The use of loudspeakers and the music that accompanies them are often one of the biggest causes of neighbourhood disputes. Unlike the noise from parties, where loud music is usually played for a set time period, some people think that music can be played as loud as they want it to be, no matter what time of day or night it is.
The Law
People who like to play their music loud will often get into arguments with their neighbours as they might also claim they should be able to enjoy their leisure time in the way they choose without interference, especially if it’s at a reasonable hour, say, in the afternoon.
However, while this is true in principle, the law firmly comes down on the side of those who wish to be protected from excessive noise under the Environmental Protection Act 1990, The Noise Act 1996 and the Common Law of Nuisance. If you refuse to reduce the volume, both the Environment Health Department and the police can get involved, and it will be them who will determine whether the Noise Exceeds Legal Limits.
Environmental Health has the power to issue you with an abatement order to reduce the volume and, if you do not comply, the police can also take matters further. You could end up with an Anti-Social Behaviour Order (ASBO) which can result in even harsher penalties if you break it.
How to Reduce the Impact From Loudspeakers
Quite often, you can prevent problems arising with your neighbours over your use of loudspeakers in the first place by taking some simple precautionary steps. These can include situating any loudspeakers away from adjoining partition walls, or there are acoustic mats you can buy if they’re floor standing speakers. Even suspending them from the ceiling can help.
Using several smaller speakers such as you’d find on the latest surround sound systems will also have a far less negative impact upon your neighbour’s experience, as opposed to using a couple of extremely large and powerful ones. This is because these smaller speakers can be strategically placed around a room, so you’ll often get the same amount of ‘noise satisfaction’ yourself without upsetting your neighbours.
Much of the annoyance comes from the bass control. While you might be sat in your house enjoying the music pumping out, all your neighbours might hear is the ‘thud thud’ of the bass, so turning the bass control down can often help.
Another useful resolution is to find out when you neighbour will to be out, and blast your music louder during those times. This compromise is often welcomed and respected so that the music is turned down when the neighbour returns home.
Loudspeakers and Business in Residential Areas
There are other laws pertaining to the use of loudspeakers if you’re operating a business within a residential area. It could be a pub or some other premises used for entertainment, the use of loudspeakers on cars during election rallies, and even the ice cream van’s chimes. All of these examples aren’t immune to the law. Therefore, if you do operate a business in a residential area, it’s important you find out what you can and cannot do as it specifically relates to your type of business.
If you’re a resident, you’ll need to consider your neighbours and, better still, if you simply can’t reach an agreement with them in terms of how loud is acceptable, buy yourself a pair of headphones. There are even some great cordless models these days which you can use to pump out the music at whatever volume you choose. This sound will go wherever you go, even as far as the garden and beyond in some cases, and these can often be synchronised with additional headphones so that more than one person can enjoy the same experience simultaneously.
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Hey StocktonGar I am facing the same issue as you constant vibration through the night this is due to myself reporting a cannabis problem which has been going on for 4 my father was arrested when he went round to see the neighbour about the issue they have been causing problem for over 28 months police told council and stated my father and my self were making false allegations. Neighbour has accused us through the police of watching her child and spread rumours that my father is a peodofile when he has not been charged with offence my father was arrested over the amplifier issue and neighbour made false allegations police harassed and threatened us not to make cannabis reports accused us of having interest in neighbours child we received criminal damage police did not attened until local mp was contacted neighbour has also blamed us for causing issue through another neighbour on the street and she had environmental health involved. Police accused us of harrasing neighbour and whole street and tried getting us evicted they told IOPC was making false allegations and claimed we were rude and obstructive in 2020 our solicitor complained about neighbour and police harassment to the station inspector and now police are telling us to move when we haven’t done anything wrong apart from making a complaint about cannabis.we received antisocial behaviour from neighbour her father and former landlords son on 30th January 2022 the landlords son also spread a rumour round he knocked my father out when he didn’t and started to go to boxersise in what operates in lasterdyke working mans club bradford west Yorkshire the police did nothing about this either we had cctv footage as proof neighbour has received harassment Warnings but takes no notice of them. They still keep spreading rumours about us and involve others trying to wind us up neighbours boyfriend was going round telling people he was frightened of me but there still causing asb with us. Also neighbour claimed to be on holiday through the covid 19 pandemic and police did nothing about that either when we received criminal damage.
Neighbours boyfriend is also throwing stones at my fathers vehicle leaving nails under the tyres still.
So be aware if you make a complaint make sure you have an independent witness what does not work for the police or council you won't be able to use a family member as it will be a conflict of interest.
Shibby - 12-Dec-22 @ 1:25 AM
It's not just neighbours I've had problems with - it's the 'social' landlords/their staff including the sister of my immediate neighbour - which in legal circumstances presents a conflict of interest.. which the landlords have always refuted.
I tried to be friendly 'til the next door neighbour told me she stole a bank card from a friend, went to the bank and drew money out of the 'friends' account. It was as if she was boasting! I decided NOT to trust her anywhere near e.g my bank card. Her close female friend who lived at the mental facility on the corner of the street boasted that she'd been in prison repeatedly for burglary & prostitution. I have good reason to believe that often when I went out this friend forced the lock on my front door, entered my property and in the 1st instance scrawled the Initial of her first name into my fridge and my freezer ( 2 separate things). + stole some t shirts (rolling stones and AC/DC). The police did NOTHING when I reported this to them but ever since i've been afraid to leave the house, especially when 1 time I came back I found my cat's mouth had been injured. The next door neighbour sent her dog after my main cat 6 x and on the last occasion I lost my temper, pushing her forward.
The landlords Immediately applied for an Injunction - but did not tell me til 1.5 weeks had passed. They'd absolutely ignored my complaints of the neighbour's & her friend's ASB Against me. The Housing Ombudsman found against them for this. The landlords took me to court 16 miles away, Cops arrested me 4 times til 1 landlords staff told me he'd told them not to arrest me UNLESS THEY HAD EVIDENCE. The 4th time they locked me in a Covid-breeding cell for 4 hours.. When I got to court there was AGAIN NO EVIDENCE to warrant it. After 7 months the case was DROPPED - mainly because in the words of my Barrister they 'really messed up' & relied on Unsubstantiated Hearsay. It aged me by years due to the stress (up til then I'd looked much younger than early 70s) - but I agreed to an 'undertaking'. The next door neighbour got others to keep sending libellous accusations about me to the landlords..These others erected up to FOUR CCTV cameras on each one's premises, pointed directly at my house/me.The landlords have always sided with them and ignored me. Early on I learned the next door neighbour is a Malingerer and a Fraud + her friend keeps barking & yowling at her dog causing the noisy mutt to bark even more, particularly when I'm trying to sleep/rest. Her friend & others she 'picks up' spend nights at her house while she works but does not declare her earnings, + claims disability, etc. Again, no one has done anything about this. She + other neighbours continue to threaten my cats & me. I've tried to move but something has always happened so I haven't moved up to now.
Indigné - 6-Dec-22 @ 1:53 PM
Ban karaoke noise in residential homes! Neighbours run a birthday party business from a house and make excessive noise every weekend.
Liz - 11-Sep-22 @ 6:02 PM
I’m personally a musician… I have my PA system at home and once every couple of weeks on my day off I will get it out and practice some of my set.. it normally lasts around 1.5 hours… most of my neighbours know about it and often message me asking me to turn it up as they like to hear it, but I’m getting complaints from some idiot down the road… I read his messages and turn my speakers down and close the door so it isn’t as loud and the messages still persist. I wouldn’t be as annoyed but during the summer he blares his music from 10pm-4am and I never get any sleep so I don’t see why an hour and a half every now and again should be a problem.. it’s normally during the week so people are at school and work and from around 1pm.
Picks - 12-May-22 @ 11:01 AM
We had neighbours behind us who partied almost every week,2am 3am they would still have doof doof music pumping , They eventually moved out or evicted out I think,Now the place is quite without them,I play my music when I know other neighbours aren't home,The couple that made noise complaints about me a few times though like to play their doof doof at 130am Saturday nights sometimes,I've no problem with it it's a Saturday,But don't make noise complaints against me when they're just doing what I was doing,Hypocrites!!
Chaz - 12-Sep-21 @ 10:35 AM
My previous neighbour had mental health problems (paranoia).She would stamp on the floor all night(she lived in the flat above).She also played crap music at full blast.I eventually moved for the sake of my sanity!!!
purple hair - 11-Jul-21 @ 2:14 AM
Just recently changed my next door neighbours. My new neighbours is romanian gipsys... they lissten to theyr gypsy folk from early morning till late night. And I noticed they have two speakers size as used in gigs, festivals. Is it even legal to have this size speakers indoors?
How to get rid of these dirty people...????
L - 29-May-21 @ 2:58 PM
@turn it up
Get a life
Also nobody is saying you can’t listen to it, but if your neighbours can hear it then it’s too loud.
It sounds the same to your ears whether it’s loud or not so stop being a selfish child
Turn it down - 3-May-21 @ 2:50 PM
Right music can be as loud as you like from 7am to 11pm.
I have a very expensive set up I have the right to enjoy my music at high levels.
All you boring people on here moaning and rating people out are just jokes.
Don't like it move simple from 12-11 it will be at 11??????
Peace out ??
Turn it up - 6-Apr-21 @ 5:01 PM
Our neighbours have been playing vibrating Base music 24 hours a day with three quiet days and 14 hours repute since 25 March 2920. It is deliberate we have also had verbal abuse and damage threatening behaviour and slander. Police won't deal apart from Asbo The noise has been crime now but I have to record it and don't have the means.
The vibrations are all night affecting my health.MP staff said move. we can't afford to move yet the three adult children next door have other homes the Father is the only one officially living there. We are sick of this torture.NOT
StocktonGare - 31-Mar-21 @ 2:55 PM
I have neighbours that play music from 8 in the morning to latest 10 at night and all we hear is thud this thud, we can’t watch tv or even put headphones in because the bass and vibration everyday, asking to stop we get told no, and music up louder. we’ve been reporting it on 5 months and nothing gets done. Shows how shocking the people are to resolve the issues. I understand if it was once a week or twice sometimes for a few hours but this goes on 10 hours straight sometimes.
Try having mine - 19-Mar-21 @ 4:13 PM
I'm sitting in my flat now and whilst my block is quiet, I can hear from the opposite block a very repetitive "duff, duff, duff". They do it every other week or so, windows open and blasting it as loud as they can. Usually involves hideous out of tune screaming along as well.
I can't stand it. I can feel my nerves shredding as I listen to it. Some people shouldn't be allowed to live near others.
Sickofthenoise - 26-Feb-21 @ 10:24 PM
I'm sick to death of my neighbour he invites his drunken so called mates over and all I can hear is base thud thud then they turn it up even more and I can hear the lyrics to whatever song they decide to play and then because it's so loud they are yelling at each other and laughing loudly and even attempting to sing. Well I've had enough as it goes on past 11 pm some days. We live in a terraced house and he and his scummy drunken mates think it's acceptable to play their tripe at what ever time they want. Police have been due to lockdown breach but they constantly say he is in their support bubble but he has a family at home and their is 2 of them living in the house. I just need to rant as I'm going mad
Fedupangry - 3-Dec-20 @ 5:25 PM
I don't understand people who blast their music to cause a nuisance. They don't seem to grasp that other people aren't interested in their music. I have a neighbour like that and I honestly think he's a psycho.
MissLittleMaple - 25-Nov-20 @ 10:48 PM
The funny thing is I do think people and neighbours should be civil but at the same time due to a lack of communication and people having little man/ woman syndrome people think they can control other peoples lives , has no one heard of the human rights act article 8? The right to expression? I’ve saw a lot of comments about lockdown and people should realize music can help with depression and other stuff people may have. So maybe some of the absolute control freaks on this page should take a look in the mirror before calling people selfish and snitches like rats. Just my opinion though.
Little John - 17-Sep-20 @ 12:06 AM
Hate these people that feel the need to play loud music with so much bass. When I can hear it through closed windows and doors then it's way too loud. I can't even see who it is (could be my apartment block or the adjacent apartment block building) so cannot do anything. Everyone has the right of peace in their own home at any given time. I'm robbed of that every evening by some inconsiderate people who feel it's ok to be this loud. I feel sorry for the people who live either above, below or next to where the noise is coming from as their life must be hell.
Be Quiet - 10-Sep-20 @ 6:48 PM
My neighbour has a full blown reggae sound system!It must be a 5 k rig. He loves to turn it up in a block of flats whilst howling into a microphone. “Big up all my neighbours”. Council and police have done nothing
Marie - 30-Aug-20 @ 11:59 AM
Hello, me and my partner live in a block of 4 flats we are downstairs opposite a lovely lady that says she never heard our music. Now the occupants upstairs have started complaining. I don't understand how they hear it and 1 dosnt. We only ever play our music in the afternoon ie when I clean or if we're sat in the garden. Always turn it off around 8pm. What can we do?
Towens20062 - 12-May-20 @ 3:53 PM
I am having a major noise problem with a neighbour. Every few days he sets up speakers, a microphone, sound system and a laptop for his son to stand on the front yard with a guitar and wail for up to an hour. The noise is so loud we can’t even hear our tv, and our cats are absolutely terrified. I have contacted the Environmental Health and they are sending him a letter because they have agreed that it is unacceptable and a breach of the peace. We are trying to sell our house but with the lockdown currently in place we are trapped in this hell, and we dread getting up every single day. How can anyone be so selfish? It’s bad enough we can’t go out but with this noise it’s beyond unbearable.
Red Devil - 17-Apr-20 @ 11:59 PM
currently working from home due tolock down and My neighbour our playing at his balcony which openin the the grass.. with his toddler but has his music blaring. Surely we should be trying to live together peacefully just now, think of others during this time.
I can feel the vibrations in my walls... he’s ground and I am 3rd floor.I don’t like Confrontation.. what best to get the music turned down?
Hadenough - 7-Apr-20 @ 12:12 PM
I have a neighbor who was 101 and she sadly passed there has never been any issues, after he mother passed and let me inform you the woman didn't even have the chance to get cold yet she started clearing everything out of her house and try selling it on her own BEFORE HER BURIAL! We were renting at the time and saw the house up for sale well she came trotting over one day with her usual snooty behavior "Oh my cousin is the score keeper for the Jets" Okay and what's that mean for you? You are his cousin not his wife fool you are NOTHING! Any ways everything has been perfect before this woman's passing and now after she came over "curious" to if we wanted to leave our rental place and buy hers and at this point we kind of weighing the pros and cons because it did have a little nicer garage and wrap around drive way port. She told us all the work the house needed done and I was thinking in my head I'm good on that house too many issues, well then she asked how much we paid for our house. I told her and she stated she wanted $100,000 more than what we were going to pay it took everything I had not to laugh in her face! We ended up closing on our house a few weeks later and she came over again and asked about us purchasing it from her we stated we just bought our house and she has since been being if ignorant. Our land was surveyed when the previous owner our friend bought the house in 2018 and everything was squared up and since she is selling it she had it surveyed and it now comes into our fence line by three feet. I don't know what to do, but I will be that neighbor she wished she never messed with! I'm going to start mowing my lawn at 7 am everyday, I'm going to get several coops of roosters and put them right on the property line and when she has people looking at the house play the most annoying music I can, I'm a stay at home Mother so I have a few extra minutes to come up with some creative ideas! She thinks she is so ingenious I've dealt with a person just like her for 31 years so I know how to make someone's skin crawl if need be! Any more ideas would help ??
Lee - 2-Mar-20 @ 5:14 AM
Why does my neighbour play such bassy music as soon as i get home from work. I have tried being polite and asking him to turn it down but he just laughs at me. I want to smash his face in but he is an old man listening to dance and trance music. His son has also started coming around on dole days to smoke weed and play loud music as well. I have made official complaints but nothing seems to matter. Just getting so angry all the time its not fair.
ANIMAL - 18-Oct-19 @ 5:40 PM
My neighbours are complaining about my music. I am hardly home.
Missy - 30-Jul-18 @ 10:27 PM
Wessie - Your Question:
We live next door to what was a Tea Room, and since Christmas is now a Restaurant/Pub. We pre-date this by 60 years! Last week-end for the whole two days we had music in his garden.The owner has just informed us that he intends putting speakers in the garden,but they will be placed strategically to avoid excessive noise.Is he allowed to do this in a residential area? If he is, is he limited to the number of hours in the day. Last weekend it was from 10 a.m to 10 pm. Is there anything that we can do?
Our Response:
Check with your local council to see what music licence they have and what is allowed in your area. If the noise is excessive, your complaints will be heeded by the environmental health department who may take action.
ProblemNeighbours - 22-Jun-17 @ 12:00 PM
We live next door to what was a Tea Room, and since Christmas is now a Restaurant/Pub.We pre-date this by 60 years!
Last week-end for the whole two days we had music in his garden.
The owner has just informed us that he intends putting speakers in the garden,but they will be placed strategically to avoid excessive noise.
Is he allowed to do this in a residential area?If he is, is he limited to the number of hours in the day.Last weekend it was from 10 a.m to 10 pm.
Is there anything that we can do?
Wessie - 20-Jun-17 @ 11:18 AM
I would be interested in views.
We live in a converted block of flats where sound insularion is poor. The building dates from 1870.
We have a downstairs neighbour who complains very aggressively and at length over small sounds such as floorboards creaking, and in particular over any music we play. We've switched off the subwoofer and never play music louder than you can comfortably talk over. We have tried reasoning with them but to no avail.
It is making my partner miserable, who feels intimidated by the couple and feels she has to creep around avoiding making any noise. They never complain if they know that I'm at home.
We value our and our neighbours' rights and have never had such a problem before.
It is becoming bad enough that we are considering moving.
Any suggestions or advice?
Agvolant - 17-Jun-16 @ 11:59 AM
lala - Your Question:
I have just read the message what mandy has written (29th april 9.30am) and I am totally in awe with her situation as I thought I was the only one!! I was afraid to come forward with this complaint as I thought I would sound like a raving lunatic.I have also been having the exact same experience with my neighbours now with the same symptoms that has been escalating now over 5 additional problems associated now are - my neighbours listen to everything im planning and act up to ruin things for me and my family,i am stalked by her and other family members no matter where I go in my house for example when I do my housework I go into my kitchen.she follows.I open my back door to get some fresh air.she will open her back door and creeps around the back of my garden to spy on me (my dog is very anxious and runs/looks to the back of my garden).I have a bath and neighbours bathroom door will slam shut.I could go on.its literally EVERYTHING im doing she seems to try and control??I have spoken to her and she has blatently denied what im asking her about as if to say im making it up and her mother has responded in the same way(who is often there).I have a little boy who is 6 years old who now suffers with anxiety.often gets physically sick with worry as the atmosphere is often so tense you cant move for fear of causing her to kick off.thease kind of things include stomping around her house,her dogs barking at I assume us inside our house as their is no other reason for them to be barking.or plungeing her house into complete silence so quiet for sometimes hours until she feels I am paying attention to her drama??I am finding it very hard to keep mentally ontop of it all as its constant.she never lets up.why the hell should I live this way?? all I want to do is live a happy normal life without being provoked in my home.and the worst thing is the more I ignore the worse its getting its crazy.who are thease people and who the hell do they think they are??I have tried everything to resolve this but she will often play the victim.she has never worked and never leaves the house unattended and will often stare at me if I do see her out (very rarely)I feel she is obsessed with me and I feel watched wherever I go/whatever I do while I am indoors its awful.Have you had any other response to your write up mandy?? I would love to discuss with you your problem as I know what you are going through
Our Response:
We can't see Mandy's post anywhere?
ProblemNeighbours - 29-Apr-16 @ 12:15 PM
I have just read the message what mandy has written (29th april 9.30am) and I am totally in awe with her situation as I thought I was the only one!! I was afraid to come forward with this complaint as I thought I would sound like a raving lunatic.
I have also been having the exact same experience with my neighbours now with the same symptoms that has been escalating now over 5 additional problems associated now are - my neighbours listen to everything im planning and act up to ruin things for me and my family,i am stalked by her and other family members no matter where I go in my house for example when I do my housework I go into my kitchen....she follows...I open my back door to get some fresh air...she will open her back door and creeps around the back of my garden to spy on me (my dog is very anxious and runs/looks to the back of my garden)...I have a bath and neighbours bathroom door will slam shut.....I could go on...its literally EVERYTHING im doing she seems to try and control??
I have spoken to her and she has blatently denied what im asking her about as if to say im making it up and her mother has responded in the same way(who is often there)....I have a little boy who is 6 years old who now suffers with anxiety...often gets physically sick with worry as the atmosphere is often so tense you cant move for fear of causing her to kick off...thease kind of things include stomping around her house,her dogs barking at I assume us inside our house as their is no other reason for them to be barking...or plungeing her house into complete silence so quiet for sometimes hours until she feels I am paying attention to her drama??
I am finding it very hard to keep mentally ontop of it all as its constant....she never lets up....why the hell should I live this way?? all I want to do is live a happy normal life without being provoked in my home...and the worst thing is the more I ignore the worse its getting its crazy.....who are thease people and who the hell do they think they are??
I have tried everything to resolve this but she will often play the victim...she has never worked and never leaves the house unattended and will often stare at me if I do see her out (very rarely)
I feel she is obsessed with me and I feel watched wherever I go/whatever I do while I am indoors its awful.
Have you had any other response to your write up mandy?? I would love to discuss with you your problem as I know what you are going through
lala - 28-Apr-16 @ 8:21 AM
lovethyneighbour - Your Question:
I live in a dead-end where the single access lane is owned by an elderly neighbour, she has let the lane deteriorate to worse than any country lane you may come across, with marshy central part and craters either side that allow the build up of water and leaves. I go out there to sweep leaves and occasionally put gravel down, she objects to this and purposely scatters the leaves everywhere, and when clumped together and frozen are dangerous. She now has CCTV to capture me attending to the lane and has had a Solicitor write to me telling me to stop, surely I'm aloud to (for my own safety and others) keep the lane safe and tidy.
Our Response:
What are the terms of your deeds? If the lane is for access, there may be some conditions about keeping the access open and who is responsible for maintaining it etc. You may want to seek the help of a solicitor yourself if this causes damage to you or your vehicle.
ProblemNeighbours - 23-Feb-16 @ 12:10 PM
I live in a dead-end where the single access lane is owned by an elderly neighbour, she has let the lane deteriorate to worse than any country lane you may come across, with marshy central part and craters either side that allow the build up of water and leaves. I go out there to sweep leaves and occasionally put gravel down, she objects to this and purposely scatters the leaves everywhere, and when clumped together and frozen are dangerous. She now has CCTV to capture me attending to the lane and has had a Solicitor write to me telling me to stop, surely I'm aloud to (for my own safety and others) keep the lane safe and tidy.
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