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Top Tips When You're the New Neighbour

By: Sarah Clark (ILEX) - Updated: 13 May 2021 | comments*Discuss
Neighbour Property Parking Noise Kids

So you just moved into a new area and the last thing you want to do is fall out with the new neighbours. What are the best things you can do to avoid problems down the line, and keep the locals sweet?

Introduce yourself to New Neighbours

When you’re the newbie, the neighbours are all likely to be curious about you, and the best way to reassure them that you’re going to be a good neighbour to them is to introduce yourself.

Make a point of smiling and saying ‘hello’ when you see people around, so they will be able to tell that you’re friendly and approachable. It also means that if they need to speak to you about something they are more likely to feel able to broach it face to face and not go behind your back to landlords, local councils or similar. Making an effort to get to know people will help you integrate and also make the neighbours more likely to look out for you, too.

Join the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme

If there’s a Homewatch Scheme or Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in the area, take advantage of this opportunity to get to know people and reassure them that you’re a good neighbour. Showing an interest in what’s happening locally marks you out as someone who cares about the neighbourhood and is less likely to cause problems. You can also gain the trust of your new neighbours by belonging to a scheme like this, designed to help neighbours look out for each other.

Keep the Children Under Control

If you have children, you know they can be a nuisance, so you don’t want them to annoy your neighbours and cause friction. Keep an eye on them so that you know where they are, who they are with and what they are up to – and if you realise that they are disturbing your neighbours, being noisy or messy, nip it in the bud. Make it clear to the neighbours that you do care about what your children get up to, that they can come to you with any concerns, and that you’re prepared to take action if necessary.

Clean up After the Dog

Don’t let your pets become a pain. Clear up any dog mess and try to keep cats under control, although it can be hard to stop them ‘marking their territory.’ So you're not know as a someone with Problem Pets, keep your animals under control and if they become noisy don’t just let them bark or howl, attend to them.

If you have neighbours who are scared of animals, try to respect this and keep noisy, excitable dogs away from them.

Keeping up Appearances

You don’t want to be the person who everyone complains about, and it’s your responsibility to keep the gardens and outside of your property looking reasonably tidy, even if you don’t have the time to keep it spotless. Try to keep grass and weeds under control and outside maintenance under control, as this type of thing often causes arguments and bad between neighbours.

Don't leave smelly bin bags or rubbish lying around in communal areas, gardens or on the street, they’ll attract rats and cause obstruction as well as being quite unhygienic.

Parking Etiquette

Don't block the access to your neighbour’s property with cars and vehicles, or even the kids’ bikes and toys. Don’t use other peoples’ communal parking spaces unless you have absolutely no choice, as this can create bad feeling and lead to Parking Disputes. Be aware of blocking access to driveways and garages whenever you or your visitors park outside the house. If you’re not sure, ask!

Keep the Noise Down

If you are planning a party, or having people over late, it’s a good idea to let your neighbours know in advance, especially if celebrations are likely to carry on into the early hours. You might even ask them to join you, and then they really can’t complain! If they ask you to turn the noise down, be reasonable. Of course, they have to be reasonable too, and if they are making a fuss at 10:30pm, you might have every right to say that you’ll turn it down but that party’s NOT over yet.

It’s all about being reasonable and considerate. Think about what would annoy you, and if you’re about to do it yourself – don’t!

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some people love to no everythingenjoy ur bird tableignore itstrangethat x stand ur side blank it best all round x enjoy birds x
t - 13-May-21 @ 2:09 AM
My daughter and son in law have recently moved from London to a small popular village in Yorkshire, They have bought a Georgian grade 2 listed building. I own a mini Shetland pony , and this is a dream I have had for years to own one. My daughter and son in law don’t want anything to do with the pony. I was soon to visit to help look after the children for 2 weeks, the pony is young and my husband unsure as to handle her, so I approached the riding school around the corner, who were delighted to stable her and allow grazing. And wouldn’t accept any payment. My daughter and son in law have gone berserk , that I approached the lady at the riding school, before they have had the chance to introduce themselves. They are really angry with me, and I have been told they want my help in looking after the children now because of this. I was made to ring the riding school and say that I had made a mistake, and the lady was so disappointed that my pony and I would not be coming. Have I made a serious faux pas.?My daughter says I should have asked permission, before approaching the riding school.?
Kip - 2-Mar-21 @ 4:49 PM
Hello Winny, You keep that bird table and enjoy the lovely little songbirds who come to visit. It won't be just you who will have had enough of this particular neighbour, who sounds like a narcissistic control freak. Let her keep reporting you to the council for ridiculous things; it will only show herself up as the petty attention seeker that she is. She says she knows people on the council; they must be sick and tired of her whingeing. The fact that you have been informed that she trespasses on your property shows that you have allies. Try not to worry. You don't have to live inside her head: she does.
Felicity Jolliffe - 1-Aug-20 @ 3:00 AM
@Kaza. You could try and claim adverse possession if the fence has been there for this long. You will need professional legal help though.
ProblemNeighbours - 17-Apr-15 @ 1:57 PM
Had a boundary fence in situ for more than 20 years, and recently found out that it is on our neighbours property, after we had a land survey done,as neighbour built part of a garage on our property at the front, can the rear fence stay put please.
kaza - 17-Apr-15 @ 9:18 AM
I have a situation with a co-tenant. I moved into a very nice 'handicapped accessible apt. after (and still) major surgery & medical problems. I have a neighbor that believes I am a deviant because I am still unable to return to work & am basically home bound. I have a very difficult problem (After a divorce, loss of employment during the 'recession', and MASSIVE medical issues. The problem is after this giant snowball of events, I simply have trouble TERRIBLE trouble socializing, have become introverted, and live with anxiety & depression. (My main issue, which may cause some question, is that I do have to have blood testing done late at night & have to pick up medication changes then - an odd time to be out admittedly P.S. - I do not drink, do illicit drugs, or ANYTHING that would be considered immoral or illegal.)Truthfully, I am trying as hard as possible to change my life to one of simplicity, and to find real happiness & return to work (I currently volunteer within the community with the impovershed) and reclaim friends I have lost during the past 6 years. When I speak to the friends I have left, I try to simply speak of the past times which were good.I have a neighbor living upstairs that I recently discovered listens in on me DAILY & NIGHTLY, has suspicions of me as an evil person, and spreads this to the Landlord & the other tenant (As well as others that visit - I have heard this) - I am none of that. This tenant has been here far longer than I, and has close ties with the owner. I know I am being wrongfully accused of doing anything or everything wrong. In fact..I am doing NOTHING wrong, and I do try to be responsible as a tenant & tell the landlord when the fuel is low, any incidents with the plumbing - etc. I know this individual is possibly ignorant, but just last night overheard him simply screaming about me to another tenant upstairs. Since I have recently found out the tension I have been feeling is due to his 'backstabbing', I have grown quieter, and less conspicuous.I know this is irritating him, and causing him frustration, due to keeping to myself and not stepping from my position as a quiet, respectful tenant. I hear the comments more frequently, and he has even taken to 'stopping by' (The past couple of days - this is a new tactic, since I have become completely aware of his 'habits' towards me), asking absurd questions about the property that he knows full well. PLEASE HELP ME TO AT LEAST DIFFUSE THIS PERSON.I SIMPLY DO NOT WANT OR NEED CONFLICT, AS I AM TRYING VERY HARD TO RETURNING TO A 'NORMAL' LIFE. Thank you
Taylor - 21-Mar-14 @ 2:56 PM
I could not get the right format ormethod for the neighbourhood problems. I have a problem with my neighbour. They installed a spllit ac machine under the water drainage pipe of my neighbourhood. whenever i have to clean they start repelling.
Sonu - 5-Apr-13 @ 11:56 AM
We moved into our property 6 months ago. Long story short: introduced ourselves to our immediate neighbours and (so We thought ) established a healthy, not over the top, but we are approachable people, relationship with them all. One neighbour has highlighted the fact that "she knows everyone round here, knows ppl on the council and basically what she says goes" it all sounds very petty I know. We recently put up a fence.not even a meter high, to keep our dog in and improve the overall look of the garden. She has since complained to our other neighbours about it and to the council (we are well within the legal regulations) saying it is blocking their view.( it is only of our house?), we have also been informed that she comes onto our property when we are at work to basically have a look about and see what we have been doing. We have also been threatened by her and her husband that if we don't take down our bird table she will report us to the council like she did with the previous owner. I know how silly this must sound but I really don't want to fall out with any of our neighbours but we do feel very harassed and would like to put a stop to the situation. Is there anything we can do?
Winny - 27-Jul-12 @ 9:13 AM
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