first and explain the situation to them as they may not be aware that there is a problem.

It can be a nightmare to live next door to a dog that is Barking Persistently, but the good news is that there is usually a reason for this behaviour. If both of your neighbours are out at work all day, the dogs are likely to be barking because they feel lonely and/or bored.

There could be other explanations, too. For example, they could be neglected and have medical problems, or they might simply be defending their territory. Alternatively, the owners may simply not know how to train them or they haven’t even bothered to try. Whatever the reasons, it’s not acceptable so if the barking continues after you’ve spoken to your neighbours, then you should contact your local authority’s dog warden service.

Monitoring Noise Levels

Once you’ve explained the situation, you’ll usually be given a record sheet to complete in which you’ll be asked to rate the level of noise, the exact time(s) it occurs most often, for how long it persists and how it affects you and your family. If the dog warden then decides to investigate, they may want to come and install sound monitoring equipment in your home.

If that happens, and the results indicate that the law is being broken, then the dog warden is likely to pay a visit to your neighbours. Initially, this may be done with a view to informing them that there is a problem and also to check on the welfare of the dogs in question.

Possible Court Action

Issues such as the suitability of the property to keep two Labradors may also be discussed and, at this stage, they may offer training advice to the owners. However, if the noise persists after the owners have been given a deadline by which to resolve the problem, then the local authority can issue an Abatement Notice. Then, if the barking does not stop, the owner could very well be taken to court.

However, there is also the chance that your local authority might deem the barking not to be a statutory Noise Nuisance. In that event, they should be able to provide you with an information pack should you decide that you want to take the case to the Magistrate’s Court yourself.

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My neighbors move into a 1 bedroom social housing bungalow next to me he has 5 dogs and they barkfor ages anytime of day or night they are driving me crazy . I spoke to him on two occasions but he doesn't care how on earth can rooftop social housing allowed all these dogs in a small bungalow
Drivememad - 3-Feb-24 @ 3:39 PM
I feel for you all, you don't even have to be directly neighbours to be affected by barking dogs, as the sound can be heard for many doors or gardens away, some don't realise it is happening if they are at work. It is a growing problem nationally; there are far too many dogs in this country, far too many. Everywhere you go that is peaceful like parks and coastal walks, people are with dogs on the loose, spoiling enjoyment of others, and you have to watch the floor for dog sh1t. I am fed up with a lot of them and their owners. Yet not much you can do about noise, the law is vague on sound pollution and councils and police both like to pass the buck, as the police are only interested in realistic criminal cases they can prosecute and councils are not interested. If it's really bad you can move if you are in a position to, or fight back and match them with sound pollution. Entitled neighbours with no concern for others cannot be allowed to get away with their their arrogance. Either way noise pollution inevitably leads to poor neighbourly relations.
Agma - 2-Nov-23 @ 6:13 AM
No hyperbole - my life has been destroyed by the sound of my neighbour's new dog that barks throughout the morning and afternoon. I feel as if my home is no longer mine. I'm unable to read or to concentrate, or to think even, whilst the dog whines and squeals in variation. When did dogs become sacred cows with more rights than human beings? This situation is disgusting. It's time people were protected from dog noise.
James - 29-Oct-23 @ 8:29 PM
My neighbours have 2 noisy dogs which were driving me mad. I found the yapup website, and now I have peace and quiet.
richieD - 6-Oct-23 @ 1:17 PM
I live in downstairs flat with a staffie above which barks loudly every day even when communal doors heard, what rights do I have to complain to local council, states in tenancy agreement not usually allowed in top floor flats with communual entrance.
Boo Boo - 7-Sep-23 @ 12:48 PM
The No.3 neighbours are annoying and they live and stay there for much longer, because Penny barks and runs around their terrace all morning or afternoon, Clive and Emma's daughters invited their friendsover and they were outside annoyingly, they've got an annoying new purple sensory swing next door. What the heck is that, how rude??!!! We'll buy and move to a new home like The vicarage because we don't want the neighbours like Clive and Emma, daughters and Penny the dog to come to our house at No.4 from next door.
Burgess - 9-Aug-23 @ 8:16 PM
A few years ago my nephew was mauled by a Staffordshire terrier. He survived but till this day is still under going skin grafting and therapy. Now 2023, a similar dog has moved in next door, the owner doesn’t seem be a serious owner, she lets it run out the house, she doesn’t always have it on a lead. I have 3 year olds and a 1 year old and I’m terrified something will happen to them.
Lala - 6-Aug-23 @ 12:12 AM
Someone down the street has recently acquired a dog. It yaps/barks all of the time and if it sees me it growls. Luckily it's behind a gate but it is intimidating and the incessant noise pollution is so annoying. My immediate neighbours on both sides are young but so considerate. If they hold parties they let me know beforehand and the music never goes on beyond midnight. I can handle that just fine but not the dog. It's yapping now.
Syllabub - 23-Jun-23 @ 2:51 PM
Hi, Smitch just wondering if it may be perhaps the same neighbour - leeds may I ask?Myself and the wife hope you are safe and well
Dan - 9-Jun-23 @ 11:18 PM
Update to my recent post. I have put my house up for sale. I cannot live like this for the rest of my life. The neighbours dogs have been barking constantly all day. They are young and need exercise.Its cruel to leave animals all day, but judging by the state of her house, she just doesnt care, and If I get into a confrontation with her, it could affect my sale. So I have to tolerate it until I move. I hope its before summer, so I dont have to put up with her dogs barking all day in the tiny backyards we have. There is no point trying to talk to her politely, have tried that, she just looks straight through you. Just does not care about anything.
smitch - 13-Mar-23 @ 4:12 PM
So two weeks ago, me and my family just moved in to a small apartment, and it wasn’t a big surprise to me that we were living with a neighbor that lives on a floor below us with a dog that was constantly barking, until it became a serious problem. You see, this neighbor’s dog barks very excessively 24/7 and It was preventing me from getting any sleep last night! And that didn’t stop there, this dog was barking so persistently that it interfered with how I was doing in school, I thought the only way to stop this never ending cycle was to buy noise cancelling headphones so that way I can get back to sleeping every night like I am supposed to, but that didn’t work either! So I decided to write a letter to the neighbor explaining how his annoying dog was preventing me from getting the sleep that I need. But of course, he ignored it for good. Any advice on how to get out of this painful nuisance that my neighbor is putting me through?
Lollipop - 6-Mar-23 @ 7:30 AM
I recently moved into a terraced house where all the neighbours are in our late 60s-70s, but there is one younger neighbour who's dogs bark constantly and she is forever banging doors and thumping about with no respect for anyone. We've tried in jokey ways to tell her about the noise, but she seems oblivious to it. She doesn't work and obviously lies in bed all day and then starts hammering and drilling after 6pm until.late.I for one can't live like this in my retirement. Im going to have to move again at a cost I can't afford, but my sanity is more important.
Smitch - 23-Jan-23 @ 11:58 PM
Our neighbours have a Great Dane.They are foreign and seem to think it was OK to bring a dog, that is a hunting dog and downs Elks under normal circumstances, into a semi-detached house and let it bark without stopping it.I have spoken to them about it but they don't care.Having given them the chance to sort it out, I have now contacted the council.I will go to court if I have to.They lied and said they would get it trained, blah blah blah.I didnt want to take it further, but they have not given me any choice.Danes bark at over 74 decibels so you can imagine the noise.No more Mrs Nice Guy I'm afraid, I will do whatever it takes to stop it.If they won't sort it, I will.If that means court, so be it.
MHLIVE - 26-Dec-22 @ 7:47 PM
Answer to this problem- Stop breeding. Restart dog licences. Obligatory training for dogs AND owners. Don't pass the test, not fit to have a dog.
Joey - 1-Sep-22 @ 10:01 PM
Nothing abit of poison wont fix. Just make sure no cats eat it :)
33 mcgee - 10-Jul-22 @ 5:17 PM
I totally understand Poppy, it’s like you have wrote exactly the same as us…… we have lived in this house over 10 years. We have four children and two have left to there own properties. We have two children at home the youngest 9 who’s as quiet as a mouse… my child is not noisy and as been raised well mannered and respectful like you have raised yours… anyway our neighbours have become the neighbours from hell… 3 kids - younger adults - two dogs - father in law also lives there in the 3 bedroom terrace !!!!! The husband drinks and drives I’ve witnessed him getting out the car and not being able to walk !!!!! They slam doors constantly…. Dogs barking day and night… slamming the front door to the point of the house literally shakes …. Shouting at each other… dog pop in the back garden… front garden like a jungle…… it’s got so bad that we selling our house…. We have worked mentally and physically to get this house up and running …I was worken up at 11.30 Sunday night from the shouting and aggressive in the daughters tone….. and this is a regular occurrence….. my husband works late and sometimes didn’t get in till the early hours to be greeted by the sound of constant barking !! I want to move to the country in a detached house away from all this noise …. I hate it
Pongo - 7-Jun-22 @ 10:25 PM
I totally understand Poppy, it’s like you have wrote exactly the same as us…… we have lived in this house over 10 years. We have four children and two have left to there own properties. We have two children at home the youngest 9 who’s as quiet as a mouse… my child is not noisy and as been raised well mannered and respectful like you have raised yours… anyway our neighbours have become the neighbours from hell… 3 kids - younger adults - two dogs - father in law also lives there in the 3 bedroom terrace !!!!! The husband drinks and drives I’ve witnessed him getting out the car and not being able to walk !!!!! They slam doors constantly…. Dogs barking day and night… slamming the front door to the point of the house literally shakes …. Shouting at each other… dog pop in the back garden… front garden like a jungle…… it’s got so bad that we selling our house…. We have worked mentally and physically to get this house up and running …I was worken up at 11.30 Sunday night from the shouting and aggressive in the daughters tone….. and this is a regular occurrence….. my husband works late and sometimes didn’t get in till the early hours to be greeted by the sound of constant barking !! I want to move to the country in a detached house away from all this noise …. I hate it
Pongo - 7-Jun-22 @ 9:52 PM
I totally understand Poppy, it’s like you have wrote exactly the same as us…… we have lived in this house over 10 years. We have four children and two have left to there own properties. We have two children at home the youngest 9 who’s as quiet as a mouse… my child is not noisy and as been raised well mannered and respectful like you have raised yours… anyway our neighbours have become the neighbours from hell… 3 kids - younger adults - two dogs - father in law also lives there in the 3 bedroom terrace !!!!! The husband drinks and drives I’ve witnessed him getting out the car and not being able to walk !!!!! They slam doors constantly…. Dogs barking day and night… slamming the front door to the point of the house literally shakes …. Shouting at each other… dog pop in the back garden… front garden like a jungle…… it’s got so bad that we selling our house…. We have worked mentally and physically to get this house up and running …I was worken up at 11.30 Sunday night from the shouting and aggressive in the daughters tone….. and this is a regular occurrence….. my husband works late and sometimes didn’t get in till the early hours to be greeted by the sound of constant barking !! I want to move to the country in a detached house away from all this noise …. I hate it
Pongo - 7-Jun-22 @ 9:08 PM
I am fed up with our neighbours dog and children. We have lived here 9 years, downsizing when 2 of our 3children left home. We're not old just 50, easy going and will help anyone. We've always been considerate and friendly neighbours without noses in other people's business. Our children were never forward or annoying, just respectful and polite, itshow we were brought up. Just after lockdown ended a family moved in next door. When welcoming them the husband said "we are the family with a dog that barks and noisy children who want everything" I laughed as I thought he was joking. Boy was I wrong! the dog barks and howls the moment they go out. Its not the dogs fault he's lonely, if someone's with him he's quiet. If its not the dog then its the 6 Yr old stomping , shouting and screaming because he wants his way. I love both dogs and children. We've had dogs from when our own children were very small and our eldest is almost 30, our little terrier died last month aged 14, she barked if someone knocked on the door but settled down straight away. All our dogs were like that.I work in social services so can work at home or office. I prefer office because the barking and screeching puts me off my work. Teams meetings were horrendous . But I'm more worried for my husband. The barking keeps him awake when he's trying to get his sleep. He drives a HGV overnight. The neighbours know he works nights and that he drives an artic up and down the country. Another neighbour approached them over the barking and they admitted they knew. I'm starting to feel so resentful with their lack of respect for my husbands welfare. I have to bite my tongue and can barely look at them because if I lose it, I will lose it big time.I love my garden and in good weather both of us like to sit out. Their 6 yr old kid constantly calls out demanding us to watch him or stands on his slide looking over our wall. We humour him at first, but then we just want to relax and spend time with each other as we often just cross paths with work. His parents never step in, he's so spoiled and never told no, then he starts to wind the dog up. The other 2 children are fine. Sorry for the rant, but I feel so helpless. I love my home. We were flooded in 2015 and lost everything. We have worked hard to rebuild and dont want to move. But this is making us consider it. Just like another poster said, who would want to live next door to a barking dog a nightmare child and new age parents who won't say no to their kid.
Poppy - 28-Apr-22 @ 2:27 PM
I am fed up with our neighbours dog and children. We have lived here 9 years, downsizing when 2 of our 3children left home. We're not old just 50, easy going and will help anyone. We've always been considerate and friendly neighbours without noses in other people's business. Our children were never forward or annoying, just respectful and polite, itshow we were brought up. Just after lockdown ended a family moved in next door. When welcoming them the husband said "we are the family with a dog that barks and noisy children who want everything" I laughed as I thought he was joking. Boy was I wrong! the dog barks and howls the moment they go out. Its not the dogs fault he's lonely, if someone's with him he's quiet. If its not the dog then its the 6 Yr old stomping , shouting and screaming because he wants his way. I love both dogs and children. We've had dogs from when our own children were very small and our eldest is almost 30, our little terrier died last month aged 14, she barked if someone knocked on the door but settled down straight away. All our dogs were like that.I work in social services so can work at home or office. I prefer office because the barking and screeching puts me off my work. Teams meetings were horrendous . But I'm more worried for my husband. The barking keeps him awake when he's trying to get his sleep. He drives a HGV overnight. The neighbours know he works nights and that he drives an artic up and down the country. Another neighbour approached them over the barking and they admitted they knew. I'm starting to feel so resentful with their lack of respect for my husbands welfare. I have to bite my tongue and can barely look at them because if I lose it, I will lose it big time.I love my garden and in good weather both of us like to sit out. Their 6 yr old kid constantly calls out demanding us to watch him or stands on his slide looking over our wall. We humour him at first, but then we just want to relax and spend time with each other as we often just cross paths with work. His parents never step in, he's so spoiled and never told no, then he starts to wind the dog up. The other 2 children are fine. Sorry for the rant, but I feel so helpless. I love my home. We were flooded in 2015 and lost everything. We have worked hard to rebuild and dont want to move. But this is making us consider it. Just like another poster said, who would want to live next door to a barking dog a nightmare child and new age parents who won't say no to their kid.
Poppy - 28-Apr-22 @ 12:54 PM
We live in what WAS a nice area...this one neighbour dumps the dog in a kennel all day often for up to 8 hours and it's non-stop barking. Spoke to him & he denied it of course..became rude and condescending & now makes a big drama about glaring at me...the dog continues to be left in a kennel barking most days while they go off out on outingsit's disgusting. All lively in lockdown but now the hog is just an inconvenience to them. We just want to move from here but who the heck will buy our house listening to that infernal row?
PS24 - 3-Apr-22 @ 8:52 PM
I have recently taken over the care of a neglected border terrier. He lives in a kennel outside because that is what he has done in previous years and I was advised to ease him into our family this weekend way. However he barks for what seems no reason a lot more so at night - we have only had him a week so I’m hoping this settles as he does but I do go out to try and stop him and settle him. I tried bringing him inside one night but he just continuously barked more so than outside and scratched at the back door. The barking fits don’t actually last that long but I just thought maybe it should be said that not all people who own dogs that bark don’t care - sometimes there is an explanation behind it. If I am still in this situation in a few months then I can understand but I think some consideration should be given that sometimes people do care and are doing their best.
charlotte - 27-Mar-22 @ 8:52 PM
Hi John honestly I won't be pc at all been there myself , my friend got a anti dog bark device but you would need to place it as close to the dog as you can for it to work . Hope it works . Shame we all cant just form a neighborhood with respectful people and put all the noisy ones next to eachother !
Raquel - 20-Mar-22 @ 7:42 PM
Hi John, I sympathise with you completely. Neighbour has a yapping Yorkshire terrier that I swear NEVER stops barking! Left all the time in the garden all day long it also sets off another dog that also doesn't stop. Tried talking to the neighbour but she never takes any notice and I believe now she is doing it on purpose to wind me up! I tried one of the anti barking devices but didn't do anything - if you search on YouTube for dog whistles and play through a Bluetooth speaker this is meant to stop the barking which I will be trying soon.
Sandy - 19-Mar-22 @ 9:58 AM
I can empathise with a lot of what’s said on here. To give a little background. I live in a nice area, expensive house in the countryside. One of my neighbours, who had a wealthy father who left her very comfortably off, has a collie. The bloody thing has a high pitched yelp like bark, and pretty much barks constantly.She (the neighbour) never does anything to stop it. She’s basically a drunk, and a very unattractive one at that, so she also takes in local drop outs as boyfriends. This means, on top of the yapping mutt there’s old bangers dumped outside my driveway belonging to the resident drop out partner. She basically shoved the dog outside at all hours and leaves it for extended periods, during which it yaps constantly. I’m a dog owner and my little Border is as good as gold. This being due to being brought up with love and proper training. Does anyone know of any device that will shut this nuisance mongrel up? The simple solution would be if she’d just drink herself to death, but I’m not holding my breath. Any (sensible) advice would be very welcome. Ps; if you’re just going to comment and play the PC Card I’d rather you didn’t bother!
John - 11-Mar-22 @ 10:33 PM
Dogs bark that's what they do ... people with this attitude should never be allowed dogs. I work from home and even as I write this my next door neighbours collie is constantly barking in it's kennel. I have 3 dogs they bark if someone arrives then stop. That is what dogs do. Decent people have respect for their neighbours.
Incredulous - 9-Mar-22 @ 12:32 PM
We have 2 bulldogs who are perfectly behaved and if they were not we would take them training to nip the problem in the bud. We have a neighbour who purposely encourages her dog to bark and also calls him a good boy while he is doing so. The woman is selfish and the whole neighbourhood dislikes her apart from the dog Barking. We live in housing accommodation but take pride in where we live. We are in the middle of putting a kitchen in but I now feel I can't enjoy it because of this woman. She has lots of men moving in and then proceeds to argue all night with them. Working is impossible for me as I work from home , self employed. If I don't work I don't earn. The environmental health do not get back to us, even though we have sent recordings and neither do the housing association. Where do you go from there!!!
Dendro - 16-Sep-21 @ 4:44 PM
Nothing, absolutely nothing. That’s the answer to that question. I tried for years and it got me absolutely nowhere except on my way to a breakdown. Don’t waste your time expecting the council to do anything.
Nemo - 22-Aug-21 @ 12:25 AM
I’m coming at this from the other side of this as a dog owner. I have two rescue terriers who will bark if postie comes to the door or if someone calls around. It doesn’t last long but we also live on a cut through for access to a walking trail so people will walk past during various times of the day. This causes them to bark. I’m at my wits end, I’ve had a behaviourist come to see them, we use a water spray when they bark, other than using a shock collar I don’t know what to do. This has only really been an issue for six months or so and I’ve been threatened that unless I sort them out one of the neighbours will and this morning, the icing on the cake is a letter posted to me, not addressed or signed, saying the whole street wants rid. I’m at here in tears as I don’t actually know what else I can do? Any suggestions?
JudeDoherty - 24-Jul-21 @ 10:36 AM
"but before you take any formal action, it might be worth visiting your neighbours first and explain the situation to them as they may not be aware that there is a problem." Sorry, but this is completely useless advice. There has never been a dog owner in the history of mankind that would've been approachable in this way. Dog owners are fully aware that their dogs are a nuisance and they don't care. If they did, they would not allow it in the first place. How can anyone "not be aware" that it's a problem? It's obvious.
Horst Hundbach - 22-Jul-21 @ 12:51 PM
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