Sometimes problems with the neighbours go beyond a bit of noise or mess, and the people around you can begin to make your life miserable. This can often start as a result of a previous disagreement, even over something relatively trivial which has been blown up out of all proportion. In some cases, it can blow up out of nowhere and you feel victimised for no reason.
Occasionally, you can even be the victim of discrimination. What ever the situation, personal problems with neighbours can be really unpleasant and take several different forms.
When your Neighbour Spreads Rumours
Gossiping neighbours have always been around, and often you won’t be the only target of the neighbourhood wagging tongues, so ignorance may well be the best option. If a neighbour is spreading persistent nasty or untrue rumours about you, and you find it intolerable, an approach to the offending gossip-monger might be in order. They might be mortified about upsetting you, or at least have the decency to be embarrassed about it. If not, you could Approach A Mediator to try to resolve whatever the issue is between you and your neighbour. In extreme cases, it’s possible to apply to a court for an injunction preventing them from making defamatory statements. This is a last resort though as it’s expensive and often a case of their word against yours.
Violence from your Neighbours
There’s never any excuse for violence, whether it’s an escalation of a dispute, comes out of the blue or is a result of discrimination. If you are a Victim Of A Physically Violent Attack From A Neighbour, you should report it to the police immediately. If a dispute escalates and turns into a fight, you may be able to take legal action against a neighbour if they actually assault you.
Harassment as a Result of Medical Problems
If you’re being harassed by a neighbour who has medical or psychological problems, it might not just be you who is being affected. It’s also worth treading carefully with a case like this – you don’t want to make things worse and you might be able to help them rather than jump in and start shouting about harassment. If they have a regular visitor, it could be worth having a chat with them about the behaviour, and asking if there’s anything they can do.
How to Deal with Personal Problems
In most cases, you don’t want to take legal action against an annoying neighbour; you just want them to stop harassing you or gossiping about you! This is what mediation is all about, a scheme where a neutral third party gets the people involved in a neighbourhood dispute to help to sort out the issues and find a solution. If there’s a community mediation service in your neighbourhood, approach them for advice, as it’s usually free.
Of course, this only works if the neighbours are willing to take part. If your neighbours aren’t willing to actually meet and discuss the problems rationally, a mediator can act as an intermediary and actually pass messages between you instead.
Involving the Authorities
If you are a victim of anti-social behaviour from a neighbour, the local authority can get involved, and you don’t have to be a tenant. They can apply for court orders preventing violent anti-social behaviour, nuisance and threats and may be able to evict the perpetrator(s) if the behaviour continues.
If you are being harassed or treated badly by neighbours due to your race, gender, disability, sexuality or your religion, your local authority has a legal responsibility to protect you.
Involving the Police
The police can take action over neighbours’ anti-social behaviour if they’ve committed a criminal offence. If you’ve been physically attacked, your property has been vandalised, or you’re being threatened, you should definitely Get The Police Involved. If you’re being targeted by discrimination, whether verbal or otherwise, you should also tell the police. The police have to deal with any complaints about anti-social behaviour that arises from discrimination of any kind.
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We've been through hell and back.
Environmental health policemediation now 3 years on the male neighbour has threatened my husband who is 75 .
We are awaiting ASB team and police again.
They bang doors to scream day and night.
We can't look out of our window as accused of looking at them.
We are both ill health wise and no family.
Mono - 14-Jan-25 @ 8:31 PM
I have neighbours from hell both sides.
A little background.. nextdoor down, has kids (I have kids too) but from day one they were constantly knocking the door asking for things,rudely too, constantly kicking ball into the garden, I don’t mind getting it once or twice but not all day every day. The kids abusing their pets bin the garden for all to see, particularly the dog. Mother turns a blind eye to everything. Mother breeds cats constantly. Does not care about the animals or kid’s welfare. Left a house full of pets for 4 whole days and nights last summer, that’s when we argued because I was fuming she could do that! Lives in squalor inside and out. Never puts the bins out. Has to report to environmental health due to huge piles of rubbish all around the property. Lots more but I’d be here all day.
Other neighbour, her teenage son has been playing extremely loud music every night all through the night since 2021! I’ve asked on numerous occasions politely for it to be turned down only to be met with abuse via messages on facebook or ignored. I’ve told her it is disrupting my young children’s sleep and they end up in my bed (which is downstairs) or on the sofas because the music wakes them. As a last resort I reported to the housing association and today she has started harassing me and threatening to phone social services because we shout at the kids (the 4 youngest are going through a really horrible argumentative phase at the moment) we ask the kids nicely a few times to stop etc before raising our voices. And if she hears the words when shouting it’s always to the effect of “be nice to each other “ “if you don’t want to play together just go away from each other” “share” etc etc it’s not threatening them etc
She’s also now telling my partner he can’t park his van outside her house (it’s inbetween our houses out the front) it’s nowhere near her drive or gate, it’s not illegal to park there etc
I am so stressed. All because of her selfish son being left to play his music loudly but we are the “horrible ones” apparently.
Welshie - 4-Mar-24 @ 11:13 PM
I live on a road where bullying is like a sport or a past time , they can't leave anyone alone the main protagonist is a woman who presents as a lovely woman initially and then starts belittling people, lying about them, turning other neighbours against you by blowing small problems out of proportion. Currently they are trying to destroy our one nice neighbour because of minor issues that happened previously.I have been forced to put up a cctv camera , as there modus opporandi everytime they have a problem is to screamin people faces . I've locked down my as they stalk online , they are making our lives miserable.
Rufio - 9-Oct-23 @ 8:42 AM
Omg am so glad someone posted this am suffering at the hands of gossiping bulling neighbours too speeding rumours name calling and managed to get other neighbours on board it's affecting my mental health and am sure if she new it's a problem to me she would do it even mire6i just don't know how long I can take it anymore
Like answers - 7-Jul-23 @ 3:32 PM
It is horrible to have anti social neighbours. The things our neighbours do is so frustrating. We have a shared drive they block our cars so we have to ask them to move when we need to leave or come back in, they idle their car engines for over 45mins, they blast loud music in the drive, the throw rubbish in the drive so we have to pick it up, they climbed the top of our shed which already needs replacing, they broke the drive by over using it, they drove over our food bin then made a sarcastic remark, they have over 7 cars and like to show off but don’t actually use the cars. The son is an absolute spoilt brat, they are unfriendly and wish they would leave. The things they do sometimes we think they do it on purpose. They left their dog poo near our wall and thought we didn’t know it was them, their dogs growled and barked through the fence trying to break and get its head through so we put a 6 feet fence up, the dogs then constantly kept barking at us and everyone until someone finally came to their window and said why do your dogs bark so much. They always have dirts on their faces when they see us and stare to be intimidating.
Skp - 9-Jun-23 @ 7:29 AM
It is horrible to have anti social neighbours. The things our neighbours do is so frustrating. We have a shared drive they block our cars so we have to ask them to move when we need to leave or come back in, they idle their car engines for over 45mins, they blast loud music in the drive, the throw rubbish in the drive so we have to pick it up, they climbed the top of our shed which already needs replacing, they broke the drive by over using it, they drove over our food bin then made a sarcastic remark, they have over 7 cars and like to show off but don’t actually use the cars. The son is an absolute spoilt brat, they are unfriendly and wish they would leave. The things they do sometimes we think they do it on purpose. They left their dog poo near our wall and thought we didn’t know it was them, their dogs growled and barked through the fence trying to break and get its head through so we put a 6 feet fence up, the dogs then constantly kept barking at us and everyone until someone finally came to their window and said why do your dogs bark so much. They always have dirts on their faces when they see us and stare to be intimidating.
Skp - 8-Jun-23 @ 9:32 PM
My neighbours are an old couple and they have tried to make me have a breakdown because I have a mental disability (PTSD) and they told my HO that I was hallucinating and off my nut mental, even though I have so much evidence against them. For the last 5,400 consecutive hrs, I have a drone pointed at my bedroom. Can't sleep in there anymore, and being physically disabled,the sofa is ruined and I wake up in pain. And as soon as my eyes are open, there they are, tapping on my ceiling. The young fella who has the drone doesn't leave their bungalow as his drone is massive, and he has been flying it around my property, lights being shone into my bedroom and the drone allows them to listen 24/7 and we (my daughter and her partner) have done things like whisper, and wherever in the bungalow, they got there before us. Police have been sh*te as have the HA and I just wonder what sort of people wake up one morning and say 'I know, let's harrass the neighbour non stop.2 men, one woman, basically bullying, harassing and spying on me and I'm 5ft 3 and just over 7 stone. I've become sedentary and have lost weight to the extent I've got wrinkly skin on arms and legs. I look anorexic! And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Sending love and light to everyone on this page, and hope you all get justice.
Cuggymunt - 8-Jun-23 @ 3:16 PM
One of life's moaners and a nasty judgemental bitch is Nicola Waters, and a bully too.
She constantly moans about her next door neighbour [A] over the garden fence to the other neighbour [B].
When A has workmen to do jobs Waters & B, slag off A in the hope that workmen have a lower opinion of A. Instead, the workman think less of Waters, seeing her for the bully she is. Waters has ran a very nasty smear campaign about A which is untrue.
In the swamp is Backstabber Ben from across the road. Desperate for attention and approval,he bad mouths A with Waters. Backstabber Ben is so stupid, that he spreads the lies Waters tells him. The Fool has been manipulated. Predictably, when Ben turns his back Nicola slags him off to B. Meanwhile Ben slags Nicola Waters off to Alyson, Phill, Beth, Allie & Graham.
Desperate to be Queen Bee and have Power over others, will never happen for Nasty Nick because she repels people.
Waters, Backstabber Ben, and rest of street all deserve each other.
As I relax in my garden, I can hear them carve each other up and is why I don't mix with them.
It is called Assertiveness.
JD - 23-May-23 @ 12:20 AM
Hi,I wish I had the minute problems all of you have.Maybe you should have a neighbour who is a compulsive liar, constantly walks up and down your boundary line taking pictures of you,your dogs,any work you are doing on your property,has her visitors do the same thing,then accuses you of doing this, tries to antagonise and provoke you and your dogs, uses a false address to claim centrelink payments,uses a false address on Court documents,uses a false address to the council, illegally surveys property boundaries with the assistance of a friend of hers, dumps her faecal matter into a large hole near your boundary line and covers it with green waste, has nothing approved on her overgrown property which is a fire risk to other residents' property and does everything illegal,and against all laws, legislation and regulations as no authority will stop her, then she pries into your personal life and breaches your privacy,and still no one will do anything to stop her so she continues to do as she likes when she likes and everyone else around her suffers, you, your family,your dogs, your horsesyour sanity and your mental health meanwhile she does not give two hoots about what she does and who she hurts in the process. You should all be so lucky.
Rosie - 23-Apr-23 @ 2:41 AM
Why do l and the above people have such rotten neighbours,lm not a bad person rather give to people than take,just horrid troublemakers.
Sandee - 4-Mar-23 @ 3:38 PM
The living room they have made a bedroom,never out of it like to read and have a TV,so anti social of them,lm just myself use to get terrible abuse through the wall,they are two bullying women,worst is when they use my surname,why l don't know,would l go to prison if l hit one.
Sandee - 4-Mar-23 @ 3:30 PM
Second time posting on this forum,neighbour next door and her friend have a new tactic,their bedroom next to my living room,they like to sit and read 24/7 get so annoyed when my TV is on,they go on same programme and turn up volume morning,afternoon and night,new this year going to be the same as last year,horrid,trouble making horrors.
Sandee - 5-Jan-23 @ 11:44 AM
So long story short I live at the top floor in a rented accomodation apartment!
And i have this couple who moved in downstairs from me and are making my life a living hell!! To the point where i feel harrassed and dont really enjoy coming home anymore! All they seem to like doing is make fun of me nowadays always constantly calling me annoying all day long and just for simply "living" in my apartment! Its come to the point that I Cant even go to the damn kitchen to make food or a coffee without one of them yelling out from downstairs that im annoying and ugly and all sorts of names!
Chelsea - 2-Dec-22 @ 3:00 AM
Neighbour next door has a rude friend,use to come stay for weekends then a week at a time,now she has moved her in,they are one bedroomed flats,now made living room a bedroom,bed right up against my wall,my TV is never loud,but heard her friend last night say when is she going to her bed,so rude,like to listen to everything,last night l lost the plot and l started shouting through the wall,told her about her noseyness etc,l know l was maybe in the wrong but the noise had been constant for a long time,l was supposed to sit back and take it.
Sandee - 22-Nov-22 @ 11:26 AM
I have been living at the address for about 38 years. I am now a widow living alone. The next door neighbours- a couple and their adult daughter are a bit strange. They don’t go on holidays and spend all their time gardening,housework and staring . They have a hobby though. They are extremely nosy. They fell out with the neighbour in the other side of them and it ended when the neighbour punched him. They have new neighbours now and him next door kept going round to ‘give advice’. There was a falling out and those neighbours had a large fence erected in the back garden. I had a fence put up alongside my drive and last Sunday morningthere was an incident. I was waiting for my lift to church under the car port and Mr nosy was coming back with his Sunday paper. He jumped out of his car and was very nasty - he said that I need to sort my guttering out (I have a roof over the drive) and it was flooding spoiling his side of the fence - he was horrible. Well I got a handyman to come round and look at it and it was apparent that a clip at the top of the fence had been removed and there was no sign of it. I have checked my side of the fence it wasn’t there either! I think he set it up.
Duchess - 25-Oct-22 @ 11:14 AM
I have been living at the address for about 38 years. I am now a widow living alone. The next door neighbours- a couple and their adult daughter are a bit strange. They don’t go on holidays and spend all their time gardening,housework and staring . They have a hobby though. They are extremely nosy. They fell out with the neighbour in the other side of them and it ended when the neighbour punched him. They have new neighbours now and him next door kept going round to ‘give advice’. There was a falling out and those neighbours had a large fence erected in the back garden. I had a fence put up alongside my drive and last Sunday morningthere was an incident. I was waiting for my lift to church under the car port and Mr nosy was coming back with his Sunday paper. He jumped out of his car and was very nasty - he said that I need to sort my guttering out (I have a roof over the drive) and it was flooding spoiling his side of the fence - he was horrible. Well I got a handyman to come round and look at it and it was apparent that a clip at the top of the fence had been removed and there was no sign of it. I have checked my side of the fence it wasn’t there either! I think he set it up.
Duchess - 25-Oct-22 @ 11:12 AM
I live on the ground floor and there’s a couple that live on the top floor this lady lives there with her husband she puts her washing on early in the morning in the evening she’s got all day to do it but chooses to do it at this time and another thing is that her husband smokes cigarettes outside and throws the cigarette butts all on the ground so I have told Warwick estate who is the property managers of the estate and they have wrote letters to her about it she on the day of the letter she picked up some cigarette butts and put it in a bag and then put a handful of cigarettes In my letterbox I wonder if you could help I’m going to ask Warwick the property manager if they could talk to her their landlady about it thank you when I spoke to her about it the lady upstairs she just goes what I said you’re very inconsiderate you’re mental No said no you’re mental she said I have got mental health problems but doesn’t mean to say that anything but I think they’ve got a few mental issues as well
Carpenters - 6-Oct-22 @ 7:50 PM
I reported my neighbour in flat above for loud music. Now she's turning all the neighbours against me. Talking about me outside my window early hours of morning. What can I do
Angie - 21-Sep-22 @ 8:09 PM
I have a couple with 2 kids living above me. They are using their kids as an excuse to make as much noise as they want. I feel I’m living under a busy playground, or heavy-weights gym, or running track, or a volcano, or earthquake, or horses training facility. I’ve been complaining everywhere since the end of lockdown - no use, because “they have children” and they automatically qualify any noise as non-statutory.
The parents are aggressive, non-cooperative, self-righteous, they refused mediation and I think they join their kids or teach them to jump and bang as hard as possible. I really don’t know what to do any more. Housing association doesn’t care. Even ombudsman didn’t help - their main excuse is “children”. When I bought my flat it was quiet for many years before they moved in - now I live in hell… Is there anything else that can help me?
VKireeva - 12-Jun-22 @ 7:49 AM
My neighbours are constantly kicking ball in our garden they live two houses away, we have a fence yesterday when I came from work he started pressing the bell and knocking the door this been going on for 8 years now.
We always give them the ball, but yesterday I had to cook and clean he playing in his uniform,the became so aggressive because I shouted at him for coming to my house the second time, he called me a black ugly focker so I cussed him back he always sweating at me all the time we can't have any peace with these people and it's not even summer yet how do we get some type of justice in this situation.
Kind regards
Mrs Clarke
Trinitodbone - 13-May-22 @ 7:16 AM
I was friends with neighbours offered to help clean up their gardens and heaps more than their alcohol and drug use became a problem. They can’t remember what they say and have incourage friends of their family to physically and verbally assault neighbours. Police have been called but as a victim was told off by police and still nothing but daily games from their family and friends
Fed up - 10-Aug-21 @ 12:21 AM
Neighbour who was a 'friend' . 10 years ago we agreed to part ways after I confronted her aboutbehaviour about(my) money.
Since then she has not spoken. It is a, small community and she has a lot manipulated people into believing I am a nasty person. I know she does it all by insinuation and, appearing to be emotional and hurt. Once she has someone on board she uses them to involve and recruit new neighbours. I believe she is a narcissist andthe neighbours she recruits are flying monkeys
In the past I have had people knock on my door and, accuse me of treating her badly.
.. and feeding back she is visiting them with a flying monkey and both insinuating things, about me.
Recently a new neighbour and myself were asked to contribute over £1000 towards a community issue We both declined.
Since then the neighbour and the flyingmonkeys(Now, a strong clique) have ignored the new neighbour.
At least I now have someone who can see what I see... but would like to know the best way to proceed.
At this point I believe that she will work hard on her hate campaign and there may be chances to get written evidence of hertechnique for her smear campaign(me and new neighbour) as she has upped the anti because she would have benefitted from the project so is in destruct mode. I would, ideally like them all toget a soliciors (cease and desist)or a visit drom the police for harassment
She - 21-Jul-21 @ 11:11 PM
I am having a real problem, because I am a bad neighbour. I have 1 neighbour who is new and had a dog who barked all day he was at work. This went on for a few weeks. The dog has gone now. My partner has mental health issues and can flare up and shout to herself about anything for up to an hour. My neighbour called the police twice but they went away happy that there weren't any issues. Now he just bangs on the door to get me to answer when she has been shouting. I won't answer the door even if he's been banging for about 15 minutes. I have spoken to him once in public and he seemed aggressive but given that he's hearing someone shouting then I can understand that.
Her shouting happens roughly once or twice a week.
Should I drop a note through his door to explain? I don't want a face to face because I don't want my explanation to be rejected with abuse if I am honest.
SECarer - 10-Jul-21 @ 12:13 AM
Sometime ago neighbours moved in ‘pushy’ was not the wordto describe them. Two professionals destine to stand out and grab everything. Harassment started to constantlycome to our home and relativesrequesting us to change our land for them. We’ve requested to cut very high foliage they have planted, use a proper system to dump their rubbish not in the stream. They erected a fence over a shared area we maintain, they grown extremely high trees for a small garden they own to affect our side, light the night skies in a rural area. They use antagonistic means to annoy, subtle so no one notices. They have no consideration for others and portray themselves as victims. I think they are very unhappy people and i now ignore them. Their visitors are rude and abusive. Perhaps one day they will find what they are looking for and go away. Keep a diary of events, try not to bump into them or relatives, keep your business to yourself, be sure to engage with police, and agencies and give them the history of events. The accusersare normally the perpetrator who gossip and spreads falsehoods. Remember if they do it to one they can do it to you. These are very dangerous unhappy people best ignored! Be your happy self and stay that way!
Goldie - 15-Jun-21 @ 10:10 AM
OK so we have been through a mediator police environmental health and lived in our house for 34 years and these party animals moved in last year and our life has been hell and nobody can help environmental health said no proof regarding noise we are in our late 70/60 and they have been around our street to get evidence against us nasty couple and all they care about is drink and parties and we have to put up with it .Hope they live a happy life as they have destroyed ours.
Mono - 12-Jun-21 @ 8:51 PM
We have lived in our house for 15 years, 4 years ago a young woman with three children came to live next door, since we actually asked her and her mother not to build things in the garden at 3.40am (not the first time) she has been very nasty to us, shouted and screamed over little things, then lied and said we were the aggressors. Her mother died in January which is tragic, but not our fault, I had not been into my garden until the other day, I gave her small dog a piece of chicken ( very small and freshly cooked) which I will never do again. Her young daughter started yelling I was feeding the dog, she then began to scream at me saying it was on camera I had fed the dog, she was calling the police and that I had said her daughter was not normal, this was not true. I was on the phone to a friend at the time, my friend was shocked as she just heard this woman yell at me. We went out that afternoon and came back to a load of vitriolic messages from her friends saying they would like to hit us or that the young woman should. The police have been good and given us alarms but I and my daughter are now concerned about leaving our house. Would I have enough evidence to get an injunction against this woman?
Troubled - 3-Jun-21 @ 9:37 AM
We been in our house 53 years my self my husband and 2 handicapped boy up till
Year2000 it was lovelyneighbours were lovelynow it I won’t what you got we out grownthis house garden so thay start trying to get us out with the rest of new neighbours that did not work then thay try to get the fence down I said can’t water and Electric under the ground now it car blockingso we have not Spock to them
As they are gossip talk about every body and have cameras back and front watch people on iPhonetwo cars in drive no drop kerb and put his wheel round the side of our fence to block us in or out her relation as there car on the other side of us and she also blocking the man drop kerb it no joke but you know what I recon thay enjoy
Been nasty to other people we were thinking of leaving but know I not put some one through what we havewhen thay do go I hope she keeps hear mouth shut as she says one thing to your face and another be hind you back
Poppy - 14-Apr-21 @ 7:01 AM
My autistic son has just got his own flat 2weeks after moveing in the bloke who lives above my son knocked on my sons door no mask and getting in my sons face told him to stop smoking canibus my son told him that he dosent and then the bloke got in his face and told my son that he was going to knock on his door.every day to make sure he wasent he allso asked.what was.the.woring noice was that he could hear my son said it.was the extraction fan that cannot be turned off the bloke then said was he growing canabus in his flatmy son was devastatedthat he was accuseing him of thease things he also said that he was playing loud music and loud tv my son hasnt got a tv he has got a kindle thst he plays music on wich is not loude my son came to my house after this in such a state he wouldnt go back to his flat so was at mine for seveal days i finally persuaded him to go back that night the bloke hammered on my sons door at 2am with a weapon that he was banging on the door with my son filmed him doing it he was going to hurt my son because he had reported the bloke to the council my son phoned the police and also a neighbour had phoned them aswell reporting that the bloke was trying to kick my son door down the bloke then knocked on the neighbour door to tell her that my son wouldnt open the door at this point the police arived and the bloke was still in the hallwaythe officer went in my sons flat and my son took him all round his flat to prove that there was no canabus no smell not growing it no tv and only a kindle for music then my son showed the officer the video of what the bloke had done .the bloke was visited by the officer the bloke made up a complete bunch lies so he was told that they had seen the video and someone else had phoned them aswell to report him trying to knock the door down and he had been in my sons flat and there was no evidence of canabus use or growing that hewas to stay away from my son then myson gets a letter from council telling him he had been reported for playing loud music and haveing his tv loud as ive all ready said he dosent have tv or stereo andy son hasen been back to his flat as he is to scared to so were was the loud music comeing from? What can i do ?? He is so depressed and wants to end his life he is haveing nightmares and just cannot understand why he is being bullied all over again its heartbraking seeing himlike this he is a gentle soul and he is really scared
Bunny - 22-Mar-21 @ 3:03 PM
With HCPs (Narcissists)
The Issue is not the Issue..
They blame and over react to the slightest.
Yes. they bare grudges and use proxies to control the target..
Zee - 8-Mar-21 @ 9:19 AM
I have been having problems with my neighbour andher new partner who seems dominant for the last ten months. They have been ignoring lockdown rules by switching homes, maybe reporting me to my landlord for feeding the birds (they will not say who it was), similarly reporting me to the Council to cut back my pavement fronting hedge (again Council will not say who it was), banging on my wall six times at 2.15 am during a get together during the November lockdown. This resulted in a huge flare up amongst them as I tried to take vehicle registration numbers. They sentt for a car to take away the most agitated of them who had been refusing to leave and using the most foul language. The arguments continued until 4 am before dying down. They tried knocking on my door during this time but I refused to answer.
For all of those ten months I have been receiving interference on my TV reception leading to total loss of signal. At first it was mainly at breakfast time but over the months increased. A recent analysis of the interference pointed towards breakfast, lunch and tea times so I put a note through their door to ask if their oven might be the problem. They did not respond but six days later the problem ceased and did not occur for another three weeks. Now it has started again and I believe it deliberate but have no way of proving it. They now say I am harassing them !
It seems to be unique situation with a local aerial company not believing I could be deliberately targeted. Ofcom advised me to buy a new television.
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